My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 3-Figuring things out

Later that very next morning; Eve could be seen shifting back and forth a little, starting to wake up.


She then slowly started to open her eyes, thankfully avoiding any bright lights thanks to her curtains and took a minute before fully waking up properly.


Eve then used both arms to lift herself up before repositioning herself so that she was now sitting on the bed rather than laying down on it.


Looking around the room Eve sighed, realising that it really wasn’t a dream and everything that had happened really did happen.


Eve then lifted her knees and wrapped her arms around them while resting her head on top of them, trying to decide how exactly she felt about the situation now that she was in a stable state of mind.


On one hand, she had a kind of freedom that she never had before but on the other, was this really going to work out? With her lacking a ton of experience only knowing a bit about sex thanks to porn and masturbation.


After less than a minute of contemplating however, Eve remembered something.


“That’s right, I’m a girl now” she said with a shocked voice, realising that even when it came to masturbation she was lacking in even that now thanks to her gender swap.


She then had a crazy thought before lifting her head up and resting her legs back down onto the bed.


She then looked down to where her penis had been less than 24 hours ago before leaning back and supporting herself with one hand and moving the other down towards it.


She hesitated for just a moment before slowly slipping her hand down towards the top of her skirt before slowly moving further down. with her heart racing as she did so, making her feel as if she was doing something that she really wasn’t supposed to.


Eventually, after continuing to lower her hand, Eve felt her fingers push past both her skirt and panty fabric and eventually reached the skin, she then continued to lower it more and more, feeling a nice and smooth part of her body before finally reaching it.


It was then that she felt something odd, feeling what seemed to be multiple fleshy, folds before moving further down and pushing her fingers in a bit deeper.




Eve then let out a slight moan, not because it felt particularly good or that she was even aroused in the first place but because it felt strange and still wasn’t used to that feeling yet, quickly pulling her hand back out, unable to continue. With her heart racing and adrenaline spiking.


She then raised her hand up and looked at it. Noting that her fingers felt somewhat cold while inside but it wasn’t horrible, willing to give it another try at a later date.



After coming to terms with her new life and identity Eve then got up from her bed and walked over towards the kitchen.


She then rummaged through the cupboards before finally finding what looked to be this world's brand of coffee.


She then looked around a little more before finding the sugar and milk and after mixing it all together manually, made a pretty strong cup of coffee to help her get through the day. Though she wasn’t one hundred percent sure how exactly she was going to spend it.


She was given the goal to sleep around with people in order to collect their powers and grow stronger but Eve wasn’t entirely sure of how to go about it, unsure of how to both find people with different powers and then also get them to sleep with her.


After thinking about it for a moment Eve sighed, knowing that she shouldn’t stress herself out by trying to figure everything out all at once since that strange woman never really did give her a time limit, deciding to slowly learn more about how this world works as well as her surroundings.


While thinking this however, Eve remembered the device given to her by the unknown woman, remembering that she said it could answer any future questions she had.


Eve then went looking for her phone, realising it wasn’t on her after waking up. It was then that she retraced her steps before eventually finding her phone on the floor next to her bed, realising that she must have dropped it.


She then turned it on and saw a vaguely familiar message




After seeing this she then tapped on the message before being taken to that same app she was on earlier. It was then that she found herself on the app's homepage before noticing a red 1 on the top right-hand corner.


She then clicked onto it before being shown what seemed to be a message. Realising it was from that woman, Eve started to read it.




Hey Eve! I’m writing you this little letter here to help guide you since I wasn’t able to fully explain everything to you earlier.


Right now you’re probably in your apartment since I set it so that you’d be able to see this message once you finally managed to get there.




Eve grunted a little after reading that, now remembering all the hell she went through trying to find the place and realising she could have easily just sent her here from the start instead of a random street in a city that she had never been to before.


Eve then continued to read the message.




Now then, moving on from that I guess I should probably explain this thing's full capabilities, just in case you needed help down the road but due to incompetence or for some other reason, couldn’t find it on your own.


Capability Number 1: this phone can never break or run out of charge. I know that I told you this earlier but I'm repeating myself just in case.


Capability Number 2: this phone can do anything the most current phones on the market can do with it automatically updating as each new version releases.


Capability Number 3: It has access to all of your (Eve’s) information this includes things like interests, history, relationships and more with it updating each time something about you changes. You’ve already seen the basic sheet of information on you as well as your most recent address but you can also go into much more depth and learn things about yourself that you didn’t even consciously know.


Capability Number 4: You can use it to do a background check on anyone, provided that you already know their first and last name, nicknames don’t count but legally changed ones do.


Capability Number 5: With it, you can also find out more about different powers and how they can potentially evolve in the future


Capability Number 6: has access to the city's complete history as well as the world's concepts including months, dates, Laws, special occasions and even the legal drinking age. the answer might shock you.


Capability Number 7: now with those six out of the way it’s time to move onto the final one, unfortunately for you however, it’s locked until the phone itself deems you worthy and decides to give you access. So until then, good luck and try your best!


Now with that out of the way. it’s probably for the best that you take it easy and get used to your new body and surroundings before rushing into this, don’t do too much at once and take your time! There’s no time limit on this so just relax and enjoy yourself.


Having said that though, don’t be stupid and think things through, your vessel didn’t have much of a life before you took over so you should probably be fine but in your permanent records, it says you’re a category 0, someone who’s powerless so don’t reveal your powers unless you're 100% sure that you can trust them or that it’s at the very least worth it.




After reading the capabilities of the phone and deciding to take her advice, Eve continued to scroll before coming across what seemed to be the last part of the message




Also! I’ve taken the liberty of adding a few links down below to help you find at the very least the basics of what you need to know. I’ve also added a few bonuses myself, So you better appreciate them!




She then scrolled through the links seeing that they lead to various pages on the app with most of them being about the cities history and laws as well as Eve's daily life and financial details. She then saw a link labelled “bonus” and after clicking on it she saw something that caused her heart to sink for just a moment.


[Bank Balance]: 103,564 Credits


She then scrolled down further seeing that her most recent transaction was for 100,000 Credits. Which had been sent a little earlier than the original message itself. With it being titled “Try not to blow it!”


And with that, the strange woman’s message ended with Eve still not knowing anything about her except for the fact that she looked like her. She didn’t even know her name.


It was then however that she saw something attached to the transaction, saying that the Donor had been someone labelled M.


It was then that Eve felt a slight warmness in her heart, being incredibly thankful towards the person who she now knew as M, deciding that she was now going to try her best to reach the Goal given to her by this mysterious woman.

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