My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 4-Research and Relaxation

After multiple days passing by since originally being transported to this world by M, Eve could be seen studying the laws and concepts of the world.


Learning that the city she now resides in is named New Genesis and that she belongs to one of nine Wards ruled by eight different monarchs and the royal family.


And while some of their concepts were different from her original world’s. Such as dates, holidays, addresses etc others were very similar e.g. the fact that birthdays were also celebrated once a year and that money was around the same value as Eve’s original country, with 3 credits being enough to buy a cheap drink at a grocery store.


She also looked into the Cities Laws, with most of them being similar to her world’s as in do a bad thing, get punished. Though this world's punishments seemed more severe on average with cases such as domestic violence against someone of equal footing resulting in 10-20 years with some extreme cases where powers were involved ending up in the abuser's execution.


So if someone who wasn’t a high ranking member of society was to physically hurt their partner who was either a similar rank or even higher than them. They’d then be punished big time, even with little evidence which Eve thought was a bit unfair since if the abuser was a higher ranking member of society like a monarch or government official, they’d basically get away with it, no questions asked. 


Which would be one thing if they did it in secret and it was hidden from the public but according to news sources and past documents this thing tends to happen both openly and regularly which makes the whole thing much, much worse, at least in Eve’s opinion since no one seems to care unless personally affected.


It was honestly weird to Eve how similar their worlds were but also how different they were at the same time. it was almost as if they just never came to the same conclusions involving right or wrong as her world did which was also kind of weird to think about since their punishments were much harsher on average but corruption was also much more open and common it seems.


Another thing Eve couldn’t really agree with was adulthood and everything surrounding it. Since according to the laws of this world; people became adults at the age of fifteen where they’d then choose a business course and spend the next five years doing that until eventually being put into the workforce.


Though there were a few exceptions. Due to there being lesser jobs that didn’t require a high level of education.


Another thing that was different was the legal age of Marriage, consent and drinking with them all requiring the age of fourteen to do any of it which also didn’t sit well with Eve since even though mentally she too was underage (at least in her world) just knowing that there were probably old and rich perverts taking advantage of these laws didn’t sit well with her.


She couldn’t really argue with those laws though. since she currently had no standing whatsoever and thought that it was best to probably keep it to herself since she not only didn’t see any advantage to it but also thought that messing with this world's judgement on what was right or wrong and forcing her beliefs on everyone was wrong in itself since she herself is from another world and had no right.


Though that didn’t mean she’d hold her tongue if she thought she could do something for someone who was asking for help since that’s just who she was. If someone asked for her help and she agreed with them, she’d try her best to do so.



Eve then continued to study for a few more hours that day and after reaching a certain point, started to get a little hungry and went to check the fridge.


She then got up off from the couch and walked over towards her kitchen before heading towards her fridge and opening it, feeling a nice, cool breeze as she did so.


After opening it however, Eve saw that there was next to nothing left. Seeing that there were only a few different food toppings as well as what looked to be a jar of pickles.


Eve sighed at this, not really liking pickles in the first place and knowing that the toppings wouldn’t be enough by themselves either.


She then checked the freezer and came across a similar result with nothing but an ice tray sitting in the back left corner.


Eve then closed her fridge before standing up straight once again and heading towards her cupboards, wondering if there were any noodles left that she could quickly boil. After searching for a few minutes however, she soon realised that it was hopeless, she was all out of food.


It was then that mixed emotions flooded her brain. On one hand, she finally had a reason to go out and explore her new surroundings properly, but on the other hand, a thought that she’d somehow mess it up kept grabbing at the back of her mind, causing her to hesitate.


After continuously changing her mind from going to staying however, a sudden sound both shocked her and also made her realise something important that she had missed.




After hearing her stomach growling due to hunger, Eve finally made up her mind, realising that she couldn’t just stay locked up in there and starve. 


So after finding both her bag and key Card, Eve walked over towards the front door before heading out and locking it behind her, ready to finally take the next step.

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