My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 5-Shopping Trouble

Later that evening, after leaving her apartment, Eve could be seen heading towards a shop she had found online and as she got closer she saw the storefront label “Fresh and Affordable”


Eve then sighed with a sense of relief since it only took about five minutes to walk from her place to there and at a reasonable pace too with her not having nearly as much trouble as she did last time. Mainly due to her now being more familiar with the town's layout though.


She then walked to the store's front entrance before walking through the sliding door.



After almost an hour's worth of searching through the stores stocked goods, Eve had finally managed to grab everything she needed.


The reason it took so long however wasn’t because of the quantity instead Eve was just looking around, trying to memorise a small list of items she could regularly get with little to no hassle.


She ended up walking away with two loaves of bread, four packs of instant noodles, fifteen slices of ham, two coffee packs, two 2 litre milk bottles and a small bag worth of apples.


Eve knew that these weren’t the most balanced list of food items but for now, she was just focused on the things that were cheap and easy to prepare, deciding to instead allocate a day to both research and shop for better food later on.


And after paying for it all she then walked out of the store and headed towards her apartment.


While on her way home Eve couldn’t help but think about how well things were going. Not only had she successfully managed to go out in public and shop by herself (which in hindsight was actually a pretty simple task) she also hadn’t run into any problems the last few days that she had been here. This wasn’t really surprising though since after researching her profile for a bit it was clear that she was a loner. Having no friends or family listed on her main relationship page, though she did have a few labelled acquaintances and her overall family situation was labelled complex.


The family thing however caused her a bit of worry and decided not to dig any deeper into it since due to her past life’s experiences she didn’t really want to get involved in that sort of thing and decided to push it under the rug for now.


She didn’t care if they were dead or just disowned her, Eve just wanted to complete her mission and live out her new life relatively peacefully.


Though while on that subject, Eve couldn’t help but think about the future and worry, not because she had no idea what M was planning and was worried about her goals, Eve had no interest in that. But rather, she was afraid of the steps needed to get to that stage.


She knew that she had to ingest their “Love Juices” to gain their powers and get stronger but Eve couldn’t help but feel nervous since she not only hadn’t had sex at least once in her life but now she’s also lost all of her experience with her body as well.


Eve then thought about the only time she had touched herself while as a girl and remembered that feeling, her fingers were cold and it felt like they were much deeper than they actually were and even though she didn’t completely dislike it, she knew she’d have to do better if she actually wanted any girl to cum.


Though she had quite a bit of experience handling a penis, that didn’t really make her happy since she knew that if she got into a sexual encounter with someone who had a dick she’d most likely be pressured into doing more than just a hand job, which kind of scared her since even her own fingers felt alien to her let alone having a big meat rod shoved up inside of her.


Eve then sighed, starting to feel the full weight of the task she’d been given when suddenly her moment of self-pity was put to a halt after hearing a noise coming from the alley just up ahead.


*Bang* *Crash* *Cries*




After hearing multiple loud bangs and later the sound of someone crying, Eve immediately picked up the pace to see what was going on feeling her adrenaline spike a little as she did so.


Eve then made it to the alley and immediately turned the corner, heading towards the source of the noise and after doing so paused instantly, being a little fearful of the situation in front of her.


There Eve stood, watching in shock as two women in full black clothing picked on a girl at least a head shorter than both of them with Eve also noticing the bullied girl holding her arm as if broken.


As she continued to watch the two yell at the girl in loud and unclear voices, Eve felt her knees buckle and her voice disappear, her breathing also became erratic. She was scared; knowing that it would only lead to trouble if she interfered.


She then went to walk away before hearing a voice call out to her, causing her to stop and turn around once again, facing both the victim and her attackers.


“PLEASE! HELP ME!” The girl called out, sounding desperate and in pain.


“Haaaa” Eve couldn’t help but sigh after hearing that, knowing she couldn’t just ignore her after being called out to.


Eve then placed both of her shopping bags up against the alley wall next to her before holding her head up high and walking over towards the three, trying to make her seem more confident than she really was, hoping it would deter them from fighting.


As she got closer however she soon realised she was off to a bad start. Both of them were massive and built like professional bodybuilders, they didn’t look like they were the slightest bit worried.


The girl on the left was a little bigger than the other one and was built like a truck, honestly if you removed the breasts and a few other feminine features you could probably mistake her for a professional male wrestler. she also had dark tanned skin with short black hair and Orange eyes, with a scar over her right eyebrow.


The girl on the right however had a slightly smaller build but was no less intimidating with a scary look that could make anyone freeze up. She also had long red hair that she tied up in a ponytail as well as a similar shade of red in her eyes.


Eve wasn’t sure how strong their powers were exactly but even if they didn’t have any it wouldn’t matter, she’d still lose a hundred out of a hundred fights they had without any chance of winning.


“The fuck do you want?” The woman on the left asked, sounding a little pissed but also a little reserved at the same time, probably because she had no idea what Eve was capable of yet.


Eve then looked up to the monster in front of her. (Seriously what the hell are they feeding these people?) She thought to herself genuinely shocked at the height gap.


When she first saw the situation she thought that they were a little taller than her and that the girl being attacked was shorter than her but that wasn’t the case at all. In reality, the girl being bullied was a little taller than Eve herself by at least a few centre meters while her attackers were likely close to or maybe even past 6ft 5 which wasn’t impossible for a girl to reach in her old world but it was extremely rare yet on her fourth day here she’s already encountered two Titans.


She then spoke “u-um I-I-I….” She then froze after stuttering too much, looking down a little as she did so.


However, after quickly realising that things would get much worse for her if they thought she was a coward, Eve took a large gulp before lifting her head and speaking once again.


“I don’t know what this is about and I don’t really care. But I would appreciate it if you left each other alone” she said with both courage and determination.


Unfortunately for Eve however it was too late, they already got an idea of the kind of person she really was.


“Oh yeah, and why should we listen to you?” The one on the right asked in a mocking tone, accompanied by a large grin.


*Gulp* realising she already dug herself in too deep, Eve decided to keep going along with the tough guy act, hoping it might do something for her


“If you don’t stop then… I’ll be forced to get serious!” She replied while on the verge of shouting.


After hearing this and exchanging looks with each other the two then fully focused their attention on Eve taking what she said as a threat.


“You must be pretty confident in your ability if you’re willing to talk to us like that are you a category 4?” The one on the left asked.


“I’m actually just a category 3 but I’m also a pretty high ranking member of a law firm. So I’m only asking one more time to leave her alone and walk away before things get worse” Eve responded, coming up with a lie that was at least a little more believable since category 4’s are very rare around here.


The girl on the left then responded in silence while looking unimpressed. She then however, decided to speak “then there’s no chance of you beating us” she said before completely turning to face her and cracking her fingers.


“W-wait I don’t want to fight you, why do you think I mentioned my higher status? It’s so that we can avoid anything physical!” Eve said frantically, desperate to avoid a fight.


“Well I don’t know about all that but it sounds like we’re on the same level” 


(!? Was she also a lawyer?) Eve thought to herself, failing to realise the fact that it didn’t matter even if she was one or not since she wasn’t one herself.


While thinking about what she just said however a thought then came to her mind before immediately being replaced by a different, more violent one.














Eve was then grabbed by the collar of her shirt and slammed against a wall, back first.


“W-Wait Stop!”


“Not until I teach you a lesson” she said before raising her left fist, it was then that she saw it emit green light as if it was charging.


“Hang on a minute! We can sort this out, I have money!”


“Too late we’d be done by now if you hadn’t interfered” she said before finishing her powering upstage and swinging her fist.




Eve then closed her eyes and brought both her hands up to help cover her face, waiting to feel the devastating impact before hearing a loud bang.


“Huh?” She then opened her eyes and looked to her left seeing her large fist having landed on the wall beside her, causing the building to crack a considerable amount.


The woman holding Eve up then retracted her hand revealing a fist-sized hole in the wall before throwing Eve to the side and speaking once again.


“Now piss off before I decide to actually hit you!” She said before turning her back on Eve and redirecting her attention back to the girl from before.


Eve was stunned after witnessing this, though part of it was from being in shock due to her life flashing before her eyes.


“Wait that’s it? I thought you were gonna teach me a lesson!?” Eve called out, still a little confused.


“Yeah and I did, it’s clear as day that you can’t fight for shit and were just butting in because you felt morally obligated” she responded without turning around once


“Huh?” Eve couldn’t believe what she had just heard, usually, when something like this happens the thugs attacking are just random assholes who love violence but this clearly wasn’t the case.


Eve then watched as the two continued their assault on the other woman and all she could think about at the time was (Maybe she deserved it?) but even while thinking that in the back of her mind a part of her still thought that this was a bit much and now knowing that they weren’t completely unreasonable maybe she can still do something.


Eve then stood up and called out to them “WAIT!” She had said, being both loud and full of determination, causing them both to turn around


“Wha—!!!” The bigger one said before being pushed down to the ground face-first by an unknown force with the other one soon following her friend's lead.




before Eve could properly register what had happened however, a figure appeared from behind her with her arm stretched out in front of her, It was then that Eve realised what just happened. This girl must have the power of telekinesis or something similar.


She then turned to get a proper look seeing that she was dressed in a futuristic suit that resembled both a swat team member and knight's outfit with it also coming with a mask that completely covered the person's face.


The person then looked over towards Eve before speaking.


“Who are you?”

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