My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 6-The way the world works

After being saved by the strange woman dressed in what looked to be some kind of advanced riot gear, Eve couldn’t help but stare in awe noticing how cool she looked, To her, it looked like something from a comic book, however, her illusion was soon broken after hearing her speak.


“Who are you?” The woman in armor said while still keeping her hand in the same position and looking down towards Eve, looking for some sort of explanation.


“Ah…” Eve stuttered out, now realising that she couldn’t stay silent while staring.


“My names Eve” she responded, this time with more confidence


The woman continued to stare at her before speaking once again.


“Well then, Eve, Mind telling me what you’re doing down there on the floor?”


After hearing this question Eve immediately stood up and replied while doing so.


“R-Right umm…. I came into this alley after hearing someone crying and calling for help so I ran in and tried to stop them”


“…I see” the woman said, taking a moment of silence before continuing her questioning.


“Who created the hole in the wall then? Was it you?”


Noticing the atmosphere suddenly turn a bit tense after hearing her question, Eve couldn’t help but sweat a little before calming down and answering her question.


“Ah.. no, that was them, I don’t have an ability that would let me do something like that”


“Can I see some ID then?” The woman asked, seeming a little suspicious of Eve


“Ahhh, yeah sure” Eve said, being a little shocked that she suspected her while grabbing it out from her front right pocket. 


“Here” Eve said while handing it to her


The woman then gave it a good look before responding.


“Hmm, category 0 Huh? haven’t run into many of you”


“O-Oh really?”Eve asked, still a little nervous.


“Well Yeah, usually they avoid situations like this and spend most of their time inside”


“I see” Eve meekly responded, realising how odd this situation made her seem.


The woman then handed Eve back her ID before speaking once again “Okay then I guess you’re in the clear. Just make sure you avoid things like this from now on or you’ll probably get yourself killed over nothing”


After listening to what Eve assumed to be this world's version of law enforcement had to say, she couldn’t help but voice her opinion after hearing that last part.


“Well I wouldn’t say it was nothing since they’ve clearly broken that girl's arm and probably would’ve done more if I hadn’t shown up”


The officer then stared at Eve for a good minute before responding “I think you’re a little confused though I’m not arresting them for the girl she’s just something extra I have to report


“…Pardon? What do you mean? What are you arresting them for if not for clearly assaulting that girl” Eve asked both confused and a little angry.


“Simple, destruction of private property”


Eve couldn’t believe what she was hearing since after researching the law herself she was sure that the law was similar to her old world's if not harsher. But after looking back on it for a moment she came to a somewhat scary realisation but was cut off before she could voice her thought by the cop in front of her.


“I guess you must have spent most of your time in a mansion or something if you’re this clueless but try to remember for future you’s sake. Don’t mess with someone higher up the food chain or you’re looking to get hurt”


After hearing the cop's advice it was then that Eve’s theory was confirmed, by higher status they didn’t mean it in her worlds definition of wealth and status but instead they meant actual fighting strength, with categories being a way to figure out who stood at the top and who was at the bottom.


But if this was the case that meant almost anyone could walk up to her and force her to do almost anything they wanted with seemingly no consequences which made Eve's blood run cold after coming to this conclusion.


And after seeming to pick up on this the woman spoke once again “I’m glad you understand, you can leave now… and stay safe” she said, while hesitating towards the end.


After hearing the officer's kind response Eve followed her request and left, grabbing her things and heading straight home.



After getting home later that evening, Eve could be seen on her phone, desperately signing up for a popular hookup app called “Meet Me” and while the name was pretty simple it had millions of active members meaning it was Eve’s best chance at finding regular people to sleep with.


Now even though this wasn’t what Eve was planning to do today, having had originally planned to continue researching the city. It was as clear as day to Eve that, that was no longer her number one priority. Realising that in her current state she was just a small innocent bunny in a city filled with wolves.


It was scary to think that the only thing's that kept people from attacking and making a slave out of her were a mix of her category being anonymous and people's morality keeping them from outright abusing the system.


Eve realised she couldn’t stay a category 0 forever, no matter how much her insecurities and nervousness had previously prevented her from moving up the ranking.


Now realising that she had no choice but to get busy, Eve had decided to sign up to a hookup app as soon as possible, thinking that it was the best way to discretely power up without wasting much money since she knew if she ran out of it she’d have no source of income and be completely screwed.


She then continued giving the details needed to make an account. Giving things like her name, interests and more. 


But the one piece of information that worried her the most was category level, since the way the app worked had made it so that you would select a category level then by default you’d only be paired with people from the same category.


There was also an option to remove that feature and be matched with any category, realising this, Eve decided to put herself as a level 1 and only be paired with them until she was certain she had enough power to move up.


Eve then finished putting in her details, choosing not to give too much away while also choosing a fake name as a precaution, deciding to call herself Alex since it was simple to remember for her.


And now with that part out of the way Eve decided to scroll through the app for potential partners, wanting to leave her current state of power as soon as possible.

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