My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

35 – Let’s try meeting some elves

~4 days later~

"Are you two fully recovered?"

"Yes, Shishou!" (Sasha)

"Sorry for making you worry. But we've made a complete recovery. There's no concern anymore, so if you want to pounce on us, feel free to…" (Stella)

"Yeah. It's clear you're better if you can talk like that. How about you, Yuki?"

"Darling, I am ready whenever you are. I could even follow you without legs if needed."

"That's scary. Ok."

We were finally ready to depart. It's been fun. But honestly I felt the spirits kinda got tired of me. Or more precise, they got tired of having to feed me. Obviously they didn't say anything though because of Remia.

"Edel, you and your friends are always welcomed here. If you ever decide to come back and visit, your access in Eternium shall be guaranteed." 

"Thanks Remia. I learned a lot from you. And I guess I also had fun. And since I suck at long goodbyes… it's time to go. Cya around."

And so, we departed.


Inside a dim light room a man wearing a purple robe with a hood over his head was writing at his desk. His face couldn't be seen due to the position of the candle. You could only see that his hands were covered in yellow scales. Shortly, another man entered the room.

"Pardon the intrusion, Gerome-sama. I have news to report."

"Shh. Give me a moment. I need complete concentration. Yes… yes… if I can perfect this last part my necromancy will evolve to the next level!"

The man waited patiently for Gerome to finish his scribbling. When Gerome put his quil down, he finally turned towards the man.

"So, what was it you wanted to say?"

"Our spies have confirmed it. It seems the elven princess, Harmonia R. Duskwood, is planning to act on her own. What's more, it is pretty much confirmed that she'll only bring a handful of people with her."

"Hahahaha. Such an idiot. You have to be a complete fool for that. But, I guess it's expected. Given her circumstances, she must be pretty desperate. She's just a brat. I guess we need to teach her a lesson."

A moment of pause. Gerome got up and looked outside the window. Complete darkness. Not even a single star could be seen in the sky.

"Take your squad and get them ready. We might have to alter our original plans. As soon as she makes her move, you guys have to be ready to make yours. 

If you can kill her, bring her to me. My magic can turn her into my obedient puppet. But if anything happens, make sure to at least chase her back in mommy's arms. There can be no connection to me."

"Understood. Although you seem rather cautious, my lord. Shall we expect some resistance?"

"Battles are won 99% with strategy and covering every possible scenario. However there's always that 1% which is left to change or unforeseen circumstances. It's better to cover all angles. Now go. Take our ice wizard Celsius with you."

"As you command."

After the man left, Gerome once again started laughing while looking at his candle.

"Hahahaha. I can feel it. The elven kingdom will be soon in my hands. I will drain all their lifeforce for my master. And then… the secret to immortal life shall be mine!! And my revenge towards those pointy ear bastards shall be complete. They will pay for what they did to me."


Our group was traveling on our Galleon's back, and going down the plains. We've been traveling for a few days after leaving Remia and the spirits. Various things had happened but putting that aside……

Since it had become midday, we took a break. We tied the mount to a tree.

Taking tools out from the luggage carrier, Sasha and Stella quickly made some food.

It was spirit-roasted jerky and vegetable soup. The meat was tough, but when it was thoroughly chewed, a taste with rusticity

seeped out. The vegetable soup was made with potatoes, onions, and carrots, so I ended up wanting curry powder. Even cream stew was fine.

I would occasionally yearn for the cuisine of my original world.

If I ever decide to settle down in one place, it might be good to try out cooking.

Before, I had once tried using eggs, vinegar, olive oil, and salt to make mayonaise at an inn. That was really good.

However, now that I think about it, that might have just been good luck. The hen eggs that were circulated in Japan had their hygiene thoroughly managed. There was a high possibility that salmonella would stick onto hen eggs that were in a close to natural state. There was no guarantee that it would be the same in another world but……

Raw eggs not being eaten in foreign countries was for that reason.

"Darling, according to the map it should take us just another day or two until we reach the forest of the elves from our current location."

Was about time. I hope the elves have proper beds. Flowers, leaves and hamacs might be comfortable, but they can't beat a true bed. I miss sleeping in one. After our meal, though, our mount started to become a bit agitated. And both the tiger lolis ears were flapping as if trying to detect something.

"Shishou, there is a reaction of a living creature……It is large." (Sasha)

"Hou?……Is it a monster!?" 

I got up from the ground. Their senses have sharpened so it's naturally to follow their warning.

"Since it is large, does that mean we're not dealing with elves?"

"Eto… There are several responses──There seem to be people of the elven race as well,

but there is a much larger size response…… It's a clash of some sort and if it remains at its current speed,

we will make contact in thirty seconds." (Stella)

Yare yare. Seems like another troublesome situation is heading my way. Oh well. If the elves are in trouble maybe it wouldn't hurt to get on their good side. That way they might shower me with their most valuable dishes.

"……Are they there?" (Yuki)

"There’s no mistake that they’re there but……"

*Hyuu!* Something flew out from the forest, and it almost grazed my Galleon. It was an arrow.

"Wahー……Looks like they’re welcoming us." (Yuki)

"No. That arrow wasn't meant for us. It's…" (Sasha)

"Please get out of the waaaaay!!" (???)

What the hell!? What came in my field of sight was…

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