My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

37 – This isn’t exactly the welcome party a fox deserves

Well, that takes care of that. I'm actually impressed how my lolis grew. They rapidly dashed from enemy to enemy slicing everyone to shreds. I kinda feel like a proud parent. But turning around now to the elf and bear girl. 

They were both shaking frantically. Lecia was on full guard so I can’t tell if she’s just cold or is actually scared of me. 


“Will you two relax? If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be dead already.”

The two of them eventually calmed down. We all once again gathered around each other. Naturally we waited for Sasha and Stella to wipe the blood off them. At least the majority of it.

“Allow me to formally express my gratitude. And also to introduce myself. I am princess Harmonia R. Duskwood. And the woman next to me…”

“I am Lecia Ironstone. I’m this child’s bodyguard.”

“Aww, Lecia, can’t you put it in a nicer way? I’m not a kid.”

“But you are. And my loyalty belonged to your father, not you.”

“Hmph! How rude.”

“Okay… I’m not interested in your relationship. My name is Edelweiss. These two are Sasha and Stella. And this is my sword, Yuki.”

“I’m her wife, to be more precise.” (Yuki)

What’s with that smug look on your face? Does it really give you an air of superiority to say that you’re my wife? Geez.

“Shishou… I sense another presence. Someone is coming." (Stella)


Is it another enemy? I kept my guard up just in case.

“Tsk. Looks like it didn’t work out.” (Lecia)

Before long, someone jumped down from the tree branches. They were Elves. Might I add many of them to begin with. All of themc arried bows on their backs, and they wore tight green clothes. Their looks were much too beautiful that they could be mistaken for women, but all of them were probably men.

"Princess!? I’m glad we made it in time. You mustn’t scare us like that."

The young man at the lead raised a surprised voice.

“Princess, who are these women? The one that resembles a fox crossbreed has such a pure mana aura around her.”

10 minutes later, Harmonia had finished explaining what happened.

“Oh. I understand. Allow me to express my deepest gratitude. I am Edolas, captain of the elven forces. Please, would you care to accompany us? I am sure the Queen would like to thank you in person.”

Is it just me or are these elves really in a rush? Their all sweaty and nervous? Is it because they ran all the way here to save the princess? Come to think of it, I still didn’t get an explanation on what was the princess doing here to begin with? Should I inquire about this later? I wouldn’t want to say something that would offend them. Maybe they will reward us with lots of delicious food.

One hour later──

Guided by the elite soldiers, we walked into the Duskwood Kingdom.


I involuntarily leaked out a voice of admiration. It was just that magnificent.

I read about this place but, as expected, actually seeing it with my own eyes, it was moving. There were gigantic trees that overwhelmed the other trees in the forest, and there was scaffolding around them. Countless thick branches were used liker ooms, and the Elves lived in them using the leaves as carpeting.

They played instruments, read books, and talked with each other……

At times they were hungry, when they stretched out their hands, fruits or berries would be growing there. They had fruits as their staple food. And naturally there were elves that hunted various wild animals. It’s said that their meat dishes are a form of art. Just thinking about it makes me want to drool.

It was a complete paradise. Yet despite this… something felt wrong.

“Darling… all these elves. It’s almost like…” (Yuki)

"Yeah. I noticed it too. Everyone looks like they’re depressed."

Their king passed away. I don’t know elven customs. For all I know they could be still mourning. But this atmosphere feels forced.

The elite Elves nodded. At our remarks.

"You’re not far from the truth, miss guest. Everyone is indeed feeling down…… With the death of His Majesty, it feels as though the flowers have lost their color, the instruments have lost their sound, and the butterflies have lost their wings. However, now that our princess is safe and sound, I am sure that everyone will regain their energy."

I took a glance at Harmonia. She looked the saddest out of all of them. And Lecia seemed angry if nothing else.

“Is the princess alright? Why was she traveling with so little guards?”

The elite spoke in choked voices.

"In, in regards to that matter, we will talk later on……Right now, let us go to the Queen."

"Kaa-san, is she well?" (Harmonia)

"You did scare her briefly. And with the death of His Majesty, the one who has been most dispirited is the Queen. Please cheer her up somehow."

"Understood.” (Harmonia)

This is not the welcome party I expected. Maybe seeing the Queen will change the situation. Harmonia walked towards an especially tall and huge tree. But when I tried to go the same way…

"Halt. Only Elves are allowed to walk past here──That is the law that God had decided upon in the era of legends."

“What the!? Hey, Legolas, what gives? I thought you said we could meet the Queen.”

“Who’s Legolas? My name is Edolas. I’m sorry. I did say you can meet the Queen, but entering the royal chambers is forbidden for outsiders unless they pass the test of strength, to prove themselves worthy before God.”

"A test of strength?"

"No. Wait a second." (Lecia)

The bear girl stepped in when the proposal for a test was made.

"Edolas-sama, she single handedly defeated Celsius. You know how dangerous that person is. A test of strength is not necessary for our guests. Moreover, I believe they will only damage the surroundings if they were to use their full power." (Lecia)

"Well, since you're the one that is saying this, Lecia… alright. Give me a second." (Edolas)

It seems that Edolas was trying to persuade the guards. They once again glanced over. Probably checking my mana again.

"A test of strength… is not necessary." (Guard)

"In that case, do not obstruct me. You are mere escorts. If you take foolish actions, then I might turn this land into a frozen ground!"

"Uugh…… you may proceed." (Guards)

Looks of fear rose to their faces. Unlike other dumb idiots at least these guys can assess the difference in strength. Compared to the stereotype of charging head in like a fool, these guys are wary, which is quite refreshing.

"Nee, Shishou, let's go. I've never been inside a tree before!" (Sasha)

"Umu. I always want to feel the inside of one." (Stella)

"Right. Then let's not waste anymore time. We're going."

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