My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

54 – Releasing the shackles

“[Hoarfrost Stomp]!”

Stomping my foot on the ground, I unleash chilling icicle stakes that were headed towards this doll. However, surprisingly enough she didn’t try dodging. This could normally skewer her to shreds. Instead my attack broke as if hitting an invisible wall.

“Hou? That’s a pretty nice trick.”

“It is not a trick. It is merely my ability.”

“Care to test it some more? How about something with a bit more penetration?”

I lifted my hand in the air and generated a spear. It was not your average spear as the sharpness was boosted to the maximum. 

“How about this thing? [Penetration Frost Lance]!”

Splitting wind apart and traveling with a tremendous speed this would be something that your average person can’t dodge. But even with this a few electric sparks were generated and the spell broke.

“You can even block penetration magic? That’s impressive.”

“Hey, Edel, stop admiring her! I told you, your ice magic won’t work on her because of her Elemental Stasis Field.” (Shamoa)

“Even if you shout at me like that, you really expect me to know what that means?”

“Elemental Stasis Field. I can generate a barrier around me. And I can block any known element. However I can only block one element at a time.”

“Huh? Are you sure it’s a good idea to reveal your secret?”

“It’s not a secret. Even if you were to possess multiple elements this would be ineffective. Revealing this will not change the result. I have calculated. You can’t win.”

“There’s more to a fight than just numbers. If I can’t freeze you, I’ll just slice you!”

I charged at her with Yuki. Again, her face showed a calm demeanor. I could spot that she also pulled out a weapon from some sort of pocket dimension. A rapier? I’ll slice right through that.

I swung down Yuki, which was then intercepted with her rapier. I must admit, for her to match my strike, she has a lot of power in that tiny body.

But the difference in skill between us was so great, I easily flicked her weapon away.

“Impressive. However my swordsmanship is unrestrained.” 

Her rapier, which was supposed to still be pushed back, repelled my follow up slash as if it had a will of its own. No, more than that…

“What the!?”

Her sword split into segments. It turned into a whip? This girl leaps into the air and performs multiple arched slashes in quick succession. 

“Don’t take me lightly. Rondo Stance: Cross Slash!”

The Nakajima style sword technique. This involves a lot of wrist muscle, as it performs high speed cross slashes. I used them to block her assault of arched attacks, but I was forced to step back.

“Fuu. That’s an interesting weapon you got there.”

“The whip rapier Rodier. Due to the sword's characteristics, only I can use it without cutting myself in the process. My body was made quite flexible to the point it reached a superhuman level. Using this, not only is my attack range longer than the average swordsman, but I can also perform attacks that bend and weave through my targets, slashing different areas or the same area multiple times.”

“Hahaha! You’re quite amusing and you remind me of an olympic gymnast. But the more you show off, the more my desire to own you will grow.”


Your brain appears to be damaged. So I will do this world a favor and turn it off for you.”

She raised her hand and chanted:

“[Bloody Thorns].”

From the sky, red thorns came down like raindrops trying to assault me. It’s like a shower of arrows. Dodging would indeed be difficult. But I didn’t intend to dodge.

“[Petal Shield]!”


Large explosions were generated once the thorns fell down. Some did leave small craters in the ground.


I was unharmed. I created an ice blossom akin to a shield. It successfully blocked all the damage. 

“Don’t look so surprised. I can’t use my ice against you, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it against your attacks. Raising an umbrella is only natural when it’s raining.”

“You are dangerous in more ways than others. I have finished my analysis. I will kill you with my next assault.”

“Aww, don’t say that. Well, I can see why you think you would be at an advantage. That just means I gotta take this a bit more serious too.”

“Unclear intent detected.”

“I’m going to clear it up for you.”

I turned my head around and faced Shamoa.

“Oi, Shamoa, can I take those off now? The fight would drag too long otherwise and I am not in the mood for it.”

For a second Shamoa tilted her head as if not understanding my question. In the next second all her fur stood up straight and her jaw dropped.

“Edel… don’t tell me you still have those on?”

“Well, duh! You never told me to take them off.”

“That was a given when our training was over!! Oof. I forgot how troublesome of a child you were. Yes. You can take them off.”


The Magitech Doll was curious what we were talking about so she didn’t make any moves. I took off my dress cuffs and my boots. Several bracelets were attached to my arms and legs. I took one off and dropped it on the floor. A tremendous sound was heard brusquely when it fell over. The floor of these ruins became fractured because of that bracelet.

“Eeh!?…That was a very heavy bracelet!! Shishou has been fighting all this time with those weights!?” (Sasha)

These were magically enhanced bracelets. They would constantly become heavier as time goes by. And although I don’t understand how they work, apparently only I feel the weight. So if I slam myself in a bed, the bed won’t break as it won’t detect the extra weight.

“That… really is a large pile.” (Stella)

“True, but if she had those on all this time… I guess my worries are gone now.” (Shamoa)

After I finally finished undressing, I put on my regular clothed gear and did some light stretching.

“Are you finished?”

“Yeah. Sorry for making you wait. You’re awfully generous for granting me the time to do that.”

“The result will not change just because you lost a couple of pounds.”

“Hou? Then I guess I’m going to mess with that calculator of yours. Because now, I’m going to teach you the true meaning of speed.”

Without these shackles, I am free to move without restrictions. So let’s kick this up a notch.

Due to copyright reason I cannot provide a picture of Gamma, our Magitech Doll. But to give you the most accurate view, she would basically be a combination of Orchid from Granblue Fantasy and Herta from Honkai Star Rail. Fuse them together and you get Gamma. 

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