My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

61 – The mission entrusted to the crybaby Goddess

“Okay. It’s clear the two of us got off on the wrong foot, so how about we start over?” (Anri)

“No thanks. Go bother someone else. It’s clear you have an ulterior motive.” (Edel)

“Was it that obvious? Fine. I will admit. I desire you.”

“I refuse with all my power.”

The atmosphere between us hardens instantly. 

“Wh... why?”

“Because as tempting as getting a handjob from you is, I really don’t want to get into trouble for fucking a Goddess so…”

“I.. idiot! Sexual relationship with you..! I didn’t mean to say it that way!”

“If that is the case then don’t talk in a way that one might misunderstand.”

“I mean I want you to battle me! As the Goddess of War, there’s nothing more thrilling for me than the rush of combat. The smell of blood, the taste as it goes down my throat… it’s simply sublime.”

“What are you, a vampire?”

“Anyway, there are benefits for you as well. Like I said, I come with a mission from the Gods. Cooperate and I will grant you wealth beyond imagination.”

“I’m already pretty rich.”

We’re not just strolling randomly. I do take up various quests along the way. Honestly my balance surpasses 50 million wurna at this point.

A vein popped up on her forehead. Guess she reached her limit.

“In all my years as a Goddess I never met someone as stubborn as you. Very well. If you refuse to fight, then I shall force you to defend yourself.”

The sunny sky was shrouded in dark clouds in the blink of an eye. Her aura became extremely menacing. The pressure alone could stop a normal person’s heart.

“I’m done playing nice.”

She manifested a spear in one of her right arms. No. It would be more accurate to call it a trident. A pitch black trident.

“Now, FIGHT!”

She hurled the trident at me. She was baiting me. I could deflect it, but I don’t intend to play her game. So I closed my eyes and crossed my arms.

“You… you’re bluffing… you’re going to dodge because of your survival instinct.”

True enough, even if my eyes were closed, my sixth sense was screaming at me to jump away. However, thanks to Shamoa I honed my instincts, so if needed I could suppress them. The one bluffing was… Anri.

The pitch black trident stopped at the tip of my nose. When I opened my eyes, I could see that Anri made quite the gymnast pose. She was standing on her right leg, meanwhile her left one was fully extended horizontally. Same goes for her right arm that caught and stopped the trident.

“Mou! For crying out loud! You’re an idiot I never met. Why didn’t you dodge? This can kill you!”

“So? You have that amulet to turn back time.”

At this point… tears formed in her eyes and all that malevolence vanished.


She started crying rivers.

“Whhhhyyyyy!! I was given such an important task and you won’t even listen to me *sniff*... you’re just a bully!!”

When I turned around all my girls were throwing dagger stares at me. For real? I’m not a bully. I know it’s bad to make a girl cry, but come on. Why can’t I have some backup here?

"Shishou, it's no good to make a girl cry." (Sasha)

"Umu. Shishou, please stop bullying her." (Stella)

"Even my database would label you as a big meanie." (Gamma)

"Darling, I hate to say this, but you're in the wrong here." (Yuki)


"Alright. Listen, miss Anri, stop the waterworks already. I'll listen to your story at least."

"... *sniff*... You will?"


"Thank you."


I'll try to summarize the story. Normally Gods do not interfere with the various worlds after they have been created and populated with life forms. Although there are exceptions when interfering is allowed up to a certain extent, we won't touch that subject. Apparently a calamity will befall Berseria. There is another guy out there that has the Devour skill just like me.

Most likely the guy I briefly met and took the Demon King of Mind’s core. He will succeed in creating an abomination. A Great One. This matches with the stories Remia told me. But this one was special. He will have the power to destroy the world of Berseria itself. And afterwards he will be able to manipulate the space continuum and enter the God Realm itself.

With that breach, the fall of the Gods was foreseen. And the end of all life itself. Without the Gods, the order of the multiverse will fall. Why would someone want such an ending? That twisted mind of the Great One will believe he can establish a new hierarchy.

“You say it doesn’t concern you. But each and everyone of your girls will die.”

“Am I also killed by this creature in this so-called future?”

Anri shook her head left and right.

“No. You don’t even get the chance to face it. Along with it’s corruption you are hit by a terrible virus. An illness that will claim your life.”

This sounds very familiar. I think I saw a plot like this in an anime. Although I can’t put my finger on it.

"If I am supposed to die before even getting a chance to fight how am I even supposed to help you guys?"

"Well you dying is the future we want to prevent."

Anri reached with her middle left arm. Space distorted and she pulled out a plastic bottle. No. I'm not joking. A real plastic bottle like the ones you see in modern times filled with a green liquid. It doesn't look any different than the green tea I was used to buying back in Japan.

"In other worlds there is a cure for that virus. So even if you'll be tied to bed for a few days, you won't die. And it's one of those viruses that you can only catch once. Your body will then make antibodies and you won't ever be able to catch it a second time."

"Why are you going through the trouble of keeping me alive?"

"How should I put it? Humans' mightiest champion, Heraklios, or the ace of the Mazoku, Valefor… all of them will fall. However, you are the only one that always comes up on top in visions provided by the Goddess of Time."

"Naturally!" (Gamma)

"As expected of Shishou!" (Sasha)

"Shishou is a super duper person! The strongest in the world!" (Stella)

"Pipe down, girls. Grownups are talking here."

I say that even though I'm still 17 myself, despite the fact that I look like a muscle milf.

"Ahem. As I was saying you don't even have to face Legion alone. Plans are under development and the Gods allowed the used of modified souls."

"Err… can you please speak in terms I can understand?"

"We are preparing a small army absolutely loyal to you and a base of operation. As a bonus all of them are females. You're even free to fuck them. Not a bad deal, am I right?"

Something doesn't feel right. All this is sudden and sounds too good to be true. By nature I tend to be cautious. Am I really that gullible to believe some random strangers will be loyal to me? Hell no. For all I know the Gods might consider me a threat after I do this job.

I'm not saying I want this world to be destroyed. There are still many dishes out there that I still need to try. Not to mention all the books. But that doesn't mean I'll dive into this head first. If these guys want my help, it will be under my terms. I don't work for free after all.

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