My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

62 – Negotiations before the fight and something lurking in the dark

"Ok. Assuming everything you said is true you already went through a lot of trouble. That basically means you wanting to fight me is not part of any test. It's just your personal desire."


She twitched. And sweat drops formed on her forehead. That only means one thing. That my hunch is correct and this woman is just a battle maniac who wants to fight for the thrill of it.

"That's true, but… won't you please consider it? For my sake? Please?"

"Yare yare. Fine. But I have some conditions. I want to be properly compensated for all this trouble."

"Isn't a settlement with women that will do all your bidding payment enough?"

"I'll believe that one when I see it. I require something else."

"Alright. Let's hear it then."

I held up my index finger.

"First: this doesn't mean I am under the command of the Gods. I will treat this mission as I see fit and I will move according to my own judgment."

Then I raised my middle finger.

"Second: if you wish to create a settlement for me, make sure to put some expert cooks in it. Possibly from every corner of the world so I can taste a variety of food."

Then I raise my ring finger.

"Third: once this mission comes to an end I want the Gods to stay out of my way. The last thing I need is to be considered a threat myself. So you and your fellow Gods aren't allowed to lay a hand on me or any of my subordinates."

Anri didn't respond immediately. She closed her eyes as if she was lost in a meditation trance. After a while she opened her eyes.

"Granted. The innermost Gods agree with your terms."

"Am I to take your word for it?"

"A God's word is absolute. I swear that your terms are accepted."

I turned around once again towards my girls. They all seem to agree with my decision. To be honest, they rarely disagree with me. Wish I got this kind of support when I was trying to ignore the Goddess.

"And now with that out of the way… let's fight to our hearts content!!!"


"Oh come on! What do you mean no? Your terms were accepted."

"Those were the terms for going on this mission and facing off against Legion. I never said that was the price for fighting you as well."

"Ugh. You're starting to give me a headache already. What more do you want?"

After I ponder for a few moments…

"How about you owe me a favor?"


"What? Don't tell me you don't know what a favor is? I might have a request at a certain point in time or I might need some help. And at that time, I want…"

"I know what a favor is, you damn brat! Sheesh.

You're one weird mortal. The weirdest I've ever met, that's for sure. Nobody has ever asked me to owe them a favor. This is a first."

She placed her lower arms on her hips and crossed her remaining ones.

"Alright. I'll owe you one. But only if you fight me without holding back. Like I said I can turn back time with the Amulet. So I want you to fight me as if you were fighting to the death."


I extended my arm upwards and forced Yuki into her katana form. She landed straight into my hand. Afterwards I pointed towards Sasha, Stella and Gamma.

"I don't want those 3 to get hurt."

"Very well. I will cast a barrier around them."

She sure made some fancy moves with her hands. Yeah. No matter how I look at her, she resembles a belly dancer too much.

"[Perfect Cube]!"

As the name implied, a clear transparent cube formed around the trio. They tried poking it afterwards for fun, but even I could tell it was incredibly sturdy. Even I would have trouble breaking that apart.

"With that there are no more objections, right?"

"Yeah. Since you wanted this so much, let's get this party started."

"Fufu! Finally! My blood is boiling with excitement!"

Her personality flipped once again. In one second she became hyperactive, but in the next one her face had suddenly gone stiff.

She manifested a pitch black broadsword in her right upper arm.

"Once again, I am the Goddess of War, Anri."

"My name is Edelweiss."

"Winter Fox Edelweiss. Show me what you are capable of."

This battle is on.


Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a terrible curse. It was not something life threatening. But in the eyes of the girl, death would have been an act of kindness. The curse awoke the malevolence in anyone that looked at her. Even if someone was a complete stranger to her, even if they never met her, the curse would awaken a deep hatred inside anyone who looked at the girl.

During her life, the girl was abused, beaten for no reason and driven out of every town or village she seeked help from. Even the priests of the Holy Church were not able to help her. They did have more resistance to the curse and tried to cleanse it, but their power was too weak.

It was no ordinary curse. Eventually, even the priests and clerics turned on her. She was tired. She was fed up. Why was this world so cruel? Why would nobody love her? What was the point of living?

The girl was seriously thinking of ending her own life. It was then that she met him.

"Hou? What have we here? You're an interesting little girl." (???)

"Ash! Please… don't hurt me…"

"Why would I hurt you?"

"Everyone that comes close to me… will eventually hurt me… because of my curse…"

"Well then, why don't we do something about that."

The man with purple skin and wearing a pitch black robe extended his arm towards the girl.


Purple flames erupted from his arm and engulfed the girl. However, no harm came to her. When the flames retracted the girl emerged unharmed. She was baffled. Not only because the flames didn't hurt her, but also because she felt a great amount of relief.

Whatever dark spirit was haunting her, it was completely gone.

"How…? This is… impossible…"

"Oya, oya? If there's anything that I learned during my travels it's that nothing is impossible. My power is very unique. What's your name, little one?"

"My name… is… Simone."

"Simone. I can tell just by looking at you that life hasn't treated you fair. Many people harmed you. Would you like to get back at them?"

"You mean revenge?"


The girl named Simone thought about it. Was revenge something she really wanted? It wasn't their fault. It was the curse. Then again, she was only a child. People must naturally be evil, or else they wouldn't harbor so much malevolence.

For a child that wasn't cared for, what conclusion can she reach? It was true that she hated the people that harmed her.

"I do want to make them pay. All those who wronged me. But I want… I want to make a better world. A world in which nobody has to go through what I went through."

The man let out a smile.

"Funny you would say that. You see, I am also someone who desires a better world. Simone, how about you come with me? I shall grant you power. Power to the extent that nobody can hurt you anymore. 

And you can take your revenge on whoever you wish. And if we work together…

With you by my side I am sure that we will change this world."

The man extended his hand towards Simone. Simone's heart tightened. She did sense a weird aura around this man. But he saved her from death. And if he's promising her power to change the world… what's there to hesitate?

Simone extended her own hand and grabbed his hand.

"Alright. Please make me strong! And… let's make a better world mister… umm… what should I call you?"

"I have forsaken my name long ago. But feel free to call me… Shadow."

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