My Reverse Life

V2ーExChapter 35

Takeru is an orphan. He grow up in the orphanage until he came to age. He later left the orphanage to venture into the southern archipelago, Nusantara. There he meets a girl named Takahashi Aira who becomes a red cross volunteer and helps the local people after the recent earthquake disaster. The two grow fond of each other and it did not take long until they are dating. Everything goes well for Takeru and Aira. Takeru also began to become a volunteer ever since he's dating Aira. But then, the second earthquake hit. At the time, Takeru and Aira inside a tent treated some refugees who lose their homes. The ground suddenly shook and split apart. Takeru fell into it. Aira tries to save him, but her hand isn't long enough to reach Takeru. Aira was devastated seeing Takeru fall into an endless pit.

Against all odds, Takeru survive. Takeru himself thought he is already done for. He can't believe that he manages to survive. How he survives is even more unbelievable. Just before his body hit the ground, the momentum suddenly stops and he starts floating. Takeru close his eyes when he fell. He is waiting for the impending doom. When the wind that has been hitting his face suddenly stops, he reluctantly opens his eyes. He then realizes that he is floating. He then takes a sigh of relief. But a moment later he stop floating and hit the ground. Although is painful, at least he didn't die.

Takeru then looks up. He can't see where he fell and only darkness could be seen. Takeru then looks at his surrounding. A violet crystal could be seen left and right. The glowing violet is mesmerizing and captivated Takeru. This is an amethyst cave. Takeru then wanders around looking at the various beautiful crystal in the cave. Of course, he also trying to search for a way to get back up.

After who knows how long it was. Takeru is exhausted, so he takes a rest. He searches his pants pocket to find the chocolate he buys earlier in the day. When he finds it, he quickly takes it out of his pocket to eat it. He is really hungry right now. The chocolate, although not much, At least could fill his stomach.

When Takeru has done resting, he intends to continue wandering around searching for a way up. But then he heard an eerie sound. Takeru halted his movement and quickly look around. He sees nothing. But he is still cautious about his surrounding. He slowly takes a step and still looks around. He heard the eerie sound again. What sound is that he didn't know. Is it a creature or just a cave ambiance?. He then speeds up and slowly begins to run. The sound then appears more frequently.  Not only that, but a roaring sound also accompanies the eerie sounds. Takeru continues to run faster and faster and didn't dare to look back. Until he tripped over a rock. He then sees what is behind him. 

A three heads monster with a hound body. A monster that resembles a hound of hades Cereberus from greek mythology.

"Ah... is over." Takeru thought. " There is no way I am going out of her alive."

He then closes his eyes. Waiting for his impending doom. But then...

An earthquake suddenly happened again. A stalagmite from the ceiling stabbed through the hound monster's body. Right after then, an old man's voice could be heard.

"Boy, how did you end up in this dangerous place still alive?."

Hearing the voice, Takeru opens his eyes and sees an old man with gray hair and a long beard.

"Boy... Are you mute?." Said The old man.

"uh... no I mean... Thank you for saving me." Said Takeru.

"Well, you are welcome. So what about my question?." Said the old man while stroking his beard.

"I... I don't know. I myself am surprised I am still alive."

"Is that so... let's see."

The old man then throws a large rock into Takeru. It happen so suddenly that all Takeru could do is close his eyes. But the impact never happens. Curious, Takeru opens his eyes and sees the large rock floating ich closer to his face. Takeru was surprised and fell on his back. At the same time, the rock also falls to the ground. Seeing this, the old man laughs and says.

"As expected... you are an esper."

"Esper?... what is that?" Said Takeru.

"Doesn't matter... What's your name."

"Um... My name is Takeru..."

"I see... Are your parent still alive?."

"Um... I am an orphan... uh sir."

"Don't call me sir, My name is Miyazaki Hiroji. Call me grampa Hiro. From now on, you'll be my grandson."


Takeru remembers the incident that changes his life and worldview forever. As he sees his daughter, Miyazaki Aria storming out of his office through the window.

"Well... then old man... I will just act that as if I have no father..."

That sentence keeps echoing in his head. He really intends to protect his daughter from cruel reality. From the day he is adopted by Hiroji. His life has been changed drastically. His reality shatter, his peaceful life turns out to be an illusion. He's been living his entire life unaware of the threat that may happen to him and his loved one. After that day, he lives his life in constant worry. When Aria was born. He found out that Aria's power is something out of the ordinary. Is not like traditional esper power. He even believes that Aria might have a different power system entirely. So he decided, with his authority to register her power as compared to that human weapon that uses in wartime. He conceals Aria's true power and creates a fake description for her. She is not a vessel like that human weapon. But he still gives her the same treatment as that human weapon. Making sure her power never truly awaken. The catalyst changes it all. His protection will be gone. Her power will surely awaken.

After a long time of contemplating in his own office. Takeru reaches to company telephone.

"Gather all the manpower the association has in Tsukuru city. And prepare to lock down the city." Said Takeru.

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