My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 13: The Vampire and The Slime

Lily was motionless on the floor while blood flowed from her. Charlotte couldn't believe her eyes, it may have only been a day since she met the slime but Lily had changed Charlotte so much that she felt heavily connected to her. Charlotte and Hannah grabbed Kira and forced her into the lab chair and back into the braces that kept her there. 

After Kira was secured Charlotte dropped to her knees and sobbed. Hannah was not doing much better but she went over to Charlotte and pulled her into a hug while the vampire's tears trickled down to her shoulder. There was a little window in the lab room where Hannah and Charlotte were still crying. 

The sun was now pouring through the window, lighting the room with gentle hues and illuminating the dust particles in the air. 

"It's going to be ok," Hannah said while stroking Charlotte's hair. She didn't really believe her own words but she wanted to. Hannah gave Charlotte a small kiss on the lips before saying, "We should try and help your sister out, right?"

"Yeah," Charlotte sniffled refusing to look in the direction of Lily's body which was to her left. 

Hannah and Charlotte went to the chair where Kira was sitting. 

"Kira, it's me Charlotte, remember? I'm your little sister."

Kira was still just growling lightly while staring at them. It seemed as if she was a real fox. Charlotte could only think of one way to find out what was wrong with Kira, and that was her blood affinity skill. 

[Blood Affinity]

[A skill vampires possess that allows them better control over blood magic but also can be used to identify someone's attributes from their blood sample.]

The vampire nibbled slightly on Kira's neck and drew some blood. The moment the blood hit her lips Charlotte spit it out.

"It's a drug," Charlotte said to Hannah, "I don't know how to remove it, but it causes insanity. The longer it stays in her the less she will be able to recover. She also seems to have become undead so her blood is poisonous to me now." Charlotte added with her head hung low and tears flowing again. 

"He will pay!" Charlotte said to herself, "He has to pay."

"He will,' said Hannah patting Charlotte's head, "Well make sure of that. For now, let's focus on the fact that since Kira is an undead doesn't that mean that we can drain her blood and she will still survive." 

"That's true!" Charlotte exclaimed, "I remember the Duke saying that undead stays alive proportional to the amount of life force they have and not by their organs. I mean, my heart doesn't even beat."

Charlotte went over to Kira and slit her wrists and neck, allowing blood to flow out of them. Kira was going savage trying to attack Charlotte but couldn't move because of the chair. 

"How long will that take?" asked Hannah. 

"From experience, about 10 minutes. Maybe a little less... Hannah?"


"How are you so calm? Your girlfriend just died."

"I'm not calm!" Hannah yelled before clasping her mouth shut with her hands. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared," Charlotte said, sitting on the floor pulling Hannah down with her. 

"I know," Hannah held Lily closer as they laid their heads on each other closing their eyes for a moment. After sitting for a while Charlotte jumped back in pain. 

"Ouch!" she yelled backing away from that side of the room. Her leg had a blister that seemed to still be steaming. 

"What happened?!" Hannah asked frightened. 

"It's the sun, I can't touch sunlight, or I burn," replied Charlotte as the festering wound closed slowly. 

"That's awful" muttered Hannah, backing away from where the window was. 

"I'm used to being in dark rooms so I sometimes forget about it."

Noticing that Kira had gone silent, Charlotte saw that her wounds had healed and she had passed out. Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Why don't you try covering yourself in reflective slime when you walk in the sun? You can morph now after all."

"Maybe..." Charlotte thought as she morphed some slime to cover her. She slowly poked her hand into the sunlight but nothing happened. Next, she moved her leg into the light and eventually her whole body. 


Congratulations, you are the first vampire to walk in the sunlight with only your own defenses! You have gained the passive skill [Vampiric Sunlight Immunity]

[Allows the host to walk in sunlight despite being a vampire, offers no defense against sun-based or heat-based attacks.] 

That was some good news. Charlotte stepped out of the sun and back into it after removing the slime from herself, nothing happened. Charlotte was overjoyed but it was dimmed when she turned around to face Hannah and saw Lily's body. 

"What should we do?" Charlotte asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"With Lily, we can't leave her here."

"We will bring her back with us, I want to give her a proper goodbye."

Charlotte walked towards Lily's body which had a hole through it, she bent down and kissed her lightly. She somehow cut her lip. 

"Oww, what was that" Charlotte looked at Lily who now had blood on her lips, she felt something calling out to her. Charlotte went back to Lily's lips and gave her a deep kiss not wanting to break free. Blood suddenly began flowing faster from her lip into Lily's mouth. Charlotte realized Lily was sucking on her lip and her chest was closing. 

Lily felt darkness, she felt so alone and wanted to go back to her girlfriends. She was in the cold darkness for a while before she felt something warm. She wanted to feel the warmth and didn't want it to go away. 

Vampiric blood from slave [Charlotte] has been detected. Additional evolution to [Bloody Slime of Family] available. Evolve? [Yes/No]


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