My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 14: The Slime and The Fox (Girl) (R-18)

Ok so slimes have cores, and when they go to human form their cores relocate to where the heart is. Also, this chapter is a bit long, I got carried away. Love you guys! I'm trying to make the story scientifically accurate, as far as slime anatomy and physiology goes, as well as other magic. Please do correct any contradictions or confusion. Thank you! Enjoy!


Lily needed more of the sweet substance that was flowing into her mouth. She felt at peace and slowly her eyes opened. Her vision was clouded by strands of black and red. Her lips were covered and were being forcefully bit on. 

"Mmm," she groaned as she pushed Charlotte off of her. Lily took in a deep breath.

"Thank goodness," sobbed Hannah, pulling herself closer to them. The three of them shared a short group hug and shed some tears before calming themselves back down. 

"What happened to her?" asked Lily, pointing to the kitsune. 

"She was drugged, we got rid of it," replied Hannah. 

"I hope she'll be ok," added Charlotte. "There would be one way to make sure nothing else bad would happen to her."

Charlotte and Hannah were looking at Lily. 

"W-wah-what do you mean?" asked Lily who was shy from all the sudden attention. 

"You could turn her into a slime, couldn't you?" asked Charlotte.

"Are you sure? Don't you remember how you reacted? It's not exactly a blessing, you do become my slave after all."

"I know, I just don't want her to be different. It was an insanity drug you know," Charlotte muttered. 

"Do you really want me to?" Lily asked, pulling Charlotte and Hannah closer to her. Lily was feeling very hungry all of a sudden. 

"Please?" Charlotte asked. 

"Fine," Lily sighed and walked up to Kira. Lily poured a significant amount of her mana into Kira. 

A significant amount of the host's mana has been detected in another being, combined skill [Creature Metamorphosis] has been activated. 
No pulse found, combined skill [Resurrection] activated.
Unable to revive creature, status [Undead] confirmed.
A maximum number of slaves was created.

Name: Kira

Level: (15/30)

HP: 260/260

MP: 130/130

Race: Humanoid Zombie Slime

Titles: Kitsune Saintess, Bearer Of Light, Kitsune Experiment, First Of A Species

Condition: Drugged, Confused

Class: Slime Slave

Subclasses: Nature Zombie

Stat Points: 18

Dexterity: 13

Strength: 13

Intelligence: 9

Agility: 13

Magic: 13

Stamina: 13 x 2 (26)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Limb Extension], [Feed], [Slash], [Berzerk]  [Mana Bolt], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Life Drain], [Summon Spirit]

Passive Skills: [Zombie Limbs], [Poison Blood], [Undead Stamina] [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Pain Promotion], [Poison Immunity], [Spirit Manipulation], [Submission]


Skill [Pain Reduction] turned to [Pain Promotion] in slave [Kira] because of innate attunement to nature. 
Skill [Pain Reduction] has nullified skill [Pain Promotion] in [Primordial Library]. 

Lily stepped back and watched Kira transform slowly. Kira's white hair juggled slightly along with her massive breasts, causing Lily to blush slightly as Kira wasn't wearing clothes. Lily's eyes stayed focused on Kira's breasts as the rest of her body changed. Charlotte and Hannah drew closer to Lily. Both of them were starting to breathe more heavily. 

"Lily, not now, let's get back to the inn first," Hannah said to her. Lily snapped out of it and handed Kira, who was now transformed into her slime state, to Hannah. 

"Right, let's go," Lily said. 

The three girls sneaked back out of the cellar and castle while Lily stole any book she could from the castle. When they were back in the village, Lily was finally feeling like the danger was passed. 

"The weather here is so nice," commented Charlotte who was finally able to feel the sun on her skin again. Hannah gave her a little hug. 

"How come you couldn't walk in the sun before? I don't quite understand," asked Lily. 

"The skill Blood Attunement gives you better control over blood, but also makes you burn in sunlight."

"Oh," said Lily, "I should probably check my status." 

Name: Lily

Level: (0/40)

HP: 300/300

MP: 150/150

Race: Bloody Slime of Family

Titles: Slime Eater, The One Who Cares, First Of A Race, Parasite, Energy Feeder

Condition: Fine, Confused

Class: Slime Overlord

Subclasses: Slime Breeder

Stat Points: 25

Dexterity: 8

Strength: 12

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 7

Magic: 15

Stamina: 15 x 2 (30)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Create Slime],  [Infect], [Mind Control], [Mana Bolt], [Summon Undead Slime], [Primordial Library],  [Bloody Parasite], [Words Of Control], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Fireball], [Consume Mana], [Life Drain], [Feed], [Blood Slash]

Passive Skills: [Skill Fusion], [Create Martial Arts], [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead 100 Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Mana Control Efficiency], [Regeneration], [Blood Attunment], [Vampiric Arts], [Undead Stamina]


"Oh, thank goodness I have the Primordial Library skill then," Lily said, sighing in relief.

"The what?" asked Hannah. 

"It's a skill that lets me have any skill my subordinates have," replied Lily. 

The trio admired the building and the village until they got to their room in the inn. 

Hannah placed the small slime onto the bed and laid down next to it. Hannah was tired from today's events, she wanted a nice long nap. Lily and Charlotte climbed into bed next to her.

"This bed is too small," said Hannah who was now squished between a vampire and a fox slime. 

Since they would have to leave before noon anyway, Lily decided that it might be a good idea to get a different room for the night, one with a little more bed space. 

The group quickly relocated to a bigger room with a large bed, three times the size of the old one. The four of them fit comfortably in the bed and quickly dozed off.

Lily felt something shift next to her and realized it was the kitsune, turning back to full size. The fox's breasts were pushing into her face. Lily's hunger returned as she looked at the fox girl. Lily bit down on the girl's breast causing Kira to moan loudly. Lily sucked Kira's blood until she was satisfied and pulled away, only to notice the fox staring at her with lustful eyes. 

"Please don't stop," Kira breathed heavily onto Lily, "It hurts but feels so good." 

"K-Kira!" Lily stuttered. 

Hearing her name caused Kira to think about what was happening for a moment. Where was she? Who was this girl sucking on her breast? Where was the Duke? What had happened? 

"Who are you?" asked Kira menacingly, as she got off the bed and walked backwards. Until she noticed Charlotte.

"Charlotte!" Kira ran over to her sister and pulled her close, rousing the little vampire from her sleep. 

"What?" asked Charlotte groggily rubbing her eyes. She then noticed who it was that was hugging her. 

"Kira! You are ok! Thank goodness," Charlotte exclaimed happily. 

"What happened, how did I get here?" 

"We saved you, Lily, Hannah, and I. We broke into the duke's castle but nobody was inside and then you were drugged and then you attacked us and then Lily died but she was actually ok and then we got the drug out of you and then we turned you into a slime and then we brought you here," Charlotte said excitedly and in a single breath.

"What?" asked Kira, completely confused. 

Lily was watching the two from the side, their naked bodies rubbing together, she was heating up. 

"Check your status, that's the easiest way," Charlotte told her. "Please don't be mad at Lily, she was only doing what I told her to."

Kira stayed silent for a moment before moving Charlotte off of her and walking up to Lily.

Kira bowed her head and said, "Thank you for saving me Lily-sama!" 

"N-no problem" breathed Lily while her hand was in her lap. "What is sama?"

"It is an honorific where I come from, it is a sign of great respect for someone." 

"That's not really necessary," Lily said, hoping for Kira to back off so she could get her hand moving again. 

"Lily then. You seem bothered by something, can I help?" asked Kira leaning forward while placing all four limbs on the ground. "Can you keep doing what you were doing before? It felt really good."

Lily saw Kira's eyes were glazed over with lust again, so she looked to Charlotte for help only to find her in a similar situation. 

"Come to the bed then," Lily got up, revealing her dripping pussy to the fox girl, who followed obediently. Charlotte also trailed behind them hoping to join them. 

Lily bit down on Kira's breast once again. 

"It hurts so much," Kira breathed. Lily was about to stop before Kira said, "But it feels so good!" with a crazed look in her eyes. 

"Lily-sama! No, Master! Bite me harder" Kira cried out, waking Hannah up. 

All three of the girls were feeling the effects of Lily's words of power heating them up. Charlotte's tongue played with Lily's pussy while Hannah was fingering her from behind. Hannah was getting hotter and hotter but no one was relieving her, out of inspiration she grabbed Kira's free hand and placed it on her heat, pulling it in and out until Kira got the rhythm. 

"I'm cumming big sis!" Charlotte cried first, sending Lily over the edge. Lily bit down harder on Kira causing her to release and push into Hannah. They all collapsed onto the bed. 

"H-hey Kira," Lily breathed after a minute had gone by. "I think you should have this." Lily handed Kira a book with the words [Pain Reduction] on the cover while the rest of it was embroidered with red and black. Kira opened the book and a small light flashed out of it. 

Would you like to grant skill [Pain Reduction] to slave [Kira]? [Yes/No]

Lily pressed yes. 

WARNING: You have lost the skill [Pain Reduction]

"What was that?" asked Kira.

"I gave you my Pain Reduction skill so it can cancel out your Pain Promotion skill."

"Does that mean that you don't have the skill anymore?" 

"Yes, but don't worry, any skills you guys have I have too, so it doesn't make any difference," replied Lily in a matter a fact tone. 

"Oh that's cool," said Kira. "Thank you so much, Lily, I really don't know how to thank you enough for what you have done for me and Charlotte."

"Don't worry, you are my girlfriends now after all," Lily said with a big stupid grin that made Kira smile. 

"Yeah, girlfriends!" said Charlotte, hugging Kira from behind before all of them went back to sleep. 

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