My Slime Girlfriends

Chapter 15: The Slime and The Dungeon

'Being woken up and being suffocated in jiggly body parts is awesome' Lily thought to herself. Every move she made was dulled by the softness of one of her girlfriend's limbs it wasn't even uncomfortable since they were all slimes. Lily felt like she was in literal heaven. She decided to check the girl's status pages to see how they were. After confirming that nothing strange was going on, she left them to sleep. She went out onto the small balcony that the inn had, it barely had space for one person but the view was beautiful. The sun was rising over the tree-ridden horizon, bringing beautiful shades of orange and red into the sky. The village radiated warmth and Lily took in a deep breath of fresh air. It had been only a few days but she felt like she had lived a lifetime with Hannah, then meeting Charlotte practically saved her life. Finally, Kira, who just entered her life was already treating her so kindly. She wanted to go back inside and cuddle with all of them but she also knew that she needed to learn about the world and couldn't just rely on her girlfriends constantly. 

Lily got dressed and walked to the door, she was wearing a simple blue tee shirt with leather armor over it and leather pants. It wasn't the best armor but it would have to do. Lily walked down the stairs and out of the inn. The village was still quiet this early in the morning, but Lily did run into a few people who greeted her. She was headed towards the forest where she wanted to hunt a bit to get her level up to be able to defend her girlfriends. She wasn't going to get into dangerous zones, the only ones she knew were safe and close to the village. 

Lily essentially was pretty balanced in her attack and magic as she could barely fight with one or the other. Today however she wanted to generate her own style of combat using her passive ability [Create Martial Art]. The first monsters she ran into were some wolves which she quickly wiped out since they were such low level they gave her no XP. She moved in further and further into the forest and still had only gained 5 XP from some slimes and weird fungus monsters. Lily then noticed a shadow covering her and heard a growl. 

Werewolf (600/750)


Lily was scared but knew she could take it down if she tried. The werewolf slashed at her with a claw and she jumped back, firing a fireball at it dealing some damage. The werewolf lunged and managed to grab her but dealt no damage to her core so she was still ok, the problem was that the werewolf was far too strong, Lily didn't have enough in the strength stat to match it. Lily used morph and slithered out of the werewolf grasp firing another fireball at it. Lily rushed in using her vampire skills while the werewolf was distracted, she slowly ate away at its HP using Blood Slash and Life Drain.

Lily fired a Multi Elemental Basic Attack at the monster killing it quickly and gaining another 5 levels. She used the primordial library's consume on the monster and gained one strength stat and one unallocated stat point. Lily decided to place 3 points in agility and 2 points in dexterity, getting them both to 10. Then 10 points in magic, raising it to 25, and 5 points to strength getting it to 18. 

When Lily finished, bad luck struck. She tripped over a vine and tumbled into a hole in the ground that dropped her far into a cave that was pitch black. After gaining her bearings, she realized that she couldn't see anything. She stood up and walked around, looking for a wall to hold but she never found one. Then she realized that if she used her Sense Mana skill she could at least see the mana if not her actual surroundings. 

After she activated the skill she saw that the mana was bouncing off some parts and formed the shape of a square room but there was a hallway leading out of it. In front of the hallway was extremely dense mana in the shape of a giant spider. 

Grand Arachne(1000/1000)

Lily sucked in a breath, this spider was the same level as the zombie abomination that she had previously fought, but this time she was alone. Lily steadily exhaled and readied herself to fight. Her initial attack was a Multi Elemental Basic Attack to deal quite a bit of damage before the spider could even attack her. 

Grand Arachne(770/1000)

Lily fired another one but the spider was awake now and it was incredibly fast. It quickly lept to the side and reached her in a millisecond slicing at her chest. Lily was thrown backward losing a large amount of HP. 


She quickly placed the rest of her stat points into her stamina, bringing her back up 120 points to 204 HP. Lily knew that the monster was far faster than her and it hadn't even used a skill. She was going to have to find a different way of defeating it using its weakness, its size. Lily charged straight at the monster while it dashed at her and managed to slide under it, getting behind it in a second. Lily lept onto its back sinking her claws into its back and used life drain dealing about 30 damage to it before it shook her off. 

The spider shot out a web at Lily who dodged it before noticing that it was curving backward. As she dodged the second time around, she sliced the web to pieces and ran back at the spider who was expecting her and smacked her sending her flying against the wall. Lily barely had any HP left and she was getting dizzy. Suddenly a swarm of dark red mana was swimming all around. 

Due to low health [Minor Blood Manipulation] and [Sense Blood Mana] skills have been unlocked. 
[Sense Blood Mana] has been added to [Sense Mana] skill. 

Lily controlled the blood and made two spears which she imbued with lightning and fired at the spider. The spears combined dealt the same amount of damage as the multi elemental attack she had but cost much less. The spider shrieked and filled the room with spider webs, not allowing Lily to move freely. 

Grand Arachne(459/1000)

At least Lily was now dealing some damage, she just needed to find a way to get closer to the spider again. Since Lily was surrounded by webs the spider had a massive advantage over her, not to mention the spider seemed to be able to control them. 

Lily gathered a large amount of fire mana and fired it outwards in a whirlwind burning the surrounding webs and dealing a bit of damage to the spider. She started sprinting closer to the spider and gathered together a large amount of mana. When the spider was about to swing at her she used Hannah's Leap ability and got over the spider, shooting another multi elemental attack but this time with blood magic. The shot hit the spider and took the spiders head clean off.

Lily used her consume and absorbed the spider.

High level target defeated 20 levels have been gained.
Skills and stats absorbed from Grand Arachne include: [Night Vision], [Spider Thread Creation], [Spider Thread Manipulation], [Strength +1], [Agility +3], [Dexterity +2]

Name: Lily

Level: (30/40)

HP: 420/420

MP: 250/250

Race: Bloody Slime of Family

Titles: Slime Eater, The One Who Cares, First Of A Race, Parasite, Energy Feeder

Condition: Hurt, Suprised

Class: Slime Overlord

Subclasses: Slime Breeder

Stat Points: 0

Dexterity: 12

Strength: 19

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 13

Magic: 25

Stamina: 21 x 2 (42)

Active Skills: [Morph], [Split], [Create Slime],  [Infect], [Mind Control], [Mana Bolt], [Summon Undead Slime], [Primordial Library],  [Bloody Parasite], [Words Of Control], [Detect Magic],[Control Mana], [Fireball], [Consume Mana], [Life Drain], [Feed], [Blood Slash], [Spider Thread Creation], [Spider Thread Manipulation]

Passive Skills: [Skill Fusion], [Create Martial Arts], [Minor Elemental Control], [Undead 100 Slime Body], [Sense Mana], [Mana Control Efficiency], [Regeneration], [Blood Attunment], [Vampiric Arts], [Undead Stamina], [Night Vision]


Suddenly Lily heard a thump. This time she could see, because of the Night Vision and she was terrified. A second spider poked its head from the long hallway screeching horribly. 

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