My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.100: ToF pt2; Fulfilling Needs

With a sigh, Mom dropped down onto her seat as if she failed an all important test. She even hunched over and almost face planted into the table.

“Oly……” She muttered.

“Yeah?” I asked as I began to rub her back.

“Sorry about that……I called ahead to warn them and to be sure everything was good……..But, well…. that happened.” She leaned into my back rub, turning her body to get more.

“We can still get it to go if you want. This looks like it took a lot out of you.” I said as I rubbed her back.

“No. It’s ok. I was hoping Anne wouldn’t be so against her meds but uh, fauns and satyrs love their mana highs……..” She grumbled before finally sitting upright.

“They take medicine?” I asked, unsure of the reason.

Mom nodded her head. “They get mana frenzy a lot faster than other races but unlike your playful nature they become really aroused. It’s kinda one of the reasons you don’t see many.” She sighed. “Anne….she’s one of my friends but she stayed here when I left for high school. Guess a lot more changed than I thought…..” She muttered to herself. “I’m sorry though, she’s usually not as horny as other fauns are.” She shrugged. “Guess I was wrong.” She dropped her head but her body was almost completely leaning towards me.

I looked away, realizing my mana probably did that. Until I have full control over myself, I’d probably have to avoid……can I even do that though? Even Steph acted weird! What the hell do other dragons do in this case? Could I really control my desires before then? Damn it! I didn’t like these monster people before! From scary to handicapped to finally my friend that has issues, what’s next, I actually marry and have a monster baby too?! My wings slightly lowered onto my shoulders as I considered my mana seemed to just keep piling issues on my back. 

“Aaahh….” Mom sighed deeply, her eyes staring at a picture of five girls. A faun with no pants, a minotaur, two humans and a goblin. All of them holding up fishing lines with small blue and red fish with a lake in the background and several of the strawberry pink trees.

I rubbed my neck. “So, where’s her pants?” I asked with the most confused and serious voice I could muster.

Mom snorted at that before covering her face and looking at me. “Oliver~! Heheheh-haha.” Her chuckle became a hearty laugh.  “Heheh. You know why you goof. Heheheheh.” She leaned her head on my arm as she giggled and laughed.

“Course I do. Just wanted to see if she had a pair.” I shrugged with a smirk.

“HAHA! I’ve seen her wear thigh highs, hehe, so maybe she does.” Mom giggled at the thought.


After some random jokes about pockets and pants made to look like a giant purse, Anne showed up with a large plate in both her arms.

“S-sow-sorry for the wait.” She sat the huge plate in front of me. “H-e-here’s your uh, summer fish!” The fish was big and round like a seat cushion like those fish with eyes on one side of their face. Where the stomach should’ve been was beans, rice and avaloo slices and everything smelled like garlic, salt and some spice!

I licked my lips trying to keep myself from drooling but I could feel it pooling in my mouth as I stared at the food. I could even see the heat rising off the fish! I was about to grab my fork and knife when I noticed Anne just standing there, watching….

“Uh…. Is something wrong?” I asked as I looked at her with the corner of my eye.

She stared a little longer before her brows pinched together and she shook her head. “Huh? Uh…..? N-no?” She rubbed her shoulder as she turned her head but her eyes shot back to me.

I turned my head and gave her a hard look. “Did you put something in my food?” I asked sternly.

“Um, n-no. I just wanted to see if you liked it or, uh not?” She stammered.

Mom took a deep breath. “It’s fine Oliver. Take a quick bite and see if you like it or not.” She said calmly. 

Narrowing my eyes, I looked back at my food and pulled some meat off the fish. The moment the meat pulled apart hot steam rose from the with a hint of lime and pepper that smelled delicious. plopping my food into my mouth, I could feel the flakiness of the fried fish as it lightly crunched in my mouth with a sweet almost buttery flavor. I could taste the pepper, salt, garlic and something else that had a bit of a kick and it was all mind meltingly good! My eyes closed as I focused on the crunchy texture, the seasonings and then……… My eyes shot open. That kick had somehow evolved into a blazing volcano of a sauna!

Anne looked at me, her eyes blazing with expectation of judgment of success or failure. But instead of answering her, my fork sailed right back to the fish as I shoveled chunks into my drooling maw. Stabbing the fish and pulling off pieces as big as my huge hands combined, I even twisted off the fins and threw them into my mouth. They were a little more salty and crunched like delicious kettle chips.

I was eating half the fish head before my mom tapped my arm a few times.

“Huh?” *CRUNCH* “Uh, sorry. Everything’s just so good!” Before I could say something else, more of the fish just ‘magically’ hovered into my mouth. No idea where that came from! None at all! *CRUNCH*

“Well…….” Mom rubbed her neck as she stared at me make the fish disappear. “If he didn’t like it he wouldn't have sucked half of it up already and ignored us…..” Mom chuckled with a large smile.

“Then Sh-uh he, likes it?” Anne asked nervously as she rubbed her arm.

“Nope.” Mom said with a smirk while Anne dropped her face. “HE loves it.” She finished with a double thumbs up.

Anne lifted her head and almost jumped as a huge toothy smile spread across her face. “R-r-r-really!” Before Mom could respond, Anne dived at Mom, pulling her into a hug. Anne even began nuzzling her with her check, tilting her head side to side as she did. But before she pulled away, Anne hit Mom with a quick kiss to the lips. She jumped to her hooves and sauntered off, swaying her hips like a model, looking back at me and Mom, her deer tail wiggled up and down.

I didn’t pay attention when she left last time but the straps from her apron hugged her thighs right under her white rear. Pulling it up to have a rounder shape and as she left, she swayed that thing like she had a giant tail…. I shrugged as I continued my assault on my plate. No bone, smear of beans, NOT even a grain of rice will be left when I'm done with this! Maybe I should eat the plate too, there's no telling how much is left on it that I can't get at. So I picked up the plate like pizza, bringing it closer to my mouth. All that untouched sauce and tiny almost invisible meat particles! You shall escape me no longer!

“Oly? OLIVER!” Mom grabbed my arm and pulled my arm to get me to stop.

“Come on! I need to finish!” I argued, knowing I had a good reason.

“Oliver…. You can eat the bones but you can’t eat the plates.” She leaned closer and whispered. “I think your instincts are acting up.” She warned me.

“What? I just want to fin..ish………” My brows pinched together. Since when do I eat plates? I don’t even own……..Oh….oh great….I slowly placed my plate on the small table and grabbed the side of my waist. “Do…..does…uh, I’m sorry.” I began and ended. Grabbing my other side and hiding my body with my wings.

“No-no-no. You were going to ask me something weren’t you?” Mom said as she eyed me like a giant bird might steal me. 

I just looked away, feeling the emotions twirling around like an icy blizzard in my chest, throwing chunks of ice at my insides. Worse yet, her eyes looked so pained and she was just starting to enjoy herself! So I quickly breathed in, pushing back the whirling ice blocks and possible icicles, until they were crushed into the bottom. Powdered into small bits of trash.

I turned back and gave a small smile. “I was just wondering if plates had different flavors.” I lied.

Mom gave me a hard look. She stared at me as if I gave birth to a nugget sized monkey. That is to say, she probably knew I was bullshitting her. But I held my gaze and smile. No twitches, no drifting eyes, not even a facial adjustment. 

Her gaze hardened into a tiger’s glare, her mouth opened before closing and then shaking her head. She then put her hand on my knee. “I might not know everything you’re going through.” She gently rubbed my knee. “But I will keep trying and I’ll hear you out whenever you need it.” Her eyes lasered in, passed my eyes and far deeper. “When you’re ready or when you just can’t anymore.”

My body tensed and I felt my eyes threaten to look away. My shoulders were already trying to pull away from her. So I closed my eyes in a short blink. “I’m ok. Just got excited to have some great food.” I calmly said.

Mom for the most part just stared but I could see the corner of her eye twitch. She finally closed her eyes and began eating her food. But instead of eating slowly or with a scowl, her first bite led her to three, seven and then her plate was empty.

“Damn it. Thought I’d be able to hold back this time.” She huffed and crossed her arms. “Wanna order seconds?” She asked with a small hopeful smile.

“You sure?” I asked her hesitantly.

“Yes. And yes, I still love you.” She said flatly as she gave a small smile.

“Ok. I'll take you up on that then.”




-I wonder if, it’s ok. I worry everything is just a dream and I’ll wake up at home with the same old mother and brother. I mean people aren’t supposed to be so cruel but they are. Maybe if I asked for more info or some better awareness to this situation, then I wouldn’t have to keep throwing darts at the board. But I guess I was stupid. Like always.

Maybe when I finish, things will be normal again. And I can just make music like I used to. Make it big with some indie stuff then get noticed by some big company and make music for games and movies. Maybe a classy museum then make it so far that my music ends up in some space elevator. But then again, I need to finish my business first. I have to ride out this new storm and crush its soul.-

“Cole?! Are you ready to go yet?” Grandpa called from a back room.

“Yeah! I’ve been waiting on you for awhile now!” Cole called back in a teasing tone as he quickly slipped his phone into his pocket.

The back door opened and his grandfather stepped out. “Ha. Ha. You know I have work to finish.” He crossed his arms. “Besides there’s a potiontal one out there and I’d rather not be caught, ‘lacking’, as they say.” He pointed out as he fixed his vest and pulled straight his gloves.

“You know you don’t have to talk like that.” Cole gave a small wince at the hip lingo. “But is it really here?”

“Maybe but I don’t mind learning a thing or two from the next generations.” He shrugged. He then Patted his pockets. “Check, check annnnd………….where did I leave my keys?” He began to walk around the shop, looking around like a headless zombie.

“Over here.” Raz slowly floated up To Cole and his grandfather, keys sitting between his front paws. Raz gave Cole’s grandfather a stern look as he hovered in the air like he was sitting on an invisible desk. “You’re sure you want to do this? I could make a call to my family to help out.” He suggested.

“While I would ask for them or someone equally as skilled, I can’t wait when the festival is going on. They wouldn’t get here on time.” He argued. “I’ll just drop Cole off with my daughter first and then go trimming.” 

“What! NO! You heard Raz, you can’t go alone! I can hold my own out there, you’ve seen and even taught me magic. At least let me call Raz if you do get into danger.” Cole argued as he gripped his grandfather’s vest.

“I can’t. You know that. The only one experienced enough is your mother and I rather you guys enjoy the festival.” His Grandpa explained.

“But she doesn’t know one exists here! No one from her work does!” He pointed out in fear turned anger.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be getting a few new hands in a month. Besides, I can't lose you the same way I lost your grandmother. So please just listen to me.”

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