My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.99: Town of Festival; Choosing A Meal

In the valley where the ghost left after the woman, another turned and looked at the disgusting stone mimic. Such waste and destruction, only to hold the tortured minerals and create more.

The other, now known as only, stared at the empty valley. Only rubbed its face, slowly taking in the environment. Only could follow, see what next and maybe after that. 

 But might be better if….

Only clacked incisors before leaving the valley, opposite of the ghost and woman. Another needed somewhere to be. Only to stop as something walked by.

“Come on Jordy! You can’t just do a little fuck and dash. If you end up pent u-” A small green one trotted forward with a frown.

“Nope! We are not talking about this before our big performance.” A taller green one said as she sneered.

“Talking about what?” A third tallest green one said as it loomed over them with narrowed eyes.

The tall one covered the small one’s mouth. “Nothi-OW!” It noisy screeched, jumping away as the small one chewed and swallowed. A clear sweet smelling liquid dropped to floor.

“Jordy’s been preshow fuck’n!” The small one vocalized like a bird.

As the trio left down the land of stone, another watched on with drool dropping pooling on the ground. The tall one smelled full of energy! That was somewhere another will be.




After a little more walking, Mom stopped in front of a small building wedged between two larger buildings like a disorganized bookshelf. It had pictures of tacos stuffed with steak, corn, cheese, tomatoes and a big dollop of sour cream on top. There was even grilled shrimp served with a whole fried fish, rice and beans, only the fish looked big enough to be the plate! Painted on the windows were fish of different colors and sizes along with an advertisement for taco Tuesday special, 5.99 for five tacos and a drink. Above the windows written in bright red cursive was Senior Sanchez’s. 

“Ok Oly, you can turn off your mana concealer.” Mom said as she poked her head out of the doorway. When did she get in? Whatever, with all my gawking a giant rainbow colored frog could probably get past me. 

I placed my hand on the stone charm in my pocket and focused on stopping my mana from going into it. But for some reason it didn’t feel like my mana was going into it? Maybe I have to pull? Focusing on my mana, I tried moving it away from the stone only for it to refuse to budge. Pulling on it felt like trying to pull a larger object through a hole three times smaller. Pinching my brows, I yanked my mana two, four times, even my arms and wings began straining and yet it I didn’t feel like anythin-

“Whoa! Oliver?! Warn me if you'll pop up like that!” Mom shouted in surprise as she quickly ducked into the restaurant.

A quick look showed my wings were bent outward like an angry owl and my right wing was an inch or two from the door.  Two of its clawed tips were almost pointed at the door too. One step from the door and Mom would’ve become a kabob! I quickly folded my wings and firmly tucked them into my back until I felt a slight tightness in my back and wing joints.

“Sorry Mom! I didn’t hurt you did I?” I quickly asked.

“No, I’m ok but please pay attention. Anyway” She quickly motioned her hands to come in. “Hurry up! I bet you’ll even love the larger servings now.” She said excitedly.

Slightly ducking as I walked in, the door gave a soft ring as it closed behind me from the bells tied to it. Inside was brick shaped into hills and paintings of huge horned buffalo, a few chickens that stood taller than a nearby tree and more of those sheep headed plants. The walls had brown and red booths while the middle had several tables pushed together to make a larger table.

There wasn’t anyone inside though, making it look like a restaurant after closing or just opening up. But this worked for me……. None of the chairs had enough space in the back for my tail and the biggest chair here was still small enough to be a cross between a kid’s and an adult's. If I grew to nine or ten feet then these might as well be stools to me.

My mother watched me staring down at the small chairs and I just tried to look away like it was nothing. I'm not some grumpy cat!

“So it's to go? Or we eating at Grandpa’s shop?” I asked daring to hope for an easy way out of this situation.

But Mom raised an eyebrow before slowly pulling out a chair and sitting down. She looked up at me with big innocent puppy eyes and patted the seat next to her like she didn’t hear me or see my situation.

I stared at her with my annoyance slowly starting to pool on my face.

She just continued looking sweet and innocent right back.

My brows pinched together as I tilted my head and moved my eyes to point at the small chair as if a deadly alien was there.

She just smiled, shrugged and patted the chair again. “Something wrong?” She asked like she wasn't aware of my size difference.

I gave her an annoyed look. “I’m not exactly the same height.”

“And?............OH! Oh……..” A smile crept onto her face after that. “Then you’ll just have to trust me.” She pulled the chair out and pushed the other chairs out of the way. Then flashed me a friendly smile, though she was barely holding back a giggle while doing it.

I narrowed my eyes and she tried to hide her smile behind her shoulder but gave pleading eyes. My lips bunched into a small frown on the corner of my face as I considered my options. One, I could listen. Two, I sit on the floor. Three, I use two seats. Four, I flip the seat around and lean my chest into the backrest. But if her apology was true then I have nothing to fear….and I don’t really like the distance between us. 

I closed my eyes and dropped my shoulders as I realized my only option. I walked over to the seat and sat on the edge of the chair. Sadly my tail was still bunched up and felt slight pinching with needles as I forced my tail against my stupid rear.

But the chair bounced and shook like a bull trying to buck me off it. The chair jumped side to side, it’s legs shook and trembled before hopping up and then stretching outward in loud creaks and slotting sounds. I felt the back rest push up and the seat cushion swell into a thick pillow while heating up a little. The moment it stopped, I leaned back in surprise but the moment my back hit the back rest I sat straight again. Looking at the backrest I saw that the chair not only grew in size but had groves deep enough for my wings and a large hole for my tail to slide in and out of! The chair even looked like a wooden version of a throne!

“Okay. you were right. Sorry I doubted you.” I said before dropping my back into the chair. “Oooooooooooh………” It felt so good! Like some awesome bed!

Mom didn’t say anything but wore a smug face that screamed, ‘I told ya so’! “Let’s get some good food then. Anne! Anne! Where are you?!” She called out to the back of the restaurant.

“go-GO!” I heard some whisper shout in the back followed by lot’s of dropping pots

“No! Papa no!” Whisper cried a girl. But before she could argue more the door to what looked like a kitchen opened and a short girl was pushed out. The girl was shaking and holding several menus tightly to her chest. She had large blue eyes, light brownish skin and dark brown hair tied into a tight ponytail or bun. She was skinny and a little lengthy but had a cute face…..with eyes that were beginning to water…..

While the girl stood as a trembling statue, Mom jumped to her feet and rushed over to her. Placing her hands on her shoulders and whispering something to her. The girl’s posture became rigid and her worried face fell into something similar to slightly determined? Ignore your pain to survive? Well the girl nodded at Mom and then took a deep breath before she shifted her body and took a step with a soft click. Every step she took made a click or clop sound and the moment she was passed the counter I could tell why. Her lower half was covered in a rust red fur with tannish dots on the sides of her thighs and ending in hooved feet.

She’s one of those half deer people? I’ve seen a few at school I think? Or was she the same girl? I thought back to that cute redhead, I’ve seen her line up and if she wasn’t eyeing she was leering at the different demons there….. There was the one I saw in front of the school too.

The girl that approached me didn’t wear any pants, not even anything that looked like underwear. But she did have a type of strapped apron that covered her groin, but it exposed nearly half of the front of her thighs. Meanwhile the straps snuggly wrapped around her thighs like a garter belt. Or some ribbon fetish gear? It kinda made her thighs and rear look bigger, supple……and that sway…would her thighs jiggle if i hit the-

“H-hi……uh Miss Dragoness-uh-uh, I mean Oliver, who’s totally not a dragon……..” They rambled on and quickly pulled my attention from her lower section. I thought she didn’t notice but when I looked at her face her eyes were pinned on me with huge pupils, half her face was a deep cherry red and she wore a wide trembling smile. And then I noticed that her ears were long horse-like, maybe deer-like as they flicked up and down like flapping wings.

“Anne! Whoa! Whoa!” Mom quickly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back a few feet. “I thought I told you to take your medicine this morning?”

“Buh-bu-but I don’t like the way it uh, um lowers my mood…..” She looked down at the floor. “......I like feeling, hot….” She whispered and her ears dropped like floppy rabbit ears.

Mom held her face as she shook her head. “Damn it Anne.”  Mom looked back at me, her face looked oddly tired as if the girl behind her was actually a thousand annoying people. “Oly? Are you super hungry?” She asked while trying to sound preppy but I could hear the exhaustion. 

“Uh, y-yeah? Guess I could eat a lot…..” I slowly replied, still thrown off by how quickly Mom was drained.

“One plate of summer fish, the works and I’ll have a steak plate but go easy on the cilantro spice. Don’t think I can handle it right now.” Mom told Anne.

“Wri-wi-right!” The girl turned to rush off only to stop and slowly turn around. “Any drinks?”

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