My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.84: What We See

“Emily!” The moment Steph saw her, she bolted as if the floor was made of a high speed wheeled conveyor belt. He snake half easily gilded and weaved through the crowd, leaving the three of us the have the rush after her, Mrs. Molly just rode on my shoulder as we ran. Riding me like I was bucking bull, Don’t know how she held on if I’m being honest. 

Emily was instantly wrapped in Steph’s tail up to her lower ribs as Steph pulled her into a firm hug. Emily who was in mid wave was now being suffocated in Steph’s chest. The girl squirmed her arms and even tapped Steph’s back like a wrestler tapping out all while Steph’s tail coiled and un-coiled around her.

“Pwiinnapppples!” Emily tried saying as she began laughing. “Heheheh-hahahah! Pine ap-ahahaha! Stoppp-heheheheh!”

As we got closer, it was apparent that Steph was tickling Emily. Poking her ribs, sliding her tail tip up her back and her fingers gliding over her sides. Emily was turning a dark cranberry red from all the laughing Steph tickled out of her.

Penny and Onyx both looked confused, though Onyx looked on with a growing almost watering smile. That got Penny to quickly poke his arm at a weird angle and I say that because after that his arm fell limp. It was just hanging like a loose banner in the wind and he was angrily whining that he was just looking at a couple of cuties. Mrs. Molly was just watching both pairs deal with their opposite and giggled while leaning her head back. She looked back at me. She was now hovering in the air like she was sitting on a chair, her upper pair of arms resting on her chest as she used her lower hands to point at the pairs with her thumbs.

“Love is so fun to watch.” She giggled and winked at me. “Hopefully they’ll get past the weird punishment phase though.” I just gave a shrug, it didn't involve me so I’ll be keeping my nose out of this.

It took a couple minutes before Steph finally pulled away from Emily, which meant Penny left Onyx with a second limp arm as he eyed her with a grumpy face. Emily was a red panting mess as she waddled over to us, swaying side to side as if her legs were jelly.

“S-sorry about leaving before even saying hi.” She said nervously to me before she suddenly blinked and looked at me like I was made of all the forgotten knowledge of the world. “Your mana……it’s warm? Fuzzy even! Something must of happened to make you feel more comfortable, safe even….” She held her chin and narrowed her eyes in thought. Her head looked at Onyx. “Does his mana feel cold or chilly to you?” She asked him.

“What? Uh…” He looked at Penny with a confused face. “N-nooo? I haven’t felt anything since he left with Steph at the Ani-Tv… Why do you ask?” He asked like she was asking if the sky was blue.

Emily ignored him, turning to me instead, eyeing the cosplay, her hand reached out to grab it but stopped. “May I touch your cosplay?” She asked, leaning back to look me in the face.

“Why? Is something wrong with it?!” I asked as I looked at the cloak. Scanning it for anything out of place or strange. Did that octo girl actually put one of those personality affecting cosplays on me?!

“N-no, I highly d-d-doubt that.” Emily said as her body began shaking. Behind her Penny leaned into Onyx’s trembling body and any nearby people backed off or hid behind stalls. “I just think y-you look g-gg-good in it.” Emily said with a smile.

“Uh, yeah t-thanks.” Guess whatever was making my mana relax is over… I sighed as I looked at everyone around us, most cleared the area or gave me uneasy looks. Even those around me now wore nervous faces… I wanted to just poof out of existence or at least make the mana go away, just be a run of the mill human would do too. Even being stuck as a girl would be better than this. But I guess that would be asking for too much. 

It was then that I noticed Mr. Minnow Walking up to us, a difficult expression dyed his face. He looked like he was running for half a day and had to find a restroom but none were nearby. As he got a couple feet away from us, he took a slow breath before he said anything.

“Hello Oliver.” He looked me in the eyes. “I really don’t want to do this but the school has asked me to lead you away from the event area.” He sighed. “The families and guests here are really uncomfortable with your mana and that sudden spike has people cowering. “ He said, sounding like he was telling his brother that they weren't able to go to the new movie together. That is to say, very uncomfortable and awkward. 

Without missing a beat, Steph glared at him and looked to say something or shout it. But Mrs. Molly rocketed in front of Mr. Minnow, her wings making a loud humming noise.

“Now listen here horns.” Her wings began shimmering like a moonlit lake. “I will not sit by as my dear Oliver is forced to miss out on the goddess winds of love.” She said in a low voice while the hum her wings made sounded more and more like cracking electricity. “Now I suggest you tell the school to mind their own business or things will be getting…wild.” The shimmering in her wings grew until it looked like her wings grew into over five feet long pale blue ethereal wings. The ghostly wings twitched once and the sound of a thunderclap roared and a gust of wind exploded and pushed everyone back a foot or two.

“Mom? What are you doing?!” Penny asked as she looked between them, her face was turning into worry as her mother didn’t respond to her.

“I’m sorry but you can’t change the fact people are hiding from him.” He pointed out.

“Well-” She began, her wings started sparking electricity, the large ghostly wings raising. Penny’s face began to twist into one of deep fear at her mother’s increasing threatening actions. That’s when her eyes fell on mine, she mouthed the word, ‘please’, desperation was drilled into her face. 

“It’s alright, Mrs. Molly. I’d rather not cause Mr. Minnow trouble. Besides, he's just the messenger.” I said before turning around.

“Hold on! That’s not fair!” Steph shouted, grabbing my arm.

“YEAH! You can’t bend the knee to this!” Mrs. Molly added.

“It’s not about that. My mana is powerful, maybe dangerous. I’d rather not ruin people's holyday over it, especially my own teacher. So thank you but just stop.” I said as I pulled my arm away. I can’t let this play out!

“But what about the show?” Steph asked, her voice almost begging. 

Even Mr. Minnow spoke up. “We have a spot you can still watch from.” There was a pause as he formed a fist, his hand turning white before he let it go. “You just can't participate in the send off. I'm sorry.” He said in a somber voice.

“No! He cannot miss out on that! You can’t be this stupid, you have to know what you’re asking!” Mrs. Molly shouted at him.

“Exactly! You might as well be asking to ruin his life!” Steph argued, her voice sounded desperate. 

What? Is there something wrong with missing out? Is this that big of a social event? Or is something important supposed to happen when you do whatever it is you do here? Maybe this is like those books but on a bigger scale? But what the hell am I supposed to do then!? I can’t ask unless I risk looking like an idiot or considered as something else!

Okay! Think, what do I know about this holyday? Focuses on the god Esperanza and she’s a niece of my mother’s goddess Yu. Penny and those women had bunny ears with seeds floating between them…. Yu is seen as an aunt to the gods of happy love right? If I remember they’re a pantheon of something…..seeds? Rabbits… Oh!

Oooohh…. Then this might have to do with, uh…..making families………….. No, I’m not going to gain anything by stepping on someone else’s family. Not like that storm did.

“Then I’ll just go home before it starts.” I said as I began to quickly walk away. 


“But you’ll miss out on your true passion….” Steph tried shouting but her voice was barely a whimper. 




As I walked through the now less crowded  rows of stalls, I couldn’t help but wonder if leaving was the right thing. I could’ve seen whatever that passion thing was, maybe grown to understand Steph or Penny? But if i didn’t leave then a fight could’ve erupted and Penny’s mother would end up in lots of trouble. And I’d rather not split up another family over something so stupid. Though I couldn’t help but look back once I was near the edge of the event area, most stalls were empty with only those folding metal gates covering them.

Hopefully I did the right thing back there. Probably not, probably looked-

“Hello, doormat.” Came a gruff voice.

“Who’s there?” My head snapped to the front before scanning the area.

“Unlike you, I won’t hide behind others. Allow me to properly introduce myself.” stepping out from the corner of a stall was that large Oni I jumped over earlier. But she towered a good two or three feet above me and without her visor helmet on, I saw she sported Three horns. The two on the edges of her forehead were curved upward like sickles while the third sat in between them and looked like a thick rose thorn. Her skin was a dark red, as if someone took blood and added black dye to it. She wasn't in her armor, instead wearing a blue tank top and a pair of baggy gray pants that wrapped around her middle abs, ending at black slipper like shoes. Her muscles were huge, her arms alone were as thick as my arm and leg. They were even covered in white crescent scars from her shoulders to her forearms. Her dark blue hair was cut short, ending where her head and neck met and looked like a messy bed head.

“I am Danuta. And I will end your pitiful reign on my people, you limp heart.” She said coldly as if talking to someone who danced on her family’s grave.

“Reign? I don’t control anyone, let alone command people!” I shot back, slightly annoyed at her suggestions.

“That is exactly my point! You have the Oni, Succubi and Lamia greet you and yet you do nothing with it! You didn’t even earn that right! How dare you posture your flabby chest like a crowned demon when you haven’t shown any power!?” She shot back with an angry scowl. 

“Flabby?! Fucker I don’t even want that crap!” I almost scream, as my right hand’s fingers and claws tightly grip my chest. “I just wanted to enjoy a simple damn school life! Preparing and growing for my future! I don’t even know why anyone lines up for me!” I shouted at her.

She smiled at that. “Then you prove yourself unworthy of all you were given! Face me in combat so I might prove myself worthy whelp!” She announced while pointing her clawed finger at me.

“Fuck off.” I said as I started to walk away.

“Running doormat?” She scoffed. “Just like a little chicken shit devil? Then What if I offer something? Say the true reason why your miserable friend flees from you? Or better yet what’s going to happen to him?” She said, sounding like an evil salesman, sweetening the pot.

Mark?! “If you hurt even the air around him you shit stain of a joke, I’ll rip your arms off and make soup from your FUCKING BONES!” I screamed at her as I turned to face her fucking moronic rot she called a face. My skin boiled and my scales felt like they were burning, even my claws felt extremely dry as I flamed at the demon.

She stepped back from my outburst and even shuddered in fear. Good, she knows he- “Hehehe, HAHAHAHA! So you do have a spine after all! GOOD!” She lifted her arm, making me bare my claws and teeth, my wings opened and my tail raised. She pointed at the mountain. “Meet me at the base of Dragon’s point this Wednesday. I would rather not ruin the festivities here, nor you, no?” She smiled like she was about to beat the secret super boss as I scowled at her but slowly nodded my head. “Prepare or seek failure!” She shouted in glee before she walked off wearing an excited smile.   

I glared at her even when she was gone, I stared down the direction as if she was going to attack me at any second. Sadly the bitch didn't, she just walked off swaying side to side in a wide walk. Just like she won a billion dollars. It was only when she was out of my sight did I dig out my phone from my bag, my claws cutting into it as I searched for it.

It wasn't until I poked my third hole into my bag did I find my phone. “Fuck!” The moment I woke it up I saw I still had no bars. I began speed walking as I quickly typed a text asking if he was safe, hoping to god that the second I did have a signal, it would reach him. After hitting send, I dropped it in my bag, tied it to my arm and began to rush down the road. I didn't care as lingering people rushed or jumped out of my way. Some screamed, shouted or cried as I cut through the dirt path, gouging out chunks as my claws easily sunk with each rapid step.

I ran and ran. The world tunneling into a hazy blur, the only sound I could hear was the constraint pounding of my heart as I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t stop until I found myself in front of Mark’s house. Pressing my feet into the ground, ignoring every little bump I felt or sound around me.

“Mark! Are you ok!”

I ran up the pavement to his front door.

“Mark Are you in there!”

I had to slow down as I reached his door, digging my claws into the sidewalk almost slamming into his door. I pressed the doorbell once, twice, seventeen times before my phone beeped a notification. When I stopped, the doorbell wasn’t as rounded as it was before, it was sunken in with a cracked down the middle. Pulling out my phone, I found a text from Mark.

Not home out with family. Can’t talk, busy week ahead.

That was all he sent, he didn’t respond to any texts I sent after that. Even when I warned him about that disgusting Oni and what she said. Just nothing.


The hell’s going on? Is he…..ignoring me? What did I do?

I turned around to find that the sidewalk was smashed into rubble or streaked with claw marks, even a few signs were bent or knocked over. It looked like a demon went on a wild rampage, a monster…. I looked down at the dark obsidian like claws growing from my fingers. My hand trembled and felt numb.

“I think I understand.”

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