My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.85: Cracks and The Hands That Mend Them

I guess it’s true, I’m stupid. Naively believing if I kept going I could just find the answer to my dragon-ness….. Damn it! Maybe he was right? Maybe I am only going to twist and crush everything in my path like a storm.


I thought I was long over this. I should be over this shit! I leaned back into my bed as my wings cradled my shoulders and my tail wrapped around myself. 

“Maybe a kitsune had better luck at soothing themselves with that tail of theirs.” I whispered to myself as I looked down at my stupid scaled tail. Orange crystalline scales…. I looked at the black cloudiness my scales had where they met other scales, almost like ash covered glass. I stared right into the dark of my scales. It looked deeper than I could imagine, almost as vast as the ocean. Just there like the inky dark of space.

“Maybe…..there’s room fo-”


The doorbell rang, shouting into the house, demanding attention.

“Go away….I don’t need any crap right now.” I muttered to myself.


It roared to get my attention, annoying me enough to rush out to the door. If they weren’t going to fucking leave then I’ll make them! Like the fucking monster they s-

“Hey Oliver.” Came the soft voice of Belle as I pulled the door open. He had a gentle smile on his face, eyes looking up at me, almost searching for something.

“Belle!? W-what are you doing here?” I asked, trying to keep a calm face.

“Steph called me. Said you might need a friend.” He said softly. “Could we hang out a little? I brought something you might want.” He added, holding up a large bag with white boxes.

I would’ve said no, give some bullshit excuse but I realized the smell of fried seafood wafting off the boxes. My stomach growled at the delicious odder. Sighing, I stepped aside. “Alright, come in. I thought you were doing something with your family?” I asked as he walked in.

“Well yeah but they insisted that you get a sample of our food.” Belle looked around as he walked in. “I promise you’ll love it so much your scales will stand to applaud its great flavor. Maybe even turn golden.” He said with a cocky smile as he strutted over to the coffee table in the livingroom.

“Hm…ok.” I said, trying to seem calm. As bad as I felt, my hunger was stronger and it loved the idea of seafood. And from what I could smell, I was pretty sure there was either shrimp or some other shellfish in there from the scent of butter and garlic! “We'll see if you’re telling the truth.”

“I never lie when it comes to something as scrumptious as this.” He said as his mouth watered, the way he looked at the food boxes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tore into it like a wild animal. But he held himself back as he pulled out plates from his bag and opened the boxes in front of me. Presenting them like he was showing off a first place winner’s reward, waving one hand under it while giving an excited hand wiggle with the other one.

“Presenting the leading meal in godly yumminess! Iiiiiiiiissssss fried till it’s flaky. CLIFF BASS! With a hearty helping of buttered Shrimp and scallops! And to top it off is a plate of fries seasoned to perfection with a spicy dipping sauce on the side!” Belle announced in a cheery voice that I couldn’t help but smile at.

And before I could serve myself, Belle held up a hand to stop me. He then quickly served me a large portion of the food and a smaller one for himself. He even tried arranging the food to look like a nice restaurant prepared it. Though he kinda messed up the fanning fries when he put the fish on top of it, messing up the shape but he looked so happy doing it I didn’t want to point it out. Once he put the plate down in front of me he held out a finger, stopping me from grabbing it.

“I need to put the secret last tasty touch. Just a moment kind sir.” He said, sounding like an adorable butler. He then clapped his hands twice creating a soft glow in them and twirled his fingers at the food, releasing golden sparks that shimmered and twinkled like stars. The sparks lazily fell on the food like sand settling on the ocean floor and once they landed, the food glowed brightly. It was as if I found a glowing treasure of an ancient civilization lost to time.

And that’s when I noticed it. “It smells amazing!” I shouted. Yeah the food was already hot and smelled great but after whatever he just did, the food smelled richer! It smelled so good that I thought I could taste the creamy butter and rich garlic, even the fish had a good spicy bite with salt, pepper and a few other seasonings and spices I could smell! I couldn’t stop myself as I drooled and my stomach roared and whined that only my nose was eating. “Oops… Sorry, it smells just that good.” I said feeling a little shocked my gut could sound so loud, it was like I had another dragon inside me screaming.

“Hehehe! And you haven’t even tried it yet! Go on! Try it!” He said with sparkling eyes as he bounced in place.

I quickly nodded, taking a fork and grabbing some of the fish. The smell was so magical that I had to swallow my drool before taking a bite. Once I popped the fish in my mouth, I nearly fell back at how dreamy the food tasted, the right amount of crispy and juicy~! I felt like I was floating in a bubbling hot spring, melting from the grand flavor. Every bite only sent me over the clouds and surfing through the winds. I couldn’t help but smile and over exaggerate my, ‘Aah-om’, with every bite. It was just that amazing!

Belle smiled and ate his own portion, smiling and laughing as we ate. Sadly I finished my scallops way too fast, I didn’t get to fully enjoy them! They just flew into my mouth and went down twice as easily! I ended up eyeing the only scallops leftover, they just so happened to be sitting on Belle’s plate. Juicy and covered in butter, their glorious smell taunting me! They were totally mocking me for vacuuming up mine, their stupid wondrous texture, forever gone! And then it happened! Belle scooped two up, opening his mouth wide as I watched them slowly inch closer to his gaping maw. Good bye my last hope at wondrous flavor and dream like-

Belle was watching me as I imagined I was the one eating them. He then stopped, a big smile on his face as his eyes narrowed. “Want mine?” he asked in a somewhat teasing voice. My eyes widened as I quickly nodded my head.

He cocked an eyebrow as his smile turned into a smirk. “Open up and say aah.” He said playfully, holding back his food.

“Wha? Uh…..” I stared at the juicy scallops almost dumbly. It’s no big deal, I get more good food and Belle gets what exactly? It didn't matter as I was already leaning closer, staring into his eyes with narrowed eyes. Good food is important. “Ahhh…” I opened my mouth as my focus zeroed in on the food that I didn't even notice if Belle made a face or even a sound. The food moving to me and into my mouth is all that I could see and the taste is all I will sense. “Mmmm~!” it’s soo good that my body shivered from the great flavor!

“Hehehe. Sooooo cuuuuute!” I finally heard Belle squeal like a fangirl seeing her favorite ship flirting together. 

I would argue that I am just handsome or cool, totally not cute, adorable or anything beyond. buuuuut there’s still food on my plate, it looks so lonely without me! so I settle with giving him an annoyed glare as I devour everything and lick clean my plate of any juices or sauce. The moment I cleared my plate and began to reach for one of the boxes, Belle quickly served me more food. Still putting in the effort to plate the food nicely.

“Thanks! Thanks a whole lot!” I said as he handed me more of his family’s grand food. Belle just gave a big thumbs up, proudly puffing out his chest.

When I finally ate pretty much everything Belle brought, I leaned back into the couch patting my stuffed gut. Damn do I feel good, maybe that’s why mom’s always cooking great food? I looked over at Belle who was gathering the trash, his tail bobbed side to side almost like he was listening to an earworm. He looked happy to be here… so did Steph and Emily, they were excited to see me too. After throwing away the trash Belle turned and smiled, wiping his hands together like he built a giant shelf.

Maybe I was being too emotional earlier. Looking too closely at only a corner of the painting. Guess I have some thinking to do, followed by some preparation or research…. I watched Belle curiously look around the livingroom like he was looking for easter eggs hidden just under his nose.

“Hey Belle?” I called

“Hmm?” He was looking at a picture of my mother holding up a giant dining table sized fish.

“Does everyone in your family know I'm a dragon?” I asked.

“Yup! My uncle and mom told everyone that you’re a dragoness and an honored guest. So they know to be sweet to you.” He said while looking over his shoulder at me with a big grin.

“But aren’t they nervous with my mana? I’ve heard some people say it's almost frigid.” I said.

Belle shrugged. “Yeah, mom said she wanted to test your metal when she saw you. I think she thought you wanted to prove yourself when she felt your mana.” He tilted his head. “Mom does love a good challenge sooooo if you ever go to my house she might try something. My suggestion, get really good at checkers and revert.” He said with a mischievous wink. “But don't worry, we have our own way of dealing with mana. You might even like it!” 

“Alright…” I almost muttered to myself. Maybe he could tell me about his family’s mana solution? Or at the very least I could learn how he uses magic. Maybe there’s a nugget that might lead me on the right trail? Deciding to ask, I looked up at Belle only to find his big green eyes looking right at me. They were so big and colorful, like an emerald sea, beautiful. Sometimes it was hard to remind myself that Belle was a guy with how cute and feminine he looked. It was kinda weird. Sorta in a let me pretend it’s normal even though it’s not, way. But, could it?

“Are you ok?” He asked with a curious look. It came off like a simple check up but felt a whole lot more than just that.

“Uh… just, processing, I guess….” I said half heartedly. I felt like I was more or less over the darker thoughts but if I’ve learned anything, emotions can be overwhelming at times. Add instincts to the bowl and I might’ve made napalm. Then an idea hit me. “But could you do that tail thing you did with your uncle in class? I’m curious if it might make my mana relax an-” Then I remembered something. My mother wasn’t affected by my mana at home. “Wait, do you feel my mana right now?” I suddenly asked.

His lower lip crushed upward in thought, his ears flicked downward before moving like satellite dishes trying to get better reception. His brows quickly pressed together, he then slightly tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, slowly nodding to himself. “There’s a lot of warm fuzziness in here. Something that feels like a nasty wet blanket and….” He made a confused face as if he heard Mr. Minnow suddenly talk in a high pitched kiddy voice. “A….martian? That one feels too weird. Maybe something someone’s shoe brought in?” He shrugged. “But nope! You’re not pouring out mana right now.”

“I see…” I guess I can’t test if his magical tail scent thing would do anything right now.

“Wait! What I mean is, other than what you’re releasing when strong emotions come out. I don’t really feel your protective blanket mana right now.” He quickly said. “But that wet blanket is still hanging around…..”

Wet blanket? Crap! I completely forgot he can feel emotions through those ears of his. Was he feeling my negative thoughts as a wet blanket?! What else is he sensing but not telling me about? Though my lack of responding ended up looking like I was staring at his ears as if they had tentacles wriggling and not whisker like hairs poking out. Realizing I was staring, Belle’s ears flattened over his head before hovering his hands over them protectively. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare weirdly at your ears.” I lowered my gaze to his now reddened face.

“You can’t touch my ears!” He puffed out his cheeks in an angry pout. “Unless you take responsibility for what happens.” He almost whispered.

“What?” I asked in shock. Instantly remembering how he acted after I defended him from those creepy pervs. He was acting like he was an animal in heat. And we’re pretty much alone in the house right now………. God damn it, if this doesn’t feel like the build up to some porn video then I’m just plain nuts.

“Nothing!” He quickly turned away, looked around and picked up a picture of my mother and brother. “Who’s this guy? He looks familiar.” He asked, quickly changing the topic.

“That? He’s my little brother. Smart guy figured out half my homework as kids and then asked for a bribe to do it. Which was a music game. So I promised him, he did as promised and I got him the game and another one.” I smiled warmly at the memory. “As for why you might recognize him. I guess you saw him sculking around the school, maybe with his friend group.” I explained.

“Really? Why do you say that?” He asked. 

“I…. guess he needs his space.” I said, sounding a little down. Belle’s ears shot up before he marched over to me and grabbed my hand.

“Then you just gotta be there for him and never give up on him! Not ever!” He said with the kind of determination you’d hear from a soldier giving his life. Belle held my hand to his chest in a firm grip as he eyed me with blazing eyes. He didn’t let go as he stared into me, it felt as if his eyes weren’t looking at my skin, my altered appearance or my face. He saw past that. Did he see a human under all the scales? Or was it something far more different.

I wanted to ask. I wanted to know what he would say. There was something there but his gaze felt too hot, too gentle. I ended up looking away.

“I…. I'll…thank you.” In that moment I just wanted to cry. I don't know. Was it the stress and darker thoughts or was it because I….. I didn’t know. I don't need to. I took a deep breath and pushed down until things felt a little more level than before. 

“Don't worry. If you ever need help or even just need an ear. I'll always listen.” Belle said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I took another breath.

“All….alright.” That was all I could push out. Saying anything else felt too hard. And if I did say more than I could bury him. He didn't need to be vomited on. He needed someone to be strong, his uncle asked to protect him. I can’t back down on that. Not ever.

His gaze was too intense. 

 And he just sat next to me. Leaned his shoulder into me. I could feel his body weight and the blazing warmth as he pressed into me. He didn’t look at me, didn’t say anything. He just let me feel his presence as I shivered and looked at the floor. It felt wrong, I shouldn’t let myself fall apart. Almost like I was grinding the bone of my forearm into metal.

But we just sat there. No one demanded anything. No one looked. But to me it was everything.

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