My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.86: Leaving on an Trip

“Oliver hurry up and get rea- I THOUGHT I WOKE YOU UP AN HOUR AGO!” My mother shouted at me, her voice echoing through the room like a thunderous boom.

I blinked my eyes awake. I had fallen asleep on the couch after getting changed. But really it was like four thirty, maybe earlier? I wasn't too aware of the time as my eyes felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. My brain felt like it was swimming through warm thick syrup and my body didn't want to move. My head nodded once as I tried staying up only to nod a fourth time………………………. 

A cold chill shot like a knife in between my tail bones. My body shook and shuddered as the sensation spread up making me jump to my feet. I felt a push on my tail, moving it aside. My mother had her hand on the underside of my tail, she smiled innocently. I stared at her with dead eyes. She tried to giggle the weird touch away but my gaze began to burn into her skull.

“Did you jus-”

“Haha! Oh would you look at the time! Gotta get everything else. Bye!” Mom cried as she ran away like a cat being chased by a huge mouse.

I looked back at my tail. It felt a little numb and stiff, almost like the bones were locked in place. So I curled my tail in a downward arch, stretching it then bending to the left and the right. I did this a few times until it felt a little looser. Although…. I looked at my tail dubiously. I’d probably have to get it massa- Actually no, I’ll manage.

Lazily looking around, I spotted Cole laying with his arms spread across the table. He was snoring with his face pressed into the table. He was in a dark blue bomber jacket with the fur tipped hood covering his head and his red roller suitcase next to him. Mom had forced him to pack. He didn’t seem to want to go and even tried ignoring mom’s sad puppy eyes. But she threatened to let him live like a primal, which translates to, no electronics, less clothes, no money and bad tasting food. He quickly changed his tune after that.

Maybe we could talk, get past this problem or get him to warm up to me? At this point I’d settle for just sharing food with him and just a grunt. I groggily rubbed my eyes before turning to one of the bags I packed and double checked it. I had some extra money and a few books to read in case things got a little slow. One was a dramatic retelling of Deluxe-man Mista, she took over after Lo-ren disappeared. The other was called cooking in fantasy fourth edition, it was a cook and lore book based around foods characters ate. This edition had things from anime to popular web novels but mostly focused on meat based dishes. I was reading the Krall section which was basically a giant kraken with crab like pincers, the squid turn crustation apparently tasted like sweetened tenderloin. And Stawbea had some good beef so maybe I was hyping up the good food. The last book was a book called Lore on one of the shelves. From what I understood, it was a book on combat with large monster races but the important part, it had a section on Oni. 

Not feeling as tired after whatever my mother did to my tail. ugh! It was like she put her finger in my belly button, swirled it around and said she was checking for dust. I wished moms didn’t know that weird stuff wakes their kids up, even if it was effective, just use cold water. I grumbled to myself as I grabbed my bags knowing full well that wish will never happen. It was a sad dream made even sadder when I considered how much mom liked being playful. At least I didn’t wake up in the middle of the street or a lake……… Crap. I’ll have to wake up early tomorrow just to be sure. She might not be a prankster but my grandmother on the other hand….. I shook at the thought. God please! If anything in family’s changed, please let it be my grandma’s appetite for, ‘jokes’.

I didn’t want to think about this too much so I quickly gathered another bag and a few extra bags mom wanted to bring and a large pink box. Luckily everything was easy to carry, I even used my tail to hold two by looping it into the straps. It didn’t feel too heavy for my tail, I did curve it upward but I didn’t feel any problems. Only when I took my first step did I feel my body sway to the left like a boat getting pushed up by a large wave. I would’ve stumbled if I didn’t widen my stance, leaving me in an awkward pose.

“M-hmm.” My brother shifted, he kinda sounded like he was giggling? He probably saw my stupid pose. 

I could only grumble as I awkwardly crab walked to the car. Luckily it was too early that everyone else was still in bed and mom was nowhe-

“Heheh, hahhaha! Oly you- trying to go back to crab?! Hehehe!” I could only freeze as my mother laughed at my shuffling from the other side of the car.

My face tightened like I was sucking on a lime. All I could do was glare at my mother who laughed so much she fell over. Falling face first into the car as her legs hung in the air petrified like a statue.

“Pfft- HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” I just dropped everything, pointed and laughed.




“Winds blowing through aassss the world spins on by~.” The radio played some relaxing music as I watched several trees pass by the window. “Always remember who you will be~.” a lot of the trees look like strawberry pink birch trees, their dark stripes resembling melting milk chocolate. “And hold on, hold on. You’re more than what you see and they believe~.” The air smelled like mint strawberry, light and breezy, almost as if it was just a curious suggestion. 

It was just weird. Everything felt farther than it once was. Maybe I'm just overthinking things. I took a breath and focused on the car.

Mom was driving along with baby blue cat shaped sunglasses, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. Wearing a white top with a pair of buttoned shorts and leather boots. She kinda looked like someone in their twenties going on a summer trip. While my brother on the other hand wore that thick jacket and black jeans. He seemed more ready for the winter, sure we were heading into fall but it was still hot outside……

Well ok! To me it feels like a cool breeze but I know from my times as a human and from looking at the temperature. It’s a hot day, around eighty out here, I’d sweat on days like this and it was only the morning! Which only meant a hotter day and my body trembled at the thought. I’m excited, I want that heat right now and that’s kinda weird. Like the shower I like the heat more and more like I just walked out of a snow storm. It’s just kinda freaky, going from not liking heated temperatures to loving them. I looked over at my brother in the back, bobbing his head to something playing on his headset. He would absolutely love this. I couldn’t keep a small smile from forming on my face at that. I think I get it!

“Perv.” He shot at me as he looked at me with a lazily concealed glare.

“The fu-” I eyed my mother who was pretending to not notice, shifting my eyes back at my brother. “I. Do not. Appreciate your harsh words.” I said with a firm voice, sadly a low growling sound escaped as I finished my sentence. My brother’s barely hidden glare darkened, almost falling into one of rage.

He was about to open his mouth when. “Ehm!” Mom cleared her throat. Cole’s eyes turned to face her and my body shivered as the air around her turned icy cold, feeling like a thousand trucks were all dumping icebergs onto me. My eyes slowly looked over at her, she was wearing a relaxed smile but her eyes were taunting for something stupid to happen.

Cole swallowed before coughing. “I’m…” His eyes hung on our mother’s form, they looked wet, maybe pained. “Sorry, si-” He began, eyeing me with cold disdain.

“Noooo~.” Mom warned.

“Uh, I am sorry brother.” He said before going back to his phone, trying to hide away.

“Thank you Cole. And Oly?” She asked.

“Yes?!” I shot out like a spooked soldier.

“Good job using kinder words. I'm so proud of you.” The cold pressure around her was gone as if it was just a figment of our imagination. Instead it was rather relaxing aided when the music changed to something poppy and energetic.

I knew on a level that only my mind would spell out for me. Respect her. “Uh, thanks mom.” I said in my confusion at the whiplash of changing emotions. 

She patted my leg before she said something. “Now, I understand that things aren't as good as they were before.” She looked up at the rear view mirror at Cole. “But promise me you'll leave that at home and try to talk?” She looked at me with hopeful begging eyes.

“You got a deal.” I said, agreeing instantly. Whiplash or not, this was something I was hoping for and having mom’s support would bring that hope into reality. I love you mom!

Cole on the other hand didn’t respond. I wanted to look back at him but considering what happened, I forced myself to look away. He might see it as gloating or some other thing so I’d rather it went smoothly. Hopefully it’ll start something! “Well?” Mom called out to Cole expectantly.

I heard him shift around, probably trying to be more comfortable. “...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Fine…” He finally said. Hell ye- “Only because you asked mom.” He added, his voice felt spiteful to me but sounded soft, almost remorseful. 

“Thank you.” Her voice sounded a mix of tired and happy. “Now remember, we’ll be staying at your grandparents’ house. So please give and show love.” She said firmly.




The drive was another hour before we spotted the town. It was near the edge of a forest of those pink trees, surrounded by tall grasses colored red, blue and green. The town itself had buildings of white, red, blue and many had columns set in the corners. Most buildings weren’t bigger than two stories, instead most were built with width in mind and in between the wider ones were smaller buildings. These ones didn’t have columns and looked more like houses you’d see used as a small farm house. Peaking above the buildings probably near the town square was a huge clocktower that looked more like a castle tower, crowned with archer peek holes. To the left of the town were fields of short trees, rows of what looked like man sized giant kale, and other crops I didn’t recognize. Each field or two had a small collection of houses, long barns and I even saw something that looked like a buffalo with a rabbit’s face. And there were large pink and brown balloon things floating lazily in the air above several fields. They looked like a large yoga ball was covered in a fuzzy blanket, with each of the blanket’s corners tied with a rope. The strawberry forest behind and to the right of the town was sprouting out of a hill, or small mountain? Could be a cliff behind it or more hilly forest. Well inside the forest I saw several more houses and buildings randomly dotting the area. The only thing they all shared in common was the distance between one building to the next.

As we drove closer, I could see tall banners set up around the buildings. They varied from sky blue to sage green, some had tassels and others had frilly ribbons around the edges. They looked made of paper thin material and were all decaled around the edges in a repeating pattern of triangles, curling lines and a figure in a robe with outstretched arms. 

The people walking around from shop to shop were mostly humans. I did see a tall muscled battle-jin, he was in a green vest that exposed his tanned arms walking down the street. There were a lot of tiny orbs of light dashing in and out of small holes that would open like electric doors in the walls of buildings. Some landed on platforms with small houses connected to the larger shops, almost like birdhouses. There were also a few plant monsters hanging around, one of those giant flowers with three giggling girls inside it, another was thinner than a human and had a cloak of leaves with a bulbous head like a dragonfly. 

Driving through the town though was well…. People who looked at the car, saw me and just stared. Gaping mouths, stepping back and a few pointed. Some even turned to whisper or hid their faces behind hands or other objects. Sure we weren’t going through the town just around the edges of it. But really I had a feeling the whole town would soon know a big scary dragon is running around. I looked down at my hands and the black curved claws tipping each one. Closing my hands just enough that my claws touched my palms, I focused on my forearm instead. 

Without noticing it, mom put her hand on my hand and rubbed it. I turned to her and she gave me a small gentle smile. Hand gave me a gentle squeeze, not once letting go as we drove through the town. It's not the end of the world, I just gotta take things slow. I returned her smile. I’m fine, completely ok. I was going to see my grandparents after all! Seeing them would be worth this worrying unease. Maybe Grandpa has some cool projects! Maybe their house was far more different than their original suburban one in my own world?




We drove up into the hilly forest a few miles before we reached our destination. I knew we were going to my grandparents’ house but it was just a normal house hidden behind a busy street, but here? A large pink and red house greeted us. I would've confused it for a row of those pink trees if it didn't have windows and a large fort like shape. Instead of a suburban home with a yard it was like one of those small cottages, flowers blooming from vines and hedges that clung to the house’s walls. Many of the pink trees were spaced far enough away gave the impression this was a house built right in the middle of a large park. It had wooden tiles making up the roofing, each one carved into the shape of scales with carvings of plants on each one. Instead of asphalt and brick, it was replaced by evenly cut stones of white, gray and red making up most of the walls and pathways.   

Except this cottage was huge! Two maybe three stories taller, a patio with a swinging bench and it seemed to loop around two of the strawberry colored trees. One of the trees was even decorated with paper charms and weird looking dolls? They looked like knitted dolls and others looked like carved vegetables. It would look like a psycho murder house that might’ve had break down but something about it felt….warm, no, more like welcoming? The decorated tree had a thin branch that reached up and coiled with three of the other tree’s thicker branches. And with the angle the decorated tree stood at, it looked like they were keeping each other up.

 Maybe, we could be like that?

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