My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 64 Worlds don't like being bent over for easy entertainment.

After making sure the Loki Familia understood the dangers of going into this world and with them all being brave adventurers who regularly faced death within the dungeon simply waved away my warnings.

"We are now aware and thank you for the warning's, Jake but it is no different from taking a quest within the dungeon so please open our eyes to the new world." Riveria spoke and I could only shrug in response and start the process of trying to reopen the LOTR world.

But I was surprised to feel my reality marble sliding into place almost eagerly and if I wasn't mistaken, it felt like hands were guiding my way to almost the same point we left off at as the world almost instantly formed the scene of the hobbits going into the town of Bree to meet with Gandalf who was supposed to meet them there.

"Follow them." I spoke as we sidestepped the guard and to do a bit of good karma I turned around and forced a bottle of high-quality whiskey into the guards' arms.

"Wots this for?" The old looking guard mumbled trying to see what the dark colored fluid was and after being told this was given by the town mayor for the years of being a loyal guard, he gleefully went into his little shack to get out of the rain with the bottle and was going to obviously get shit faced drunk.

"Jake why did you give the guard such strong alcohol?" Hestia asked after we followed the Hobbits into the bar and took a seat across the room, so we were all able to keep the hobbits in view, but I was more interested in the shadowy figure in the corner. Aragon had already noticed us and more importantly me as we scoped out the room.

"He is supposed to die soon, and I wanted to see if I could change his fate." I answered making several people frown at what they considered spoilers but honestly with us not being able to see outside of where we were currently, we were also missing the battle between Gandalf and Saruman.

Though that could be a consequence of me pushing us so deep into the world in question.

I could almost feel a pressure nudging my consciousness, but I was awoken when Hestia gripped my arm tightly and Riveria shook her head with a snarl forming on her face. "A foul curse is attempting to sway our minds. clear them." I saw Frodo clearly freaking out and seemed to be going into a trance as he was clearly playing with the ring between his hand's and them, we heard Pippin yelling throughout the bar how he knew a Baggins.

"I don't just know a Baggins. He is right there!" He pointed out Frodo who seemed to be enthralled by the ring and was overtaken by paranoia as he quickly walked over to Pippen as he turned back into his cup.

But the same thing happened as the ring was clearly pressing onto our minds and a man tripped Frodo as the hobbit tried to pull his kinsfolk away and the ring flew into the air and the whole room went tense seeing such a precious thing free from anyone's hands, but the moment of truth came as the ring managed to guide itself onto Frodo's finger making him go invisible.

Both Divines looked highly uncomfortable as they stared off in a certain attention and I was sure that said direction was the Eye of Mordor telling Frodo he cannot hide from him and how he was always able to see him.

But with my enhanced senses I was able to see through the corner of my eye Frodo pop back into the world and be dragged upstairs by the cloaked figure.

Finn was already running ahead with his spear in hand passing the hobbits which were already armed with a couple stools and candle holders.

"Welp lets go join the fun I chuckled and led the rest up the stairs and down to the dingy hall wall and saw Finn crash through the door and a series of loud clanging as their weapons met briefly.

I hurried up and as I turned around the corner, I saw Aragon sheathing his blade as Finn stood there obviously conflicted.

The ranger raised his eyebrows in confusion as the dozen plus people came into the room and fanned out a bit and he seemed a bit nervous now at how outnumbered he was, so I assured him of why we came. "Aragorn son of Arathorn, my adventurer party has come to assist you on your journey to send the ring bearer to Rivendell." He looked about to argue, but I cut him off with the dire news. "Gandalf isn't coming, and worse all nine of the Nazgul will be here within minutes. We must leave this place or a battle with such creatures will destroy the town."

He could only nod at my news as he knew with Frodo having used the ring that if they were even remotely close that they would know Frodo's prior location exactly.

Soon enough we moved over to the inn across the street and Aragon got us a couple rooms with me Riveria and Finn sharing the room with the hobbits to watch over Frodo and Ryuu and Aisha were in charge of the others in the other room.

With an unholy shriek the whole town was frightened out of its wits as the Nazgul screamed and stabbed into the beds in the opposite inn and we could literally hear the pounding's of there metal boots and cursed blades as they chopped and likewise tore apart the room frantically searching for the hobbits.

Finn and Aragon both were sitting beside the window watching the carnage unfold with their weapons in hand while I was sitting next to the door armed as well even if they shouldn't show themselves that unholy sound that seemed to shake my soul gave a firm reason not to take any chances and be lazy about our safety.

"How did such monsters come to be." Frodo muttered fearfully as the sound of a scream rang out as obviously the monsters didnt take to kindly to the misinformation of the inn's owner was abruptly silenced.

"They were once men. Great kings of men in fact, but Sauron the Deceiver gave them nine rings of power between them and soon the malic and evil magics within turned them one by one into the undead abominations before you. They are known as the Nazgul, or Ring Wraiths and are neither living nor dead." Aragon explained and then as the shadows leaped onto the horses as the lights started to fill the windows of the town the monster's fled the town.

But Aragon wasn't done with his bad news as he continued to explain. "They are constantly drawn to the power of the One True Ring that which you carry. Frodo they will not stop hunting you, they will not eat, they will not sleep, they will never be hunting you..."

After that lovely warning he told us we need to get some rest for the march following us at dawn.


I was in the back of the line with Riveria and Ais while Ryuu and Aisha held the sides with the rest of the executive's leaving Aragon and Finn to march and lead us through the snowy marshes leading to Rivendell.

"So Riveria, Ais any thoughts so far on this world?" I asked and Ais only shrugged mumbling about how she wasn't able to fight anything yet, which was true, but I wasn't sure if I should say anything about the tower battle coming, but it seemed the choice was taken from my hands with Riveria able to see my contemplative expression.

"Trouble is ahead isn't it, Jake?" I could only nod as this world wasn't a game with us being able to die here so I explained that a battle was ahead with the Nazgul.

"Shouldn't we tell them?" Riveria frowned but I shook my head in denial.

"Telling them some supposed future hinging on them being an idiot and literally lighting a fire in a watch tower and attracting the attention of enemies will only make them defensive at their stupidity being pointed out so let's simply keep them from doing stupid nonsense because the Nazgul are already around us anyway, it won't make a difference." I said making her nod in understand at my plan.

Soon enough after another hour of marching over some hilly marshes we saw the large tower named something I am sure to mispronounce so I won't bother with. "We shall rest here tonight." Aragon called out and then led us into the tower.

After giving the unarmed Hobbits some weapons and even giving Haruhime a dagger because she was also unarmed, Aragon declared he was going to go out and scout with Bete volunteering to go join him and the ranger agreed.

'Despites Bete's faults and personality issues he is certainly the best person to do scouting with his werewolf heritage.' I thought laying against the stone walls and watching the sun's twilight as everyone seemed to settle in for some rest.

"Hestia, Loki this march isn't giving you girls any trouble, is it?" I asked the goddesses and they simply shrugged.

Loki was wearing her trademarked smile so I couldn't really see her expression, but Hestia simply got up to come sit beside me as she stared at the twilight as well. "It's alright we aren't being held back from simply refueling our energy with our Arcanum but there does seem to be something watching us as we do anything with our divinity." Loki likewise nodded in response, but I could now see her smile was only painted on and I could see how a trickster god would despise being constantly watched over.

"It must be Sauron's eye feeling where the divine power within you both." I mused before a loud shriek rang out through the sky clearly responding to my curiosity and then I could see through the thick shadows of the marshes tree's nine hooded figures almost floating through the uneven terrain.

'Sauron can track the god's movement's...' I thought dourly before shrugging off the thought as Finn took control of the situation. "Everyone gets to the top of the tower!" He yelled and pulled the hobbits to their feet and helped them get moving as I took control of the backline and created a small fire to light the way for Hestia and Loki to follow.

I pressed both the goddesses and the Hobbits into an alcove as the combatant's prepared for the Ring Wraiths to approach before an important note came to mind.

"Ladies we need you to fight the leader of the wraiths as he is conceptually impossible to kill if you are a man." I yelled seeing the shadows in the tunnels going around the tower thicken to the point of being unable to even the see the night sky above.

A cloaked blur shot forward and with a shout Finn met the blur with a shadowy figure with his spear and despite how Finn clearly should have been able to bat aside the monster we could feel a deep cloying darkness entrenching upon us as the monsters seemed to be absorbing the darkness surrounding the tower and I knew that Sauron wasn't playing games using such potent and obvious magic.

It was a sharp clang that rang out as Finn met the ring wraith equally in combat at it was only his spear's long reach that allowed him to dance around the monster's enhanced strength that seemed almost equal to his.

I myself launched into the battle as one of the wraiths managed to use the propulsion of Ryuu's blow to launch themselves towards the goddesses and the ring bearer and boy was I underprepared as the wraith's back hand against my sword was met with a combination of my sword easily cutting through its arm due to its space cutting properties as well as its retaliatory kick as it screamed in rage at a mortal harming it which it landed against my chest and launched me against a stone pillar with a loud crash as my armor handled the impact well.

"Ryuu use your light magic!" I called out as I couldn't light this whole place on fire without killing my teammates and I had no time to test out the space blades. But I knew they would be weakened within sunlight or light in general.

She nodded and jumped back for me to take over the fight and as my attention was fully taken by the battle, I was able to hear her chanting in the back of my mind, but my attention had to be kept on this wraith due to the sheer strength difference between us even though it somehow didnt have the speed or reflexes to match.

"In the sky of a now distant forest. Infinite stars scattered in the endless night sky. Respond to my foolish voice, give me now divine protection of starfire. Give the mercy of light to the one that abandoned you. Come, wandering wind, the wandering traveler. Cross the sky and run through the wilderness, run faster than anything else. Imbue the light of stardust and destroy the enemy." Ryuu chanted and then large glowing spheres started exploding against the shadowy sky and there was a marked decline to the strength of the Nazgul.

We then heard shouts as Aragon and Bete were able to break through the shadow walls holding filling the tunnels and the duo charged in as the shadows receded.

Seeing how outnumbered they were they all screamed at an especially high tone that made us all kneel over at the earsplitting pain and by the time we raised our heads they had fled, jumping over the ledge.

"We all alright?" I called out and after taking a look I saw no one was truly injured with Finn managing to keep what I assumed to be the Witch King busy, but it was very clear he wouldn't have been able to continue for too much longer as he had to get his broken fingers fixed from the wraith's strength beating on him.

"Yes, we will be fine with a rest, but we need to move to Rivendell immediately as the forces of Sauron will be marching here as we speak." Aragon explained after we checked for any wounded.

"Fine lets us go." I frowned and held Frodo on my back as Bell, Finn and Bete likewise took put a hobbit on our backs as we rushed down the tower and into the wilderness to hopefully outrun the ring wraiths and their horses.

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