My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 65 Rivendell.

We didnt even make more than a couple kilometers in our running when the first screech rent through the air, and we were probably running just slightly slower than a horse at full gallop as it was.

But as we passed through a glade of trees a beautiful white horse passed by us. "Wait that's a friend." Aragorn called out seeing us continuing to run while the horse and its rider turned around and jogged back to us.

The horse quickly made its way to us the Amazonian twins put the goddesses onto the ground, and we likewise put down the hobbits from our shoulders.

"What are these queer people from the south and beastly folk doing so far from their lands and bringing about the ring wraiths." Ah yes, I forgot about how the Amazonian people would probably remind her of the southern savages that practiced slavery and the darkest magics like necromancy, curses, and shadow magic that specialized in stealing people's bodies and souls.

"We have no time for twenty questions lady we must get the ring bearer to Rivendell." I spoke pushing said hobbit in her direction.

The woman threw back her hood and we could all see the beautiful woman with hair, as black as night and her face was sculpted with the greatest care and without fault leaving her bright blue eyes as she stared at Aragorn. "Is this true, Aragorn?" The ranger nodded and she had no other choice but to accede to his words solemnly realizing the enormity of the task ahead.

"Very well. Hobbit mount upon my horse we must make haste to Rivendell and the safety it provides, lest the Ring Wraiths find your tracks too soon."

After quickly exchanging names and letting everyone know her name was Arwen and she learned his name was Frodo they quickly mounted Frodo on her horse, and she took off at a gallop obviously heading off towards the elven city.

Aragorn was also making quick speed towards the elven settlement, and I would put him at a level 4 at his speed but then again, he was using the terrain to his advantage and like an elf he wasn't having any problems with roots in the darkness like I or the rest of the adventurers were.

"Jake are we almost to Rivendell?" Hestia mumbled and as I looked back to her, I saw both Loki and Hestia were a bit pale from being carried around for so long and I couldn't help but sigh at how despite them being able to easily tear apart a mountain range with their divinity, that still wouldn't allow us to move at a high speed and I could only carry one of them should I decide to fly off with my rocket boots.

"We will be there by morning." I could only tell her making all the people slump at the thought of trekking through the night.


Thankfully there was no interruptions on our trip to Rivendell and finally we managed to cross over a large hill, and we finally saw the beautiful city built into the side of a cliff.

"Welcome to Rivendell, The Last Homely House East of the Sea." Aragorn told us as the elves within our group were spell bound to the sight.

Riveria smiled as she told the group how similar it was to her home and after Eragon asked which enclave she was from she could only give a noncommittal answer and after learning she was from a deep elven forest probably assumed she was from the elves that split apart from the elvish king of Mirkwood with how much of an ass he was.

Soon enough we made our way into Rivendell, and we were welcomed to rest as the lord Elrond was in discussion with Gandalf the Grey and all parties would be meeting the following day to discuss the fate of the One Ring.

All of the Loki and Hestia Familia were sitting together in one of the rooms they allotted to us, and we were discussing our next moves and whether we should even stay here to begin with.

Especially with the goddesses' acting as literal beacons even brighter than the damn ring and frankly I refused to take them into Moria as despite how strong Hestia likely was being a primordial god, those balrogs had a history of laying divine low and Hestia isn't a fighter to begin with, she just wanted to come see the sights not march for days, and fight monsters.

"Alright Jake, I can guess you probably don't want to give spoilers or whatever, but those ring wraiths were plenty strong after Sauron managed to cloud the very sky and feed them dark magic. So, we have to ask, what happens next and is it worth us staying here?" Finn asked as he sat back and was clearly in deep thought.

"Well, honestly the biggest issue I can see is the Divines that follow us as Sauron will be pressed to strengthen whatever foes we face as the divines have long left this land and are residing in this worlds version of Tenkai. But other than that, we have two major paths ahead of us regardless and here are the dangers."

I then went on to explain and draw a small crude map depicting how were going to have to go south and pass through the Gates of Moria and the two monsters rex's in the area being the massive octopus's monster outside lying in the lake by the gate and the Balrog an very dangerous being that could only be harmed by magic with it being almost entirely immaterial.

"And our other path lies going farther south and past the Tower of Isengard and into the Gap of Rohan where Saruman will be constantly watching our every move from his tower with his magical ravens which will report our movements and with his constantly growing army despite our far greater strength, he could still wear us down in the weeks it will take to travel there." I reported

Everyone looked contemplative as they pondered the choices and the first question, I received was whether there was whether there were additional enemies within the mines and I could only laugh saying there were tens of thousands of goblins and orcs within those eternally dark halls.

But Aiz spoke the words that settled the discussion. "We came here to get strong and simply fighting an army of weaker monsters won't help us. Jake please return the goddesses to our world and we will continue this quest as I can feel that completing a worlds questline will allow us to level up." She couldn't conceal the obvious infatuation she had for the idea of being able to level up and I couldn't blame them because they had to spend years doing it when frankly I could level up easily every other week if I wanted too. If I didnt care about filling out my stats.

Riveria and the other executives also nodded at the feeling they had, and I could only shrug. "Hestia do you and Haruhime mind going back while we continue?"

If anything, she looked happy to finally get a way out. "Oh yes thank you my feet have been killing me." She grinned and it didnt look fake or anything, but Loki had to be dissuaded into tagging along.

I concentrated on disconnecting from this world and despite it feeling like a string was tying me to said world I only pulled back far enough for the world to kind of mix between the room we were staying in and the main room in the church back home and seeing it Loki confidently led Hestia Haruhime Lefiya, and Bete back saying how she had ways of traveling through the confusing paths between realms and I could only shrug at how Hestia face palmed muttering at how Loki stole Zeus's master bolt to duel Thor with it and lost horribly and then almost caused a war between the pantheons.

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