My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 66

Me and Riveria were chosen as representatives for our party to meet for the summit to discuss the fate of the Ring, and the look on Finns Face as he was pretty bluntly told by a haughty elf that because he was a 'hobbit' that his height basically made him too short to ride the big adventurer bus, will certainly stick within my memory for the rest of my life.

"Don't worry Finn just follow the other hobbits as they break into the summit, and you will be fine." I explained how the summit would go and how he simply needed to show a bit of spunk as even with him being like fifty years old is nothing to theses elves that are millennia in age, with Lord Elrond literally being more than six thousand years old not to mention the age of gandalf being more fifty thousand years old.

To put simply our worlds races except for spirits lived incredibly short lives in comparison to even humans of this world, with the Númenórean Human's, the royal human blood living for a couple centuries at minimum. So, acting a little childish wasn't too unexpected for beings that outlived entire dynasties.

Even Riveria had a funny as hell expression when she was called a child because at ninety-nine years old, she was still technically a year off of being considered an adult in the elvish societies. So if Lefiya was still here we would probably be in a lot of trouble with her only being in her teens.

Either way me and Riveria were now sitting in the circle of the people who represented the kingdoms that would be resisting against the forces of Sauron as we all stared down at the non-descript golden ring that would decide the fate of this world.

"The most obvious thing is for us to destroy this ring and to do so we must trek to the fires of mount doom and throw it into the magical lava within." Gandalf explained to which the elves and the dwarves in attendance agreed easily to his proclamation.

But once again the will of man was shown to be weak as Boromir the representative of Gondor stood up and started preaching his stupid rhetoric. "Long have the men of Gondor given our lives to fight off the encroaching armies of Mordor. Let us take the ring and use it against him!" He waved his arm excitedly as he was clearly imagining using the great power within the ring to smite the monsters pouring of Mordor.

But I had to rain on his parade. "Boromir, that ring does not only carry the will of Sauron that thing carries a large portion of his soul and consciousness which is what is keeping his shade bound to this world and how with it being destroyed will permanently kill him if it is destroyed." Both Gandalf and Elrond gave me warning looks at sharing such knowledge but seeing Boromir about to argue further I silenced him with another statement he couldn't deny. "The line of Man has been weakened since he poisoned and brought the fall of Númenor, if you believe you have greater power over magic and your mind then the great ancestors who helped bring the god Morgoth low. Go ahead..."

The clearly pissed little princeling could only sit on his seat and not make eye contact as my words basically called the whole race of men weak but sadly it was true in terms of history when it came to the corruptive power of darkness within this world.

Hell, the only person who was said to be able to conquer the power of the ring was Galadriel and she bluntly said she would be a great and terrible queen even greater than Sauron which I believe, with her mental manipulation abilities that were greater than Sauron's and with the great power of the ring I had zero doubts of her being able to mind control a decent chunk of the world around her.

"Bah why should we make the trip lets simply destroy it here!" A stout dwarf roared and then with a mighty cleave he attempted to destroy the ring with his axe, but it was for naught as the axe shattered and thankfully didnt shoot its shards everywhere.

But the ring to seemed to have awoken as the sky grew dark and a deep muttering pressed down upon us and Gandalf rose up and started speaking in a vile tongue that seemed to burn my very ears hearing the profane words being spoken.

I had no idea what Gandalf said but after the world lost it's shadows Elrond yelled at him. "In the five thousand years of history Rivendell has seen. Not once has such the tongue or Mordor darkened its halls!"

Gandalf sunk back into his seat obviously tired from pushing back the presence of Sauron as he muttered his apologies. "Desperate measures I am afraid, and it is better than Sauron having time to leave a taint upon our hearts." The elven lord could only swallow his complaint at such compelling words and could only rub his hands into his brows.

"Either way we must press on and destroy the ring." I said to move the topic back onto the how, of bringing the ring to Mordor.

We discussed on the methods of reaching of reaching Mordor next after the Hobbits/Finn made their grand entrance, but I simply told them to quiet down and let us make plans, but Finn had great advice for us with all of his experience making expeditions into the dungeon.

"Gandalf we will not be able to make the trek over the mountains with Saurman bringing terrible storms over the peaks. He will be using his ravens to find and track us." I explained making him frown in thought.

"We have to go either through the Gap of Rohan or the Mines of Moria." I said solemnly and he likewise understood with the other paths would be highly guarded by Sauron's armies as this whole continent of middle earth was split basically in half with a massive mountain range if we tried to go around on either side it would take literally years to travel that far, and I would have no choice but to pull out my group honestly rather than waste so much time.

All the dwarves swore up and down that their clansmen would grandly welcome us within the dwarves keep but surprisingly the wizard didnt correct them as to what happened with Moria and it was decided we would head through the mines of Moria after Elrond made it clear that Elves were basically spent as a people and were leaving these shores to go to undying lands so it was up to Man to gather armies if we wanted to march through the Gap of Rohan which we would need to defeat the armies of Mordor not to mention with such an obvious party would draw the immortal Nazgul which we couldn't kill as they would simply reform later.

So put bluntly there were no great kingdoms of men on this side of Middle Earth so we had no choice but to go through Moria.

We then spent the next day gathering supplies and, in the afternoon, we set out on horses to make the much quicker journey than they did in cannon as they had to abandon the horses during the terrible storms Saruman called upon them in the mountain passes.

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