My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 36 - A Unique Dish

Chapter 36: A Unique Dish

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Who’s the b*stard that tossed this at me?” An angry voice reverberated across the room.

Xiao Fangfang cradled her head as she broke out in expletives.

The moment she lifted her head and spotted Ye Xiong, however, her rage instantly exploded into violence. She immediately grabbed a book from the ground and hurled it at Ye Xiong.

“Yikes, it’s one crazy person after another. Could it be that both of you have reached menopause?”

Ye Xiong ducked his head once more, causing the book to violently slam into a wall, dropping its cover in the process.

“You b*stard. How dare you throw a book at me.”

Xiao Fangfang was scanning her surroundings in search of another weapon when Ye Xiong howled, “You crazy woman! It wasn’t me who threw the book at you! What’re you even trying to pull?”

“Who else could it be but you? Yang Xinyi?”

Xiao Fangfang had been Yang Xinyi’s friend since childhood, and as such, she understood Xinyi’s personality very well. While she could be cold and arrogant, she was always graceful. She never lashed out at others, let alone hurling books at other people. As such, Xiao Fangfang had determined Ye Xiong to be the culprit.

“I’m sorry, Fangfang. It’s my mistake,” Yang Xinyi interjected.

“Heard that, you crazy woman?” Ye Xiong snorted.

“It’s all this b*stard’s fault. He made me mad, so I hurled the book at him. I didn’t expect it to hit you instead,” Yang Xinyi explained.

“Why’s this rascal even here?” Xiao Fangfang asked quizzically.

She had not been acquainted with Ye Xiong for very long, but every time they met, a bad experience would ensue. Especially during Yang Xinyi’s wedding, where she had been groped by this b*stard several times. It could be said that he had left a lasting impression on her.

“Isn’t it normal to visit my sick wife?” Ye Xiong said with a smile.

“Who’s your wife?” Xiao Fangfang was stunned.

Ye Xiong pointed at Yang Xinyi, who was lying in bed. “That person over there.”

“Xinyi’s your wife?” Xiao Fangfang flinched. Her gaze landed on Yang Xinyi, her expression showing her disbelief.

Yang Xinyi explained the entire situation from top to bottom, and she made it clear that she only married Ye Xiong for him to serve as a shield.

“Xinyi, you should’ve hired someone who looks more like the part. Won’t you feel embarrassed to take this rascal out?” While these were the words that came from Xiao Fangfang’s mouth, her look of disappointment had not escaped Ye Xiong’s sight.

“I know you’re jealous.” Ye Xiong had a smug grin on his face as he approached Xiao Fangfang. He continued, “I have an agreement with my wife, in which, she can search for other companions when she needs them, and so too can I. With that in mind, how does dinner tonight sound, good-looking?”

“In your dreams! Any female that falls for you is blind!” Xiao Fangfang scolded, her face was beet-red.

“Fangfang, don’t lower yourself to his level.” Seeing the two argue had caused Yang Xinyi to feel irritated. She then added, “Ye Xiong, help me complete the exit procedures. Sorry Fangfang, but I’d like you to send me back.”

Ye Xiong extended his hand and curled his fingers into an ‘OK’ sign.

“Brace yourself, I’ll deal with you when we get back,” Yang Xinyi warned.

After settling the bill, Ye Xiong drove Yang Xinyi back home, with Xiao Fangfang as a tagalong.

Along the way back, the two never stopped arguing. Yang Xinyi mediated several times, only for the pair to resume arguing a moment later. This left Yang Xinyi with no other option but to plug her ears with earbuds, and at long last, silence was obtained.

“Oh yeah, my dear wife. The clothes I helped you take off last night are still on your bed. Make sure you wash them,” Ye Xiong reminded her the moment they returned home.

Yang Xinyi’s expression instantly turned dark. This was one of the greatest embarrassments in her life, and she had warned Ye Xiong to never speak of it. However, he had gone and mentioned it in front of Xiao Fangfang, spurring the murderous intent within her.

“You’d best change your bedsheets as well. You were so sick last night that you soaked the bed,” Ye Xiong continued.

Taking off clothes, being horny 1 , soaking the bed, these were all terms that could make one’s imagination run wild.

‘What an intense battle!’

“Xinyi, didn’t you tell me that your marriage with him is fake? How come you’ve already shared a bed?” Xiao Fangfang inquired quizzically.

“I had a fever last night, which caused me to sweat a lot. What he’s referring to is my sweat.” Yang Xinyi hurriedly explained as she glared at Ye Xiong and chastised, “Can you not be this shameful?”

“You really are a degenerate.” Xiao Fangfang rolled her eyes at Ye Xiong, not bothering to entertain him any longer.

As Aunt Zhang had matters to attend to recently, there was no one present within the villa to help out with the cooking. It was for this reason that Yang Xinyi had personally cooked last night, which in turn had caused her food poisoning, as she had not cooked the food thoroughly. Due to this, Yang Xinyi instructed Ye Xiong to order takeout.

Ye Xiong went out in his car, and instead of returning with takeout, he brought in a huge pile of ingredients. Following that, he started tinkering away in the kitchen.

“Xinyi, can this guy even cook?” Xiao Fangfang worriedly questioned.

Yang Xinyi shook her head. She did not know the answer, as the relationship between them was only slightly above strangers. She was totally unfamiliar with Ye Xiong in all aspects.

Once Ye Xiong placed the dishes onto the table, however, the two ladies were instantly flabbergasted.

‘Could this rascal have a background in cooking? Each dish was sliced to the same size. Not even top chefs from hotels could match his knifework.’

The ladies were in for an even greater shock when they tasted the dishes, as the taste was unparalleled.

“Alright, time for me to dig in!”

Ye Xiong placed the final dish before himself and rubbed his palms as if he was in for an enjoyable experience. “Take as much of the other dishes as you want, but this here’s mine and mine alone.”

“On whose authority do you call it your own. Bring it over!” Xiao Fangfang loudly ordered.

Ye Xiong ignored her. Not only did he have a tough time locating the ingredients for the dish, but he had also painstakingly prepared it. Furthermore, there were barely any scraps of meat in the dish, and the serving was insufficient, even for himself.

Xiao Fangfang stood up and snatched the dish away. She then placed it on her own spot and took a bite.

“Soft, yet crispy, and it melts right in the mouth. It’s so delicious.” Xiao Fangfang praised as she ate. She rolled her eyes at Ye Xiong and scolded, “Selfish prick, how could you hog this delicious meal all for yourself. Do you even call yourself a male?!”

Seeing how absorbed Xiao Fangfang looked, Yang Xinyi could not help but take a piece of meat as well. The moment she ate it, she concurred that it was truly a delicacy, and noted that she had never eaten meat like this ever before.

The half-a-dozen dishes on the table were swept away as if there was a gale force hurricane on the table. It was only after they had eaten their fill that the hurricane finally stopped.

“I’m done for. I’ve finally managed to cut down my weight, but it now seems that I’ll gain a few pounds.” Xiao Fangfang rubbed her belly and rolled her eyes at Ye Xiong, scolding, “It’s all your fault! Why did you cook such delicacies! It’s basically a crime!”

“I’m only doing it to nourish my wife’s body. I didn’t even consider you,” Ye Xiong replied.

“Oh yeah, that dish you were trying to hog earlier, what’s it made of? I want to try and make the dish for myself next time,” Xiao Fangfang asked.

“Beef,” Ye Xiong responded.

“What body part is this beef from?” Xiao Fangfang was slightly perplexed. She was a fan of beef, but she had never eaten beef like this before.

“Is it meat, or the cow’s organs?”

“What’s meat, and what’s an organ?”

“How can you not know the answer to such a dumb question? Whatever that’s inside the cow’s body is its organ, and those outside of it is its meat,” Xiao Fangfang explained.

“Well, that particular body part is sometimes contained within its body, and sometimes it’s located outside of it. So, I really can’t tell whether it’s meat or if its an organ.” Ye Xiong chuckled with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

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