Naruto : Hidden Cloud


The next morning went by quickly, Sato completed his business deal with Teuchi without any problems.

The funds were given by Yugito from her mission rewards, and the material itself was going to be chosen by Teuchi, he was the best judge of ramen ingredients.

"When I heard you were going to start a business, I didn't think it would be something this big."

Yugito said while reading the contract, it was made heavily in favour of Sato with many loopholes he could use, but she wasn't complaining.

It just felt weird to her that her brother wanted to do such a big business.

She was a ninja with a mission first mindset, the fact that ninjas don't have to kill for food never crossed her mind.

But she was willing to give Sato's attempt a shot, she loved Sato too much to say no to him.

"It'll work out fine sister, now that I have a good product with Ichiraku Ramen and a strong force with Shisui, nobody can stop my business."

"They can try, but they better have an answer for Mangekyo Sharingan before doing that."

Sato smirked, Shisui's mangekyo was a game changer, his mangekyo technique was named kotoamatsukami, it was the most dangerous genjutsu in the series.

Although the permanant version of Kotoamatsukami hiding in Shisui's left eye had a 10 year cooldown once used, it was extremely overpowered in return.

Sato already knew who he was going to use Shisui's left eye on.

But he needed the right moment for it to work, he'll just need to wait until that time comes.

"Now that my business deal is done, I think I'll roam around Konoha for a while."

"I have decided to target the Ino-Shika-Cho trio first."

Sato jumped down the bed while telling Yugito his plan for today.

Yugito became curious about his choice of opponents and asked.

"How do you plan to do it? Without body flicker you don't have any way to beat the Yamanaka heir."

"As long as she can see you, she can use her clan justu on you."

"You can't escape her without high speed."

"If you are hit even once, the Nara heir can trap you or let the Akimichi heir finish you off."

It was dangerous, fighting any Ino-Shika-Cho trio was always dangerous, this was the universal truth accepted by every village outside Konoha.

But Sato smiled at this danger, he knew the trio will be a problem and that's why he wasn't going to attack recklessly, he had a solid battle plan.

Still, he was inexperienced and thus wanted Yugito's input on it as well, he went through his battle tactics while wrapping bandages around his fists.

"My plan is to knock out the Yamanaka heir first, she is named Ino as far as I remember."

"Then I will use the trio's partnership against them, I'll use her as a shield and beat the Nara and Akimichi heir one by one."

"It should mostly work, I am fighting one on three, the odds are already against me."

Sato narrowed his eyes while imagining the dangerous battle he would soon be fighting.

Yugito on the other hand became thoughtful after hearing Sato's battle plan.

She was a much more experienced Shinobi so she saw the problems in this plan rather quickly.

"Normally you should go for the Nara, they are usually the weak link in Ino-Shika-Cho trio."

"Getting to the Yamanaka is hard, they are usually the sensors of the group, Yamanaka are actually the most difficult to sneak attack."

"It might work against the young heirs, but if you try this against any experienced group.."

"You will be killed by the Akimichi instead of catching the Yamanaka off guard.'

Sato was startled, he looked at Yugito with wide eyes, her analysis was way more practical than his purely theoretical one.

After hearing this analysis he was much more confident in beating the trio, no matter how smart Shikamaru was, he was no slouch either.

If it came down to a battle of wits, he was confident he wouldn't lose to Shikamaru.

"I get it sister, I'll take care of them."

"Really, if I had more chakra none of this would be a problem."

"I could use body flicker or a strong chakra enhanced fist to finish everyone off."

Sato scratched his hair in frustration.

The thing holding him back was his average civilian body, and his regular chakra reserves.

He had already mastered the body flicker justu in theory and had amazing chakra control, but his chakra reserves held him back time and time again.

If he had good chakra reserves, he could also graduate at the age of 4 and create a legend similar to Kakashi.

"Your chakra reserves.."

"It really is a problem."

Yugito said thoughtfully, she had seen how hard Sato worked and how strong his battle sense was.

It truly was such a shame that he was held back by his chakra reserves.

If only there was some way to increase his chakra reserves, some way she could give him some...


Yugito exclaimed loudly, making Sato almost jump out of his skin in shock.

"What happened!?!"

Sato asked in confusion, but Yugito didn't answer and grabbed a hold of him.

"Stay still."

She ordered the confused Sato and then closed her eyes.

"Matatabi, can you share some of your chakra with Sato."

"His reserves are pretty mediocre, and he's going in for a fight."

Matatabi raised her head and slowly opened her eyes.

"I see, let me see him."

Matatabi said softly, Yugito nodded and opened her eyes.

Soon a small cat sized Chakra body manifested on Yugito's shoulder.

"Is that you Matatabi? I missed you so much!"

Sato looked at the blue chakra avatar and smiled happily.

Matatabi who came out of Yugito as a chakra avatar, also smiled in return and jumped on Sato's lap.

"I missed you too, Sato."

Matatabi said softly, her body might be the size of a regular house cat right now, but her voice was still the same soft motherly voice.

But soon Matatabi paused, and looked at Sato in shock.

"Sato, why do you have Kurama's smell on you!"

Sato was taken aback, Kurama's smell? It must be from Naruto then.

But he wasn't supposed to know about the name Kurama, so he didn't say anything about that.

"Kurama? Who's that?"

Sato asked in false confusion.

Matatabi looked down after hearing that, she shook her head and calmed herself down.

This was Konoha, Kurama lived here, Sato probably came into contact with it's jinchuriki.

"Nothing, it's the nine tails."

"It must be because you came into contact with it's jinchuriki a while back."

"Nevermind, stay still."


Matatabi soon started licking Sato's hands, both to remove Kurama's smell and to give him her chakra.

It was mostly to remove Kurama's smell, Sato wasn't supposed to have anyone's smell on him besides her, it was her instinct as a cat.

Sato not knowing what was going on in Matatabi's cat mind, was entirely concentrated on his body.

"This feeling, this power."

Looking at the red chakra cloak covering him, Sato for the first time in his life, felt power.

The sheer strength running through his veins was astounding.

He felt he was a 100 times stronger now.

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