Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Pseudo Jinchuriki

Sato looked at his hands, a translucent red chakra cloak was surrounding him.

A large amount of strength was flowing through his body, he had a feeling that he could copy Tsunade's last move against those debt collectors now.

"This is amazing."

"So this is what having a truck load of chakra feels like."

Sato muttered, Matatabi had also stopped licking him and jumped up on Yugito shoulder, sitting herself down, she wanted to clarify what she did.

She spoke in her soft motherly voice.

"I gave you the maximum amount of chakra that your body can handle right now."

"Any more and you might start to burn from the inside out, us tailed beast's chakra is corrosive if not handled well."

Yugito agreed to her partner's words and continued after Matatabi's explaintion.

"I believe your reserves are equal to that of a jonin now."

"But remember that this is a temporary chakra transfer, you can use jonin level strength until you run out of chakra."

"After that, Matatabi needs to give you some more chakra, or you'll turn back to normal civilian level reserves again."

Sato nodded heavily, he knew this was what Naruto did in the war arc, when he shared Kurama's chakra with everyone around him.

All Shinobi fighting in that war had a nine tails cloak surround them, but they couldn't use nine tail's power after the war ended.

As for the concern that Matatabi had just expressed, that uncontrolled tailed beast chakra will be corrosive to him after a limit is reached, he knew that was true as well.

Sato had seen how Naruto's skin used to peel off when nine tailed chakra passed a critical point.

Of course, this was no longer a problem if the tailed beast is working together with it's host to control it's chakra, then there is no limit to how much chakra one can use.

But sadly, Matatabi was sealed in Yugito and not him, she can't work with him even if she wanted to.

"I understand, I don't have Matatabi with me so I can't generate more of her chakra by myself."

"I am limited to what she gave me."

"But this isn't a big problem, I'll just have to watch how much chakra I am using up."

Yugito agreed to Sato's point of view and said.

"That's true, even regular ninjas need time to regenerate their chakra after a battle, they don't gain it back instantly."

"You're as good as a special jonin now, the only difference between you and an actual special jonin is that they can recover their strength by themselves."

"You on the other hand will need Matatabi when you finish using what you have."

Sato shrugged, that honestly wasn't a problem for him at all.

His chakra control was great and will only get better as time went on, he can use the smallest amount of chakra in the most efficient way.

He had no fear of running out of energy in the middle of a battle.

"Hey Matatabi, you said that this amount of chakra is my limit, so can I increase my limit somehow?"

"Can I make it so that I can handle elite jonin, even S class levels of chakra without burning up?"

Matatabi smiled and replied softly.

"Your limit will go up, as long as I keep giving you chakra you will slowly get used to it."

"When your body gets familiar with my chakra, your limit will automatically increase."

"Currently you can handle jonin level chakra at most, over time that limit will naturally go up."

"Then I'll give you more."

Yugito looked at Sato with a smile and rubbed his head.

"This also has a side effect of making you suitable for being Matatabi's jinchuriki."

"If I happen to die, you can take over as her host."

"Then you will never have issues with chakra ever again."

Matatabi heard this but didn't say anything to argue against it, she wasn't exactly opposed to becoming his tailed beast.

If she had to be sealed anyway, she would rather be sealed inside him.

Yugito knew that too and that's why she presented this idea to Sato.


But against all odds Sato refused after some thought.

"I don't want to become Matatabi's jinchuriki sister."

Looking at the shocked and somewhat sad Matatabi, Sato smiled and grabbed her off Yugito's shoulder.

"I don't want to become her jinchuriki because I don't want to seal her."

"I would rather have her stand besides me, instead of being chained inside of me."

Rubbing the now shocked but happy Matatabi, Sato hugged her close to his chest.

"And there's also the fact that you will die if Matatabi leaves you."

"I don't want either of those things to happen."

Yugito was just as shocked as Matatabi but soon smiled like flower and shook her head.

Sato was a strong one for sure, even when he found an easy way of power handed to him, he refused without hesitation.

She knew how powerful he must be feeling right now, even after getting a taste of such power he still had the mental strength to refuse, just because he wanted her to live and Matatabi to be free.

'A human's true nature comes out under extreme conditions, an easy path to power was before him as long as I die.'

'But he refused.'

Yugito thought and Matatabi continued her thought as if they were in sync.

'He really refused, maybe Sato is truly the one, the child of destiny.'

'He will be the one to bring together all the tailed beasts at last.'

Both Yugito and Matatabi had their own interpretations of Sato's actions.

And it all stemmed from Sato refusing absolute power, but what they failed to realise was that Sato refused it for a different reason altogether.

'This is not absolute power at all, it's just S class, even with this I will barely scratch Madara's ribcage susanoo.'

'Why would I kill Yugito or seal Matatabi for such a thing.'

'I am not an Uchiha, I don't have to gain power by murdering my siblings and taking her eyes, or tailed beast in my situation.'

Was Sato attracted to such power? Yes, definitely, but he knew there had to be better ways for him to gain Matatabi's strength.

Something like-

'The gold and silver brothers.'

'They are from the hidden Cloud as well, there has to be records on how they gained the nine tail's chakra and the ability to produce it at will.'

'Of course I know that they ate nine tail's flesh to gain his strength, but more information on how exactly everything went won't hurt.'

'I am not related to the sage of six paths like they were, I'll have to find some other way to digest Matatabi's flesh, If I ever happen to eat it.'

After all, being related to the sage was why they had survived eating Kurama in the first place.

He on the other hand will die a violent death if he attempts something like that right now.


A sudden lick from Matatabi broke Sato out of his thoughts.

Looking down he found Matatabi staring at him.

"You are hugging me too tightly Sato, loosen up a little."

Matatabi said softly, Sato just smiled and loosened his hug, although Matatabi didn't leave his chest and made herself comfortable there.

"Okay okay, stop cuddling you two, you can do it some other time."

"You have more important stuff to do now Sato, try to stop the chakra from overflowing out of you."

"This bright red cloak is a dead giveaway that you have tailed beast chakra."

Sato was taken aback but nodded nonetheless, it made sense to keep it all inside him.

That way only someone with a Byakugan or Sharingan can see through his chakra.

It was an excellent cover for him in Konoha, it's not like he was going to bump into someone with an active Byakugan today.

That would be absurd.

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