Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Sato vs Ino-Shika-Cho

Sato seriously looked at Yugito and Matatabi before saying.

"I'll try."

With that said Sato closed his eyes, and just like that an entire hour went by.

Throughout this hour Sato kept absorbing Matatabi's chakra and the cloak kept getting smaller and smaller.

And finally, when the hour was over, Sato had completely hidden away this chakra inside of him.

Now he looked just like how he usually does, only with far more chakra than he normally has.

"I did it Sister!"

Sato announced as soon as he opened his eyes.

But what appeared before Yugito and Matatabi wasn't Sato's regular eyes, but something else.

His left eye shone a green glow while his right eye shone golden yellow.

"This resembles your eyes Matatabi."

"What happened to him?"

Yugito looked at Matatabi and questioned her partner.

Matatabi looked like she knew what was going on, she didn't seem worried about this at all.

"He is overflowing with my chakra Yugito."

"Some of my features showing up on him is normal."

"Remember how you used to look when you didn't have control of my chakra back then?"

"Your eyes also used to change involuntarily, just like this."

Yugito looked like she managed to remember what Matatabi was talking about.

"I remember, I forgot about it because I can control which part of you I want to manifest right now."

"I thought those involuntary eye changes back then was a jinchuriki only thing."

"But it makes sense that it's realated to me overflowing with your chakra instead."

"Jinchuriki are just sealing containers after all, there's nothing particularly special about us."

Matatabi let out a purr in agreement, it was because she wasn't interested in speaking anymore.

She was lost watching Sato's eyes instead, looking at him with her eye colour was making her happy.

Sato meanwhile didn't care about this too much, he knew that sometimes Naruto's eyes resembled Kurama's own, and so did Kinkaku and Ginkaku's features.

Eyes changing colours when tailed beast chakra was involved wasn't something to be particularly worried about, it was a normal thing.

Colour changing eyes were like a speciality of this world.

"It's fine sister, I like my new eyes."

Sato assured Yugito while looking at himself in a hand held mirror.

"My eyes changed like this when I controlled all the chakra inside me right?"

"So will it change back to normal when my chakra is over?"

"And can I control this completely if I have full control over your chakra like my sister does?"

Matatabi purred again as a sign of agreement.

Sato didn't mind the gesture and flashed her a smile.

"So it's basically a visual indicator for my chakra right now."

"I can fight at full power as long as my eyes remain this colour."

"It's basically showing if I have any chakra left or not."

Sato also thought of other uses for this phenomenon.

If he managed to control this colour change, he can use his eyes to bluff people into thinking that he had a dojutsu which increased his strength.

Ninja's were all about bluff, and Sato could easily use it that way.

"Anyway, I'll think about this later."

"I am leaving now you two."

"Those Konoha guys won't know what hit them."

Sato grinned and jumped down, Yugito nodded with a smile and Matatabi's chakra avatar vanished with a last purr.


But Yugito's eyes soon widened because Sato didn't walk out of the room like usual, but flickered away.

"Body flicker?"

"He figured it out as soon as he had the chakra to perform it!"

"That's amazing."

Yugito was once again surprised by her brother, he was a genius for sure.


Meanwhile on Konoha's streets, a blue blur was flickering around everywhere.

That blur was Sato, and he was looking around the places the clans kids usually hang out in.

He found out about all these places because of Naruto showing him around.


Coming to a sudden stop, Sato looked at the trio before him and slowly gave them a large smile.

"Do we know each other..?"

Shikamaru looked at Sato and backed away instinctively.

He politely questioned the boy who was suddenly standing before him, and was giving his group a large smile for some reason.

This smile was making the incredibly smart Shikamaru nervous.

But Ino and Choji who were standing besides Shikamaru didn't have such a high IQ.

They didn't realise the danger they were in, they were just curiously looking at Sato.

Sato too wasn't about to give them the time to realise anything either.


Cracking his knuckles, he looked at all three with a malicious grin.

"You don't know me and I don't you."

"I am here for one thing and one thing alone."

Showing the trio his fist, Sato exclaimed.

"Catch these hands!"

Shikamaru's eyes quickly widened and he stumbled back in shock, he felt that this boy with two colored eyes was staring straight into his soul.

'Shit, what happened, what do I do, why is he attacking us!'

Shikamaru's brain was working overtime, he was thinking of anyway he can escape this situation with his friends.

'Wait, what the hell are they doing!'

It was then that Shikamaru saw that Ino and Choji were not running away at all.

Choji was just standing there with a confused look and Ino was happily walking towards Sato.

"No Ino come back! He will-"


Shikamaru's brain stopped working when he saw Ino cheerfully go ahead and grab Sato's hands.

"There, I caught your hands..!"

Said Ino with a big innocent smile, this made both Shikamaru's and Sato's brain crash at the same time.

Sato looked at her with twitching eyes, this caught him off guard so he tried to explain the situation to her.

"That's not the kind of catching hands I was talking about."

"I was talking about fighting.."

Ino just blinked her eyes and looked at Sato in confusion.

Although Sato had a sinking suspicion that she was just thinking of excuses to stare at his multicolored eyes.


"Did you hear anything I said or are you just looking into my eyes, by any chance?"

Sato asked with gritted teeth, Ino casually went ahead and destroyed the scary atmosphere he had managed to build.


"Sorry, your eyes are just so pretty."

Ino muttered while looking bashful, which made Sato's veins pop again, she was destroying his plan left and right.


"I am taking you captive anyway."

Sato quickly grabbed a hold of Ino and gave Shikamaru and challenging look.

Shikamaru also started sweating once again because of that.

'Oh no, he has taken Ino as a hostage-'

"Hey don't hug me so suddenly~"

After hearing Ino's response to being captured, Shikamaru's and Sato's brain stopped working simultaneously.

Sato just looked at Ino with dull eyes said in a deadpan voice.

"A hug..?"

"I am taking you hostage you moron! A hostage!!"

"Do you understand your situation here!"

Sato growled and Ino's eyes slowly widened.

But before Sato could sigh in relief that she finally understood her position, Ino said.

"I understand, you are shy."

Both Shikamaru and Sato almost died after hearing this.

Sato was totally speechless, he wasn't sure if fighting these idiots was even worth it anymore.

It was then that Choji, who was standing all this time, walked upto Sato and gave him his bag of chips with an unsure look.

"Are you hungry..? Do you want this?"


Sato looked at Choji dead in the eye for a few seconds before rubbing his forehead.

"... give me some chips."

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