Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (2)

Pov: Anchor

I am launching through the darkness and break through the barrier that is the wall between the elemental nations 'reality' or 'realm' and I travel through space, being pulled quickly by both the lines of Almighty and Ace.

I crash into Konoha's rubble and my golden light fills the sky temporarily before I am placed within my old and rubble covered body.

Luckily the upgrade and naturalization of the new me fixes me up.

I can feel the levers and chain shooting system become a natural part of me... like my body can just naturally shoot chains from myself.

It seems we all have regenerative properties now... but more like the first Almighty where it can take days to naturally form back.

The weights disappear from my body and merge with the wood, making it harder and stronger- more importantly giving me the ability to control my own weight... I could fly or weigh heavier than a five Almighty now.

I push the rubble from me and I climb out, standing on top of the outer ring of destruction that Pein caused. I see my boss and Ace land near the Peins and I fly and softly land next to them as well.

"Impressive Terror. Or is it Terrors? To resist my Almighty push for that long..." Pein declares.

Almighty walks up to him and receives a blast of that push again- but Almighty doesn't care and pushes forward.

His body looming over Pein as he states coldly.

"You named a Jutsu after me? Pathetic. I thought you had a semblance of ego in there"

Pein glares coldly before slamming his hands into Almighty and forces that repulsive force into him- *Slam!* this tome the stronger force pushes Almighty back and his feet slide across the ground.

"Are you feeling despair? Are you feeling pain? Konoha... are you feeling even an ounce of my pain...?" The head Pein rises again. We took to much time talking on the cliff and he gets his power back.

I glance at the six and they split into a pair of two and three with the final Pein rising in the air...

Lets show them why a split soul is greater then a split self.

Ace launches at the main pein and his unique Dominion Aura stops himself from being blasted by the peins repulsive blast.

Ace tackles him and they get sent flying to the back of the crater.

Almighty raises his Odachi and points it at the mechanical one and the one who summons two giant animals before grabbing the beak of the giant bird that launches at him and throwing it sideways.

Almighty Lanching points at the bird and both the mechanical and Animal summoner rush at that fight happening on the far right of the crater.

I turn to the last three, momentarily glancing back to see hundreds of ninja fighting off a paper woman and her immense explosive tag library above the cliff.

Two rush at me- the ninjutsu absorbing one jumps ahead of the other and I launch my chain-blade- *POW!* the blade shoots out at speeds I never even tested and all of us are surprised when it impales and blasts through the chest of that pein.

I blast the other chain at the other pein and this time he dodges it- now understanding my speed.

[Chain Control] I activate my Jutsu and the chain bends to the side and unnaturally aims for the last Pein.

But the one who dodged grabs the chain and yanks it back- causing the chain to fall short by a few inches and sparing the last ones life...

They are protecting that one?

I see why as my right hand chain-blade returns to my hand and the third pein somehow revives him... repairing his chest.

*slam* *clack*

The second Pein reaches me and grips my barbaric face- two golden eyes peer from inbetween his fingers and I feel something lock onto my soul.

It tries to touch my mind.... RIKU'S MIND!


I [Body shunt] back but my soul starts peeling from my body, still being gripped by this Pein.

I raise my left hand and [Unseen Push] him back and he lets go of my soul that launches back into my body.

I make myself as light as possible before flying up and making distance.

The first Pein is standing again and I frown.

To my credit though my mind is tough and that second Pein stole nothing.

We stare and watch- waiting for each others next move.


Pov: Almighty

I throw the bird with [Destructive Force] and [Launching Point] after it, I draw the attention of two Akatsuki as I land with my Odachi slamming down into the giant Bird summon.

*Crash* *Slash*

That one dies and I turn in time to [Body Shunt]! Away from a missile.

A giant multi headed dog leaps onto me and I raise my Odachi to block its bite.


I then run under its belly and emit my start doing hand signs before fog starts to seep from my body.

[Dominion Aura: Expanding Fog] Activates and it wraps around me and my fog- making it grow in size.

The mechanical Pein jumps at me and he now has six arms that enter into Taijutsu with me.

*Slam!* *crash!* *Pow!*

He slams my blade away, crashes into my body and hits my jaw.

While I am Almighty these hits manage to get past my barrier and hit wood.

*Fwooosh!* *Sting!*

A metal blade appears from the Pein and stabs through my chest, Impaling me.

Unlucky for him that stab wounds don't matter much to us.

I grip his shoulder and lower my blade.


I headbutt him and [Destroyer Force] him down into the ground before raising my sword and gripping it with two hands- *Crash!* the dogs tail slams into me and I get sent flying back into the corpse of the bird.

Climbing out I reach for my Odachi and Grip it again... Tch- annoying flies.


Pov: Ace

Tackling the Pein and crashing into the crater I hold him down with my legs and I start sending punches into Pein who gets hit into the wall countless times.

I [Delayed Strike]! Ten times making twenty punches!

My body is wrapped with [Dominion Aura: Destructive Wrap] and it hurts the main Pein tremendously.

But he pushes me off and I land back fifteen feet, he climbs out with rough bruises and torn cloth.

He looks to me and raises his palm, gripping his fingers into it.

I feel a attracting force that my Dominion Aura repels...

"It seems your Jutsu is a repellent to my ability" he states.

"It seems your face is a repellent to women!" I retort.

His face deadpans and I rush at him to punch it.


My fist is deflected and returned.

I punch again and again, my blows being blocked or deflected each time.

He sends a kick to my chest which I let happen and he fails to move or damage me, my Aura doing wonders.

I poke him and send a [Pressure Point] into his shoulder that makes him turn his torso, I take the oppurtunity to punch him in the gut and he takes the hit.


He gets pushed off the floor slightly and I jump and double kick his head into the wall again with [Destructive Force]!

An arm reaches out and I see multiple pieces of rubble crash from above as he attracts them into my direction- *BAM!*
the debris falls as I backflip out of the way- unnecessarily but with style.

I land and he starts throwing sheets of metal and brick at me with immense power.

I dodge all of them and catch the last brick.

He calls all the debris back and I infuse the brick before letting it go towards him.

The debris all lands before him except my brick which slams into his face! *whack!* bending it back.

He lowers his head again and he stares into my eyes with a death glare.

"What...? I thought you might want that brick back?" I ask in a confused voice.

His eye twitches and I count that as one win for me.


Pov: Anchor

I remain on the defensive as I launch my chain blades around.

They fly and home in on the two Peins that dodge and continue to not be hit- I am using [Chain Control] to have them follow the two and I am using my hands to [Pressure Point] from above.

They get hit twice and impaled thrice by my blades but every time I damage them severely the third Pein revives them...

I cant target them as the other two will always intervene... Technically I can rush down to target the third but that would leave me open to the chakra sucker and the mind taker...

Worst combo for me and Almighty, Ace would be able to keep them away with his sage mode but Almighty wouldn't have those kind of defences.

Sage mode? I can turn the chakra absorber into a stone statue if he absorbs natural chakra... but then again how? No, scrap that- I don't have the ability nor does Ace have the time.

I watch the three study me as I study them... its a battle of wits and tactics it seems- I do not have a Shikamaru in my pocket unluckily....

I could use my [Dominion Aura: Pressure Hold] which allows me to condense the chakra around someone else and hold them down... so that's one done... has to be the mind taking one as the chakra absorber will just suck that up.

I do the hand signs and my Dominion holds over the mind taker.

I push both chains at wrapping around the chakra absorber and pull him away- making sure he doesn't take that hold away.

Having my arms and chains focused on keeping both away and down I float over the head of the last one and- *Fwosh!* *Crash* make myself weigh as heavy as possible.

But the third dodges... I rise again and hover over him... this is going to take a while isn't it?

Javelin slams into his body from the sky and starts looking for survivors in the wreckage. He can let any free ninjas know and Jewel can help when he gets here.


Pov: Javelin

I crash into my body and my transformation is quicker than the others... externally... my golden eyes shine as I squeeze through rubble and I pop my head out.

Unlike Anchor and Almighty who have half of Aces chakra I have a quarter.

I am able to store things that I touch and I can fly with minimum chakra spent.

[Dominion Aura: Expanding Sight]

My sight expands to be double the size of Konoha and in great detail too, colours and all.

I can see quite a few people who are trapped under rubble and barely alive.

I fly towards the cliff fight where paper is being thrown madly- not to kill but pressure... seems this lady isn't all that onboard with destroying innocents... then again Pein seemed happy to have just destroyed the buildings...

I stand next to a few medical ninja and start speaking.

"Konoha Medical Ninja! I have the locations of every living person in the rubble! If any of you are free please help them!" I shout and almost half the Konoha ninja are free and wait for more instruction.

Hyuga seem to team up with them in groups and the genin corps get ready to start lifting rocks.

"Okay one by one...." I give out as precise instructions to each team leave to that area, sometimes more than a group leave.

If we can save these people that's eighty percent of Konoha...

Twenty percent have died today...

Lets continue! Faster! For the lives of everyone here!


Pov: Almighty

I make my fog rise up to the dogs mouth and stuff it down its throats.

[Launching Point]! I rise up to the air and I brandish my sword high! Just as I am about to reach the dog I [Body Shunt] and slam my blade into its back.

*slice* *crash!*

I run my blade across its back and I jump off- the bleeding and fog will render it useless.

I jump at the Animal summoner and- *Slam!* the mechanical one slams all six arms into me and makes me fall onto one knee.

The animal summoner slams his hand down and a giant chameleon appears.

The Mechanical one expands and wraps his hands around me- attempting to restrain me, [Intimidating Deflection]! His arms hold tight as his body tries to fly away at the sudden force.

I need to save chakra.

I let go of that Jutsu and I let go of my sword to yank at the mechanical ones back.

I succeed in pulling him off and I slam him down in front of me.


But the chameleon takes my Odachi and runs away... going invisible.


I stare down at the mechanical one and I slam my fists down repeatedly- twice- thrice- and finally one more time with both hands cupped into each other I slam into him.

Unfortunately my hands are only heavy and not strong enough to do much damage.


A missile pops out of his forearm and I [Body Shunt] to the side and I step on his arm forcing the missile to hit his own legs.


I sprint at the animal summoning one and I grip his head like a fruit and I hold him high- squeezing the life out of him.

[Cloth wrap] stops him from resisting my grip.



His head pops and I drop him.

Me and Ace have used too much chakra... we need to get everyone here for a fairer fight.

I watch Anchor try to slam down on the third one of his targets and I start running over- *Slam!* a giant Chameleon rams into me and I turn to and grip its head- The dust picks up from my feet being dragged in the dirt and I headbutt the creature multiple times.

Ah shit- lets use the rest of my chakra.



My head hits the Chameleon and it slams into the ground. Blood leaks from where I hit it and its mouth.


I get up and walk over to Anchor.

It takes a bit as I have no chakra... this body can be empty and it regenerates its own chakra pool... hm.


Pov: Jewel

I crash into Konoha and I slam into my old body, it starts to regenerate in the rubble and I process the upgrades.

My body is capable of flexing and bending in many unique angles... despite the loss of my puppet like limbs.

My hands detach still but twist and snap off instead of a click. They reattach too. My tail is capable of extending as far as my grapple hook could go... maybe even further actually.

[Dominion Aura: Stealing Force]

This applies pressure to an item that I want and flicks it towards me! Perfect! Perfect!

As my eyes shine gold I cannot help but to flash a smile.

Ehehehehe~ this body can get into a lot of mischief!

'Jewel, find Riku's corpse- Javelin reported it in the eastern part of Konoha' Sir Rock sage orders.

'Got it sir! Is boss here?' I reply.

'Soon' he declares before I climb stretch and flex myself out of the hole.

I fling myself out and I chuckle out loud.

Rubbing my hands together I start climbing and clamouring over the debris around to the Eastern part of Konoha!

Time to find Lord Riku!


Pov: Ace

I cant maintain Sage mode any longer or it will eat at my chakra reserves and I have to maintain my Dominion at the moment.

Pein continues to fling brick after brick at me and I dodge all of them as I run up to him and throw a few punches- they are caught but I slam my knee into his gut.

"Enough!" Pein yells and starts flying into the sky again... he attracts the bricks and debris up to him at a fast speed- very fast as the items get sent flying past him...

What is he doing?


Five seconds pass and after the items fall below him he pushes them at me with high speeds.

I try to dodge but in the open crater three bricks slam into my knee, shoulder and hand.

*Slam* *Crash* *Snap!*

The hand almost snaps off and I have hold it in order to keep it on...

What to do...

I cant fly... but Anchor can no? But Pein will just deflect any chains...

I [Launching Point] up towards the debris ring around Konoha and I start running and hiding through the rubble as Pein attracts and shoots more and more bricks and stone at me.


All I can do is take my time and dodge at the moment.




Well fuck. It was fun and funny to fight this one like... ten seconds ago...





Pov: Jaunt

I find my body and it starts its update.



My body forms a more natural shape and I can feel how my body stops being mechanical and starts being natural... Good! I can eat better like this!

The wood and metal collide and mix, my form transforms from wolf to werewolf and I start hacking away at the rubble around me.

Tch- why am I so deep down.

I can feel the natural ability for a temporary speed boost and it makes me smile- showing my metal teeth that ache for food.

[Dominion Aura: Leaping Point]

My unique Dominion allows me to leap across great distances... like a greater Launching point... all that Dominion pressure applies to one point on my foot or where ever I need it and I get launched through the air crossing a large distance... it also softens my fall by applying that pressure below me as I fall and tanking the impact.

I like it.


The final piece of rubble falls and I crawl out, my claws gripping metal.

'Boss... you should help Jewel, he cant get to the body and needs help digging' Javelin asks.

'Don't care. I want to eat that' I point to the Pein in the sky and I lick my metallic teeth with my pitch black wooden tongue.

'Lord Riku's orders Jaunt' The Rock sages orders hush me and I turn to the pull of Jewel following that direction.

I will eat later I suppose.

Thanks for reading :)

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