Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (3)

Pov: Tsunade.

I slam my fist into yet another paper clone and I scoff as she vanishes and replaces herself with explosive paper again.


I look down towards the fighting and it seems that Riku's crew is doing well, I cant send any ninja down there without knowing the specifics of each Peins abilities and having the crew test them is great.

I understand that Riku thinks he can take Pein and all his selves but it is obvious that Pein prepared to destroy Konoha... for reasons beyond my understanding.

"Found him" Javelin declares and everyone goes silent-  the paper wielding lady twitches at that.

"Forest north of hear, big paper tree and at the highest point- a dedicated tracker will find him within five minutes" I listen intently and my head goes a mile a minute.

"Ino-Shika-Cho!" I yell and two teams respond with a yell of agreement.

"Follow team Kurenei... Asuma! Take team Kurenei and go find the main body!"  I command and they take off-the paper user does as well.

I turn and look to the people.

"Genins and Medic nin, follow Javelin's orders and keep saving as many people as possible- I have my summon spread out to keep the people in the rubble alive and you can dig them out!" The genins and Medic nin nod and I turn to my Jonin and Chunins.

"Chunins available and uninjured from the prior attacks! Escort the civilians to a safer place away from the battlefield! Jonins! Those able are to split into two groups and assist the Chunins, the other group is to assist me in fighting Pein!" I rally the troops and we gather at the cliff edge.

We have enough information, the paper user is busy trying to stall three teams and the people are being managed and kept safe... most ninja are out on missions so all that leaves me is around eight jonin.

Why is Pein here? Now? Naruto is out of the village so why is he targeting us?


We leap of the cliff and start splitting up to where we are needed.

"You two! Seal users correct? Go seal the bodies that Almighty has dealt with and you four go help Ace distract the flying one! Me and these two here will-" I am cut off by a black swirl that suddenly jolts out a giant blue man with a sword.


The man flies at me and I grip twist and chuck his body to the side where he lands and drags his feet across the dirt.

Shit. There's more?

"This I didn't expect... first Itachi's betrayal and then Riku's revival? Suddenly all my plans feel... underdeveloped" A deep voiced man with an orange mask appears next to Kisame who gets up off his knees and swings his sword onto his shoulder.

"Ah good! Leader didn't finish them off! I was left unsatisfied by my last fight!" Kisame chuckles to himself.

I signal to the Jonin to stay and fight with me... it seems that I have to take care of this as quick as possible... lets hope Riku and his terrors can stay alive for longer.

I charge at the masked man as my eight Jonin keep Kisame company.


Pov: Anchor


This isn't working and boss doesn't have the chakra to get here quick enough- I am also running low from constantly keeping that Pein under pressure.


I stop my Dominion and I [Launching Point] from the place that crashed and emerge from the dust!

*clink* *clang*

My chains retract as the other Pein breaks free and I am launched at the reviver who I kick in the thigh and land besides, he raises his guard and my chains fully retract before I start punching him and shooting my Chain-blade point blank!

*clink* *fwoosh!*

Suddenly he starts floating- no, he is being pulled towards the flying Pein and my chain barely breaks skin as he flies away only taking a scratch.

Damnit! I swing the chain around and smack the memory taking Pein and raise my other hand to Launch my chain at the Chakra stealing one!

The Memory Pein grabs my chain and tugs it tight before sprinting at me- cant let him get close!

I [Pressure Point] and an unseen blast hits him in the shoulder- the Chakra Pein lets himself be hit in the shoulder before grabbing the Chain and wrapping it around himself.

Shit! Cant let him get close either.

I start sprinting back and retract my first chain to me- I go through all my jutsu and I cant use any that require hand seals due to my other hand being occupied.

Both Peins run at me and my mind races as I have no clue how to get out of this.


Pov: Almighty

I race across the crater but with no chakra I have no hope of reaching Anchor in time... I could help Tsunade as she is closer but even then I cant do much without my weapon and chakra.

The giant Chameleon hid it somewhere when it ran away.

Hmmm... I look towards Ace and I cant help him either, a flying enemy that can send me in any direction with a flick is an annoyance.

I wasted too much chakra but I did beat two Peins on my own.


I watch the reviver Pein be brought to the flying one and I then watch it be flung behind me to the two I just beat.

I turn and sprint back.


Pov: Ace

'He took the reviver, the two I fought will be revived- I have no chakra, I know you wasted a lot holding back that push, just keep annoying him and make sure he doesn't bother anyone else' Almighty tells me.

'Got it Boss!' I yell back.

I emerge from the rubble holding my hand and I shout to the flying man.

"Hey Pein! What's your top ten traumas!?" I yell and he turns to fly down to me.

"You go on and on about pain this pain that! But give us an example! Why the hell are you slaughtering innocents!? Why become this?" My voice goes from yelling to normal volume as he closes in.

"I mean... you claim I have had no suffering and I am going to be honest... you are right, completely! I have never felt someone close to me be lost... I have only been through pain myself, so what do you want me to do? Why do I have to suffer for something unrelated to me?" I ask and put on my most genuine face.

Pein lands in front of me and lowers his gaze... more confused than anything.

"I... please let me know the reason why you destroyed Konoha... if you have any semblance of a good reason... then I will stop resisting..." I declare.


"You wish to know my story? What reason Konoha needs to feel pain...?" He asks with his heavy tone, gripping his knuckles tight.

"Fine... let my story be known..."

And so he talks.


Pov: Emrys

I slam into my exoskeletal body and I start to form and mould into my new self, unfortunately I am trapped under the rubble.

Pitch black metals and two vertical circles on my spine start to glow gold.

'Jaunt! Assistance' I inform Jaunt.

'No! I just helped Jewel! I am going to help Almighty' he replies.

'Do not care, help the Augmenters and take Edge to Almighty- me to Ace and Ezra to Anchor' I reply.

'Fine' he replies and I feel him approaching me.


My dominion aura is different... why? Who cares, it lets me apply pressure to my joints and burst the pressure outwards, sending the limbs of who I am aiding forward... much more power and speed. Good.

I wait for Jaunt.


Pov: Edge

I slam into my body and I wait alongside the other Augmenters... my body starts to turn pitch black and the metal shines a brilliant metallic.

My handle turns pitch black and the edge of my Odachi glows a wonderful gold.

My [Dominion Aura: Great Slash] allows me to apply pressure to my blade and slash outwards- attacking from afar.

Fucking useful.

Lets go fuck up this orange haired bitch.

My metal liquifies and carries my handle through the rubble before appearing in the sun, I turn to see Jaunt digging up Emrys and I run my metal up his leg and onto his shoulder before making the metal armour him and my hand stick out his back.

I have enough metal to give Jaunt half plate.

I wait for fucking forever.


Pov: Ezra

I crash into my body and I start to naturalize. My arms turn black and my straps turn the same but with a thin shining gold line down the middle of them.

I cannot move as there is far too much rubble and ruin.


My Dominion? [Dominion Aura: Great push] just an enhanced unseen push it seems- but with all the power of the Dominion behind it.

It seems that I will have the ability to help Anchor soon. I wish to put those Peins in there rightful place- beneath me.

I wait for Jaunt.


Pov: Anchor

The two Peins are right in front of me!

I make a decision and I aim my finger at the memory toucher- using up all my chakra I [Dominion Aura: Pressure Hold]! And then I [Pressure Point]!!


One good shot blasts the flesh from his forehead.


The second point scrapes the skull.


The third breaks skull.


And the final point destroys the brain.

I let go of Dominion Hold.

They still run and I am about to be touched, right in front of me the memory Pein reaches out and so do I.

[Destroyer Force]!

They scrape my mind but I flick all my chakra into his brain.

*fwoosh* *crash*

The Pein is sent flying and crashes into the ground unmoving.

I turn to the other Pein- *Slam* his hand slams into my face and begins to drain...

"Apologies... but I am fresh out" he cannot find the chakra because I spent it all.

My natural abilities did not need chakra however as I return his palm with a kick to his shin and I raise my fist to slam into his torso.

He catches the attack and retaliates with his own kick.

I eject my Chain blades but only till the blade comes out and I grab them to use as weapons.


The blade slashes down and cuts the hand he blocks it with- *stab* my second attack aims at his intestine and goes through.

He pulls me closer and headbutts me- *thunk* wood hits metal and I make myself weigh much lighter and quicken the raising of both my hands as the blades stay stuck in his body.


I make myself as heavy as possible as I slam my balled hands into his head.

This scuffle goes on.


Pov: Jaunt

"Fucking FINALLY! Now lets go!" Edge yells.

"Indeed my appetite has not been sated yet" I groan.

"Sorry about the wait boss. Lets demolish these corpses" Ezra declares.

"Don't care, lets just get this over with" Emrys says and we take off running out of the debris and to the edge of the crater... Kisame and Tobi are here... Tsunade can deal with them right? Haaa- guess I will be eating fish.

I look at Emrys and Ezra before placing them on Edge.

"What the fuck? The fuck are you doing Jaunt?" Edge groans.

"Make yourself hollow and long, aerodynamic" he complies and turns into a giant metal nerf dart.

I raise him on one arm and [Destroyer Force]! Sending him flying towards Almighty, on the way Ezra grabs himself and Emrys before jumping off and calculating the right time to land near Anchor.

I lick my lips and crouch.

[Dominion Aura: Leaping Point]!

I am sent flying through the air like Javelin and I- *Crash!* in front of the Hokage.

I turn immediately and I activate my flicker system before- *Fwoosh!* Sprinting around Kisame and slashing at his torso.


My claws reaches blade as Samehada is lowered and defends against me.

I snarl in retort and start attacking wildly with my claws.

"Didn't these things go when you offed Riku?" Kisame states and the bored looking Tobi sitting on the floor as multiple kunai fly through him responds "It is rare for one to persist after death, but not uncommon- just get rid of him again" he declares in his deep voice.

Tsunade rushes up to Kisame as he defends from my attacks and she slams her fist into his side- *Splash* before turning into a water and vanishing.

"Tch- must of switched during his question" she grumbles before suddenly kicking to her side and slamming her foot into the surprised Kisame who suddenly reappears next to her.


She sends him flying into the floor... I suppose she didn't need my help at all, but I don't mind taking credit.

I launch at Kisame and I jump him while he is down, slamming my claws into his torso and using [Delayed Strike] to double my attacks.

*Slash* *Slam* *Crash* *Slice*


I am sent a few feet into the air and to the side as Samehada is swung into me.

I land back down and pursue my prey. Tsunade and me continue our combo beatdown on the surprisingly strong Kisame.


Pov: Rock Sage.


Thanks for reading :)

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