Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (4)

Pov: Ezra

I land near Anchor as he and the Pein are fighting each other, my arms can float and move around but only within radius of my straps.

Emrys stands his skeletal self up and picks up my straps walking over to the two fighting before I raise both my hands and [Unseen Push! ×2!

The man is pushed back and slides on his feet before looking at the new arrivals that are us.

Anchor runs to us and grabs me before placing my straps over him.


I attach and my arms start to rotate and orbit Anchor.

The Pein approaches and Anchor shoots his chain-blade out impaling his other shoulder and knee.

But he keeps pulling forward and threatens to near us.

"Stay back swine!" I declare and I raise my two arms to use my Dominion.

Chakra swells into my palms and increases to frightening proportions.

[Dominion Aura: Great Push]!


He is slammed back multiple feet and scrapes his body against the chains that he was pulling at.

[Unseen Push]!

I keep him down and every time he gets up I lay another palm into him.

We approach as he is on the floor and Anchor starts to pull at his piercings.


One at a time he disassembles him until all the piercings in his legs or torso are gone.

Anchor gets up and starts walking over to Emrys as I flip the Pein off behind him.

Anchor attaches to Emrys and we start racing towards Ace who has got the villain monologuing.


Pov: Edge



"ALMIGHTY! WEILD ME AGAINST OUR ENEMIES!" I scream at the top of my lungs and Almighty puts his arm up and catches me as I transform into a javelin.


His wooden hands wrap my pole like body and he continues running towards the thre Pein without even looking back.

I shape the metal into a big Dagger for Almighty as I am much smaller compared to the twelve foot tall mans Odachi.

But this Edge is mightier than his Odachi.

The long dagger shimmers in the sun and its edge glows gold.

The now revived Peins look towards us and two split off and run around Almighty as the mechanical one dashes forward at frightening speed.

How much chakra do these beasts have?

Almighty brandishes me and swings at the oncoming target before my edge is blocked by the mechanical blade protruding out of our opponents arm.

He then creates four more arms and tries to disarm me. disarm ME!


'Shut up' he replies and kicks the metal man before raising me up high, I thin my blade and elongate before [Dominion Aura: Great Slash]!

He swings me down at the man and my edge slices through two of his arms and sends a burst of unseen pressure in the shape of a slash towards the mans head.

It cuts through half his face and he opens his mouth in a silent scream before.

*Click* *click* *clank* *clack*

The rest of his arms form missiles and blast.

Fucker. He wasn't trying to live at all.

Just trying to take me down with them.


Almighty lets go of me and I plant into the ground as my handle raises high- Almighty tumbles to the floor as his upper body is reduced to ash.

Sparks fly but with no chakra that regeneration is going to take forever.


And the summoner recalls the mechanical one.



Pov: Ace


"I see..." I reply after listening to his story.

A man who lost his best friend... his parents and the love he had for everyone around him, left to be a peace monger and a terrorist

Truly touching.

'Lord Riku's orders, keep him busy for as long as possible' The Rock Sage tells me.

'I have been talking for a while... he is waiting for an answer, any Ideas?' I ask.


'Tell him you are going to beat the shit out of him- that we are going to beat the sense into him, that peace is never bought through war and that it is an afterthought of it' Lord Riku talks to me in the absence of Rock Sage.

'Got it' I reply.

'Good' he ensures.

"Pein... do you really think that this is the answer? That pain is the only way to salvation?" I ask the man in front of me.

"Ye-" he says but I wrap my body in the last of my chakra with my Dominion and I punch him across the face.

"Then fuck off! Lord Riku and his terrors are going to beat the sense into you! Peace through those means mean nothing!" My fist collides with his cheek and I resist his pushing force before hitting him five times.

In the shoulder.

In the stomach.

In the nose.

In the chin.

And finally I kick him in the shin.


A force blasts at me and without chakra to protect me I am defenceless as I am launched into the walls of Konoha.

I peel myself off and my hand is gone- my joints struggle to bend and Pein walks over to me and grabs my neck- lifting me up to the sky.

"Then I will have to show you pain" he commands respect and a force courses through his palm before.


My body is sent flying through the air and my head clips the walls of Konoha- *Crack* my head disconnects from my body and they both fly and- *CRASH!* into the ground.


Pov: Anchor

Emrys Launches me one more time and unfortunately we are too late, Ace gets sent flying and now we have to fight this Pein alone...

'Almighty and Ace down, two more Peins revived and going back for the mechanical one. Jaunt is helping the Hokage but Kisame and Tobi are trying to keep them busy and away from the fight' Javelin reports and I sigh.

[Launching Point]! Utilizing the five seconds between his push or pull I slam into his side and start wailing into him.

*Slam* *Smack* *Wham* *Pow*

Four arms besiege him and give him bruises while also tearing at his cloak that now rests only on his waist and lower.

But that is all I can do as he pushes me- not away but down into the ground-  *Crash!* my body skids across the ground and [Body Shunt] Emrys makes me stand upright before Ezra points two [Pressure Points]! At the Pein.

He ducks out of the way having faced my unseen attacks in his previous body before sprinting at me and swiping at my legs with a low kick.

Emrys stands tall and the mid air Pein spins and kicks from above- *thwack!* landing a hit onto my wooden Nordic face.

I fix my wooden jaw back and Ezra pulls at the Pein and holds his shoulders- *Thwack* I retaliate and send a punch into his stomach.


he slams his palm into my face and sends me flying into the crater behind me, scraping and skidding across the dirt I get up but- *SLAM* Samehada breaks my wooden torso and we cannot stand anymore.

Ezra who was pulled along with me aims to attack Kisame with a [Great Push]! But the blade eats all that precious chakra.

Jaunt and Tsunade appear behind Kisame and stomp into him but he throws his sword and splashes into a water clone.

The sword lands into the real Kisames hands and Tobi floats over to him after killing the last Jonin of the eight that went with Tsunade.


Pein floats behind my broken body and looks towards Tobi and Kisame.

"Go. I am nearly done here" he declares.

"Are you sure? This Riku sounds like an annoyance to put down" Tobi drawls and Pein ignores him, opting to look at Tsunade.


Kisame spits out some blood and wipes his mouth as Tobi and him warp away.


Pov: Jaunt

[Lanching Point]!

I leap at the main Pein and intentionally make him use his ability to send me flying into the ground.

Tsunade uses the opportunity I created to enter melee and give him a beatdown that all taijutsu users dream of.

Raising her leg for one last kick she- *WHAM* slams it down on his head before he stands up straight and catches her next punch.

"You will feel pain" he declares before sending the Hokage flying the same way I got sent.

I run to- *Boom!* my body is torn by a missile and my arm shreds to splinters, but I don't relent and my legs push towards Pein and my maw bites into him.


My metallic bite cleanly seeps into his crushed, bleeding and beaten body- *Chrack!* I tear off a chunk of his flesh and he stares me down before grabbing my head with his arm and holding tight.


A force pushes against my body and- *Crack!* splits my head from torso as he holds onto me.

"Relentless. But weak" he mocks and chucks my head away.

The Hokage stands up again after having fought multiple Peins and Kisame for quite some time... the mark on her body fades and she groans out in pain.

"Konoha is weak" he mocks again.


The reviver Pein walks up to the main one and places him inside the king of hell- remaking his body.

All the Peins are unharmed- wasted chakra yes but that monster has so much to use still.


Jewel drags Riku's corpse across the dirt and drops it near us before turning to the now revived Peins.

"A few remnants left" Pein mutters as he raises his hand.

"Heheheh~ gonna use that blast on little ol' me? I'm honoured!" Jewel mocks before launching his two hands at Pein and- *fwoom* they and Jewel crash into the ground, but so does Pein as he is tugged by the Dominion of Jewel and Pein falls to his knees.

Jewel sends his tail at Pein and wraps it around his throat before launching at him and- *Slice* the mechanical Pein stabs into Jewel.


All current Riku's apart from Javelin are down.

Rock Sage is going to be a bit and Riku will as well.

If this just happened in an hour, or maybe just half an hour later we would have been here and prepared to fight him all at once.

I lick my metal lips and the flesh tastes like nothing... but my soul wishes to eat.



Pov: Pein.

My bodies revived and renewed all turn to the battle that has ensued so far.

They see the half of Almighty, the head of Ace and the broken body of Anchor.

They see the stuck Edge, the broken Emrys and the squashed Ezra rest near Anchor.

Jaunt lay broken and torn while Jewel shares its fate- the bird chatters above on the cliff.


I step forward with all my bodies and we take in the sight of Konoha being destroyed.

Now we need to deal with the remnants, this will be a message to everyone in the Elemental nations... that we will bring peace.

I approach Tsunade and as she stumbles towards me her fists clench.

"You- you... why!? Why do this!?" She yells in protest and I have no care to tell my story again.

I flick her forehead and use my propulsive force and she is sent flipping and flying into the Hokage Mountain.

I used a bit too much power there... but an intimidated crowd is easier to subdue.

I start to walk leisurely towards and up the mountain, all threats are taken care of and Konan is keeping the trackers away and busy in time for me to kill the shinobi here.

I leave the rest of my selves down below, guarding the Naraka path.

The people have walked quite a bit. But a crowd as big as that cannot get far.


A silent walk ensues and I reach the civilians of Konoha as they stare in fear at me, the ninjas defend and create a wall in front of them.

"Almighty Push!" I yell and pour my propulsive force all around me.

I attack the group and kill many ninja, a snap of the neck, a twist of the eye and a push through the chest.

I grab a kunai and hold it out in front of me- *fwoom!* it is sent into the skull of another shinobi.


I look up into the sky at the sudden noise, a light falls from it like the many that came before... is that Riku? It is bigger then the others...

My body walks back to finish him off in case he destroys my paths.


My other paths watch as a light crashes into the rubble surrounding Konoha... Riku's corpse is right here? Not him then, but who? I thought he only had nine split selves.


A low and vibrant hum emits from the rubble and ruin.

A single stone rises from it and hovers in front of the faces of the Hokage.


the low hum starts to shake the ground and a pitch black energy starts to coat the rubble ring around Konoha.

"..." The rock floats slowly closer to my paths of Pein and the rubble around Konoha is dyed completely black.

The rock stops in front of the Human path.

"Touch my mind. I will show you pain" it declares.

The human path reaches out and touches the rock... I can feel the soul of this stone and I touch its mind seeking to answer what it means.

"Fool" It states.

I touch its mind and all the human Path can see is a rock in darkness... what does this mean? How is this pain?

"I meant literal pain" the rock states.


The rock hurtles into the face of the Human path and I can feel the chakra on its body converge and focus on my face- *FWOOOOOOOOSSSHHHHHH!* The human path is sent flying, his destroyer force again... an annoyance.

The Preta path flickers in front of the rock and grabs it absorbing the chakra, but instead the preta path turns to stone.

"I was going to stone you to death, shame. You beat me to it" It states.

The Asura path grips the rock and slams it into the ground before launching a rocket at it.


The crater turns pitch black and the faces of the Hokage mountain do so as well- there eyes glow gold.

"Ace used Telekinetic sage mode as an extension of himself. But I am the Sage. And these rocks are me. You are in my pond now" five voices boom from the Hokage's faces and they overlap into the voice of the rock.

I watch as all the rubble that was sent to the edges of Konoha begins to rise and rush towards the sky.

"I'm sorry for what I am about to do to you" The mountains declare calmly.


Thanks for reading :)

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