Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (6)

Pov: Nagato

The king of hell stares me down and I suddenly can control the Naraka path again.

I rush back and try cancel the jutsu, I drag the king of hell back down but something forces its stay above ground.


I here a thud against the king of hells teeth.


The Deva and Asura path arrive and aim there arms and palms at the mouth of the King of hell.


I see fingers in-between the gaps of teeth.


They pry and slam open the mouth and I can see a rotting corpse re-growing before my eyes.

His bones set.


His muscles tighten.


His flesh regains colour.


He breathes out his first breath in ages.


His hair regrows and flops to the back of his head- wild and carefree.


His eyes roll back into position.


"Hello... Pein"

He declares and steps out of the mouth, walking tall and his naked body forming into its final shape- he stands still watching us.

Deva and Asura fire off missiles and an oppressive force-but that is met with a quick Jutsu.

[Projectile Return]!

The missiles fly back towards Asura and he dodges out of the way- *Crash* my force cascades around his telekinetic power as his eyes turn black and gold- dark markings form across his face.

"[Dominion Aura]" he mutters and reaches his arm out to the edges of the crater.

I feel my bodies fall and rest on there knees as I cannot resist for five seconds.


A metallic ding sounds as Edge slams into the terrors palm.

He starts whistling a tune.


And steps up to the Naraka path before.


Decapitating it. He proceeds to wrap his now liquid blade around his body and it forms half plate- like his Almighty's armour without the helmet, the blades hilt and handle rest on his shoulder like an amour spike.

I regain my power and I release it upwards and hold so my other Paths can move to attack.

It seems the position has swapped- now I am holding back the crushing push downwards.

He raises his hands and slashes them down into two directions- an unseen force slashes from them and threatens to cut my Paths but they all dodge out of the way.

The terror takes this chance to Launch at the Animal path and kick its head.


he screams as my path is sent hurtling over the crater and its head cracks and splits open on the wall while its body is crushed from the crash into the ground.

"COME ON! IS THAT ALL YOUR PAIN AMOUNTS TO!?" He taunts me and I send the Human and Preta path who are closer to fight him in hand to hand combat.

The Human Path struggles with even touching his mind and the Preta Paths fingers turn to stone the second it absorbs chakra from him.

He uses [Unseen Push] and my Human path is sent back a foot, he then grabs and crushes the Preta paths fingers before reaching out and making a crushing motion with his hand.


The approaching Asura Path stops moving and struggles against the sudden pressure around him.

His gaze lingers on the Asura Path as his hand points towards the Preta paths head and sends a blast of concentrated energy.

I make the mistake of absorbing that chakra and its face turns to stone before a second blast erupts and destroys my Preta path.

The Human path punches Riku across the face and he stumbles before spitting out blood and turning his gaze back.


So this is why they call him the terror.

He clicks his fingers and a few rocks slam into the Human paths stomach before they climb its face and roll into its mouth.

The scene is graphic as stones beat the inside of the Human paths body.

The Human path tries to resist but the hesitation is rewarded with a swift slash of a black metallic Katana growing from the wrist of Riku.

The Human path falls and Riku lets go of the Dominion Aura and the great crush.

I need ten seconds due to holding that force back- Asura must buy Deva some time.

Asura grows his six arms and and launches two missiles before flickering into melee with Riku.

The Terror retaliates by scoffing and [Launching Point] past the missiles and tackles the Asura path.

The missiles turn towards him and he holds the Asura path down.

I cant kill him like that- he will just dodge the Missiles anyway.

The missiles smash into the floor and explode.

The Asura Path reaches behind and- *Slice* a nice ringing sound is heard as The Terrors armour forms many spikes and impales the Asura path in all his joints.


The Asura path still grabs and throws Riku away before jumping at him and throwing three fists into his chest and stomach.

*wham* *slam* *bam*

I send my Deva path to flank and start throwing his own punches as he waits for his power to return.

As Riku is beaten in-between two Paths he chuckles and smiles.

"I missed this..." He declares and suddenly catches one of Asura's hands before slamming his palm into the paths face and [Unseen Push]! The paths knees bend and Riku grabs two of his hands and presses his foot down onto the Asura path- at the same time his armour is shifting to take every hit my Deva path can dish out.

"Break" he demands and I can feel his destroyer force slam into my Paths chest as his arms are torn off.

My Deva path backs away and raises his- *slash* the Deva path is slashed into two as Riku swipes his hand and Edge's Dominion cuts through me.

"Almighty Pu-" I am silenced by the Terrors finger on my lips.

"Shut up" he says coldly and flicks my forehead which *Crash* crashes into the floor with a Destroyer force flick.

My Deva path jumps up after the crash into the ground and runs back before raising his palm and throwing one of my chakra rods- *thook* but the terror tilts his head and catches the rod. I raise the paths hands again and- *smack* my hand is smacked to the side as he launches at me and we start swinging hands and throwing kicks.
*Smack* *Wham* *Bam* 
I catch his fists and he catches mine, a battle of taijutsu where we are evenly matched- I cannot use my Deva paths abilities in case he uses his dominion aura right after and he must hold his chakra to maintain the upper hand- *POW* I hit him across the face and his torso tilts... but he turns back unaffected... how? how is this not affecting him? no.... he is getting in my head...
I slide another Black metallic rod out of my sleeve and slash its point at the terrors head, but he morphs his left gauntlet into a long kunai and- *ding!* smacks my rod back before kicking me in the shin and- *slice* chopping off my hand with Edge's Dominion Aura.... I raise my hand to- "Begone" he mutters... *Stab!* *CRASH!* I feel his chakra drain into a stab of destructive force and my chest is slammed into the ground and crushed as his entire body lowers into mine like a shoulder tackle...

My paths are gone...


Konan is keeping the ninjas busy and we do not have the time to escape.


My body falls limp in the dark tree of paper... I am losing? My dream... his dream... Konan I am sorry...


I look up to see Madara Uchiha before me.

"I thought I was right to kill that brat earlier... shame he came back to ruin my plans" He mutters to me and himself.

He walks up to me and I breathe heavily and spit blood as I ask.

"You are here..? To save me..?" I ask full of hope... my last hope.

"No" he declares coldly and I feel his hands on my face.

My eyes.



Pov: Riku

I walk through the forest and I have finally reached my Rock sage.

"I thought you were stuck..?" I ask with a light tone.

"I was suddenly freed..." he mutters.

"Go back to Konoha, start smoothing out the crater again and separating all of... you. Into reusable rubble and wood and stuff that's junk" I order and the orbiting mass of rubble does what I am sure is a nod and flies back to Konoha.

Another five minutes and I have found the tracking team out of breath and sourrounding the paper lady- it seems she is mimicking Shikamaru...

"Good work guys! You guy's too tired to find the real Pein for me?" I ask and they all look up to me shocked.

"Riku! Your- Your alive!" Team 10 screams and the rest gape at me in shock.

"Yeah- yeah, I know... no refunds on the funeral stuff" I wave my hand and walk up to them- Ino and Choji tackle me into a hug and everyone smiles.

"What of Konoha? The Peins there?" Inoichi asks.

"One left now, the real one" I say and relieved sighs escape everyone except the purple haired lady who's eyes bulge.

"So.. directions?" I ask and Team 8 joins the big group hug before Hinata points in a direction with happy tears flowing down her face.

"Alright, its alright now guys... You escort Paper lady home and I will face Pein" I console the group and free myself from there hugs.

Shino- the only one who didn't hug tackle me (rude) sends a bug flying where I need to go, I give a nod and he returns it.

I wave to everyone and smirk at the paper lady before following the bug.


I arrive at the paper tree and see that it is partially destroyed with black rods poking from every place possible... inside is a dead Pein with no eyes- Tobi that bitch hovers over him.

"So, the terror has returned" He declares in his deep voice.

This is my chance to find out who he really is.

"So, still pretending to be someone else?" I ask.

He tilts his head curiously and I continue.

"Met Madara in the pure lands... and there is no way someone as prominent as him would need to hide behind a mask- especially so now that you have claimed to be him" I say coldly.

He chuckles in that deep voice.

"Ahh... how audacious, there is more than one reason to wear a mask child" he declares in his deep voice before vanishing.


That gave me nothing at all.


I march back to Konoha.

All my terrors will be able to repair naturally over time and I managed to save seventy eight percent of Konoha through my struggles... which means that twenty two percent died today...

My body is bruised an multiple bones are broken despite the calm demeaner I am walking with.

My greatest weapon is my inhuman self tied with deception, till the end I am sure that Pein thought that I had taken barely any damage.

I can still manage however.

As I reach the gates of Konoha and I step into the outer layer of the crater I see everyone on the Hokage mountain cheer and shout words of joy and victory.

The crater is being compacted by the Rock sage and he is also placing any good materials into piles for ease of access.

It seems that he also piled all the terrors near the gates and they are all repairing themselves... they look like they are taking a smoke break.

I raise my fist and yell to the people on the mountain.

"KONOHA! IS! UNBEATEN!" As I scream their moral and cheers get louder and louder.

I sigh and sit by my terrors.

"Lord Riku" they all nod to me.

"Sentinels, Travellers- Augmenters, wonderful job out there today" I say and they all scoff or chuckle.

Soon the crowd starts to fill in the smoothened out crater and start to do the preparations for repairs of Konoha, they wave and nod at me as they work but do not get close- whether that's fear or giving me my well deserved break is up in the air.

My wolf however sprints right towards me and even out of breath, sweaty and red faced jumps into my arms.

She hugs me tightly and kisses me all over my face- forehead, cheeks and lips.

"Rabbit.." she says through happy tears.

"Wolf.." I reply in my most cheery tone.

"Your alive" her voice cracks as she holds my face.

"Well... I am also Seventeen in a few months so... we may have missed our wedding" I reply cheekily.

She seals my lips for a few seconds and takes a breather.

"Haaa- that's fine.. you can make it up to me later..." She smiles and the tears don't stop.

Soon after her parents with a few Hyuga guards run up after her.

"Eiko..! Riku..?" They yell and then confusingly look at me.

"Hello hopefully still potential mother and father in law~ sorry about the mess" I gesture to the crater and they smile.

"Cmon' lets get you to a medic nin, the Hyuga are setting up an area for our family to rest, please stay with Eiko" they offer and Eiko giggles in glee.

I nod my head and get up, picking up Eiko and princess carrying her through the streets of... through the dirt of Konoha.

The people make way for me and I smile warmly at everyone.


They are terrified of me yes- but now that terror is a wall that shields them from there enemies, they cheer and smile as I make my way to the current Hyuga compound and place my soon to be wife in a tent set up for her.

I turn and raise my eyebrows at her parents.

Her mother smirks and her father rolls his eyes before walking away with his wife.

I chuckle and wave to my wolf.

"I will be back for cuddles in ten minutes- have to get a few bits of medic magic~" I tell her.

"Come back quick!" She replies teasingly and I jog to the medic nins.

As they heal me I stare at the tents and such being set up, wondering to myself.

'I can do this. I don't need rest and I don't want to'

I smirk and whistle stayin' alive.

'Mind over matter'

Thanks for Reading :)

I will be taking another small break so no chapters for a bit- just busy this week so I should be back on Monday, Naruto: the simple skills should be as normal though.

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