Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 2: Misconceptions

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I don't know which dumbass said fear was useless, but I can tell you, he was an idiot.

Fear is what motivated me to start my training ahead of time. Knowing we could go at war and there may be some Shinobi that would infiltrate the village, whether they target civilians or not the fights would endanger the weak, and I hated leaving my fate in the hands of others.

I know, quite ironic for someone who was reincarnated into another world by some random god or whatever reason, but I really didn't like it.

And so, I started training, which led to another disappointment of mine. Although I didn't have any system or any other kind of cheat, I still thought I could become OP as a child. Oh, what a fool I was.

I was led to believe by the many Naruto fanfictions I read that I could just waltz into Konoha's library and read about basic chakra exercises and Jutsus and derive them to create S Rank Jutsus in the academy.

But I am not in some kind of fanfiction. Or am I? Deadpool, I need your holy blessing!

Nah, nothing comes, I guess I'm not.

Back to the subject, just sneaking out of the orphanage was a pain, I nearly broke my ankle jumping from the window. Then, I walked to the library.

As I entered, I approached a lady sorting books on a shelf and said with the cutest voice I could muster, "Hello."

The lady smiled hearing my voice and turned around. She greeted, "Hello young lady."

I smiled back and asked, "May I know where Chakra related books are?"

The lady raised an eyebrow and asked too, "You know how to read?" To which I nodded, obviously I do, my mom made sure of that.

She shook her head though and refused, "Sorry, but those books are reserved for Shinobi and Academy Students. You will have to wait a few years to enter the academy and get access to them."

What? Any random kid couldn't just get access to information about the powerful energy known as Chakra? An energy capable of harming the user's body if mishandled?

I sound stupid now don't I?

Now that I think about it, it makes sense. So I wasted my time coming here. Well, it wasn't the nice lady's fault so I made my cutest smile at her again and said, "Okay, thank you for your help."

She nodded and inquired, "Anything else for you sweety?" I shook my head and walked away.

While I walked the way back to the orphanage, I thought about my training. I wasn't just going to give up, I don't want to die because I gave up after the first difficulty.

With my meta knowledge, it's not like I can't train. I wanted to follow Konoha's exercises to the letter, and I already know most of what I need to know already. I think.

On Earth, training as a child is a bad idea, not only will it be bad for the body but it will also be very hard. However, children in the academy started training at 5/6 years old depending on when they are born, school year starts in April in here.

There must be a reason if children can start training so early without consequences, and I highly suspect this reason to be Chakra. If that is the case, then I can start training right away, and there would only be advantages to that.

As for Ninjutsu, I won't be able to touch that until the Academy, but it can actually be good. With no exciting Ninjutsu to train in, then I can concentrate on mastering my Chakra Control. To do so, I can start by sticking leaves to my body, followed by tree walking and water walking.

And I don't really need any more than that, I highly doubt I can reach the level of water walking by the time I enter the academy, I don't think of myself as some kind of incredible genius, I only have slightly more than two years until I enter the academy, and I don't think that even Kakashi or Itachi went from discovering Chakra to water walking in only two years.

Well, to be fair Kishimoto made them absurdly talented when they were children only to nerf them later on, so maybe they could, but that would be an exception anyway. By the way, I wonder how are those two doing, and whether they were made a little more coherent in this world. Or maybe they already were and it's just me being stupid.

That's already two things to work on anyway. A little impatient, I walked nearly as fast as I could through the streets of Konoha to return to the orphanage. I didn't bump into anyone and fell in love, unfortunately this isn't a romance novel, I actually look where I walk. And I'm four years old.

As soon as I reached the orphanage, I wanted to train, but was unfortunately unable to.

"Where have you been young lady?" My body froze as I heard the old stern voice call out to me. Putting on my nicest smile, I turned and asked with innocently, "What do you mean Matron?"

Unfortunately for me, the old matron clearly wasn't fooled by my face, and pressed on, "You know perfectly well what I mean."

I continued staring at her for a few seconds, before sighing in defeat and admitting to the truth, "I went to the library."

Her face visibly softened as she heard that, and she asked in a lighter voice, "You went to search for Shinobi books?" I froze for a second, how did she know? Is she some kind of mind reading shapeshifting parasite?

She smiled and said "You kept asking if we had any such books in here, why else would you go there." Okay, maybe she isn't. But my suspicions are still there. Please ignore what I am thinking and don't eat my brain. Probably too big for you anyway…

The matron walked to my side and put a hand on my shoulder. I expected to hear some wise or comforting words, and closed my eyes for a bit.

"Go finish your chores." I opened my eyes to roll them and left with a defeated sigh, "Yes."

I walked away while wondering if she wasn't some kind of retired ultimate ninja who fought during the Warring State and went through a difficult but beautiful love story with Madara, and who would see a light in my eyes that would push her to take me as an apprentice and teach me ultimate S Rank Jutsus and give me some Rinnegan…

Okay, I'm pretty sure she's just an old lady who helps orphans out of her kind but stern heart, but I got to occupy my mind while doing chores, it's so boring.

Good point was that I was quite used at performing them, and so half an hour later I was in the playing yard, running. My stamina as a toddler was very bad, but I still pushed myself to what I believe to be my limit before working on the rest of my muscles.

I learned effective exercises that would make the whole body work in my past life, no other way to get that ass, because a great ass isn't just an ass, it's a whole figure… I am being unnecessary descriptive, aren't I? I had a fine ass though, and tits, not those flat things…

I hate being a toddler.

Another reason for that was my terrible stamina. But hey, let's see the glass half full, this allowed me to learn the benefits of having chakra in my system.

I tried sticking a leaf to my forehead when I became too tired to move, and to do so I had to focus on my chakra. This allowed me to feel how chakra was regenerating my muscles.

For a normal person, i.e someone without chakra on Earth, small tears would form inside their muscles when they use them, and those will heal relatively quickly, becoming stronger through the healing process.

My muscles did get tears, I think so at least, as I could feel chakra infuse into my muscles, repairing them much faster than they should and making them a little bit stronger than they should. This meant that even used passively, Chakra would allow one to recover faster, and get results from training even faster.

Now I understand how physical beasts like Lee, Guy or Sakura came to be. No, not Sakura, I think she has something special in her chakra that allows her to become much stronger without putting in as much effort, just like Tsunade. I guess this is one of her talents. Or probably a side effect of a technique.

Speaking about Lee, having weights would be great for my training, at least they are shown to have exceptional effects in this world. Unfortunately, the matron won't buy them for me, I don't have money and they most certainly don't have weights for children of my age.

As I focused somewhat on my chakra I thought of something troubling though. From what I can feel, I don't seem to have great chakra reserves. I don't have anyone else to compare to, but I wasn't even able to exercise with the leaf for ten minutes before exhausting my chakra.

I know one's chakra grows with age and toddlers shouldn't have lot of it, but Itachi could use a C Rank Jutsu such as the Uchiha's Fireball at the tender age of… around 6-7, I would say. And he wasn't really known for having big Chakra reserves, so assuming he is somewhat above average because of his Uchiha lineage, my chakra reserves really seem to be tiny.

Even if they are average sized, like Kakashi, this would be a problem for the future, having large chakra reserves was necessary.

But I don't know how to expand them, except for the obvious answer, contracting a tailed beast, but it's not really an option. I don't really want the Akatsuki chasing after me. I was in enough danger already, being of the Rookie 9 generation.

I also doubt I can just exercise my chakra like any other muscle and have it become bigger, otherwise every ninja would have as much chakra as tailed beasts. I mean look at Kakashi, he is known as the Copying Ninja for having copied over a thousand techniques, so he must have used his chakra basically everyday, yet he has almost pathetic reserves of Chakra compared to the main cast.

Is there really no other way to enhances my reserves?

I had planned to meditate too to prepare for Sage Mode in the future, but if I can't increase my Chakra and reach 'large reserves' of Chakra, then Sage Mode is impossible for me. I'm pretty sure large reserves of chakra are needed to activate Sage Mode.

Is there any point in me starting meditation then? It's not a cultivation world again, it's not gonna transform my spiritual energy and allow me telekinesis…

Wait. Spiritual energy? Wasn't the definition of Chakra a mix of physical and spiritual energy? Although it has been a while now since I last read about Naruto trivia, if I remember right then that is the definition of chakra.

What if I manage to enhance both? Shouldn't that give me more chakra? I don't see any reason not to try, physical energy is easy to enhance, I already am doing so every time I train my body. As for spiritual energy, I can just start meditation.

So I tried to meditate. There were actually books about that in the library, this apparently doesn't fall under Shinobi teachings. I didn't manage to enter a state of meditation right away, but even if I did I wasn't going to instantly know whether this is effective or not, it will take a long time to confirm.

And whether this works or not, meditation can't be a bad thing, I can simply do that after I finish my physical training everyday. Guess I don't need rest days either, since Chakra allows me to recover much faster. I don't have anything to do other than training too.

And so like that, my routine began. My days were pretty much empty until now apart from reading, and I had read nearly every interesting book in the library, so I was able to spend all my days training.

Fear for my life gave me the motivation to train, I don't want to die because of my laziness. That's why everyday I would start with some chakra control, followed by intense physical exercise and follow up with meditation.

The caretakers and the old matron didn't really say anything about my training, I guess they all know I want to become a Shinobi, and they were probably happy I found something to fill my days.

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