Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 3: Ninja Academy

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Three years went by since I started my training. Fortunately the tension with Kumo had somehow lowered over time, and no war was waged. Although no peace treaty has been signed yet, I didn't hear about the war nearly as often.

I didn't stop my training though, I actually found a liking to training I never really suspected, the feeling of becoming stronger is much more noticeable in this world thanks to Chakra, and as it turns out feeling myself getting stronger was a great insensitive for training even more.

It's like a mobile game, in the beginning everything is easy and winning pushes you to continue playing, because winning is good. Until you hit the soft or hard cap. There, it becomes harder, and so you have three paths. First, you use an external mean, money here, to continue advancing just as fast. Second, you simply quit, it's not fun anymore. Third, you continue playing, you don't use any external mean and you persevere on.

Shit, did I get a big revelation about the ninja world and getting stronger because of a mobile game? I impress myself sometimes.

Which brings me to something else, I also now highly suspect my assumptions about Chakra were right, not just because I am awesome, but also because my Chakra has really grown a lot, much more than just growing up should have. Although I have no Jutsu to test, I can stick leaves on my body for pretty extensive periods of time.

Speaking of which, my Chakra Control has improved a lot. Although I am still not able to walk on trees, I can easily stick leaves on different parts of my body while meditating, and I'm not that far from tree walking. I think I have some talent in Chakra Control, maybe not Sakura level but meh, can't have everything.

And this brings to another one of my improvements, when I stick leaves to myself while meditating, it isn't just good to practice my chakra control, it also makes the areas where the leaves are stuck much more concentrated in Chakra, stimulating those parts of my body and thus repairing and strengthening them much faster. This was an accidental discovery, but a good one.

While I did grow a lot in term of personal growth, I think my social skills became rustier than ever, with my training still not having hit a cap I never really took the time to befriend anyone.

I sometimes wonder if I'm just making excuses though? Would a therapist, i.e a Yamanaka tell me I am scared of actually talking to other people because it has been so long?

Nah, I just don't want to spend my days with kids. Training is much funnier… and addictive. Wow, an addiction that is actually beneficial. No, scratch that, Lee and Guy became weirdos. I don't want to become a weirdo.

Oh, I arrived, enough about silly thoughts. Today was the enrolment day for the Academy, but not just anyone could get in, there are requirements to enter. Requirements sculpted into a stone at the entrance of the academy.

First is to love the village and hope for peace and prosperity.

Second is to have a strong mind and will to endure hard work and not yield.

Third is to have a healthy mind and spirit.

Well, the first two requirements don't really matter, you can't really test the will of fire of a 5/6 years old, nor can you know whether they will be hard-working.

As I thought about that, two boys entered my sight. One had brownish hair, with weird spiral marks on his cheeks. He didn't really look that special except from the marks on his cheeks. As for the other kid, he had longer black hair tied with a rubber, but they were spiking up… his haircut was weird, but somehow looked good on him. What really set him apart though was his bored/tired face, and slouched body.

He looked like he wanted to fall asleep while walking. Weirdo. Whom I obviously recognized, might not have recognized Choji because of how different he looks, he barely weighs more than any other kids, and he doesn't have his usual pack of chips in hands he had in the show. But Shikamaru, he was recognizable.

And he made me realize those requirements were even more of a joke, how did someone like Shikamaru pass as someone with a strong mind? Sure he is smart, but I would bet my non-existent house he is already being mentally tortured by the thought of having to work. That's not a hard-working lad! I wonder how he would fare with Guy as his sensei…

While I was judging the two boys and completely forgot about nastily commenting the last requirement of the academy, it seemed I stared for a little too long as they both turned to look at me. Actually, I didn't really care about the two of them looking at me, they were children. What really bothered me were the two accompanying them.

The Jonin Commander and the Akimichi Clan head were the ones putting me on edge. Did I really stare at the sons of two of the most influential people in Konoha in front of them? Yes I did, like a mother-fucking Queen.

Thankfully, they stopped looking after a few seconds, and so did I. I wonder if they are going to think of me as a creep, a bootlicker, or straight up ignore me. Probably last one. I hope.

Well, enough chit-chat with myself, time to go. I followed the crowd of kids and parents to the training grounds, which are between the Academic Section, where we would have most classes, and the Administrative Section, on top of which was the Hokage's office.

We were welcomed by a Shinobi, the one and only Iruka… Wait, what's his last name again? Sheesh, I'm already 6, memories are starting to fail me.

It seems I'm not the only orphan here, I saw a group of kids all gathered around a woman, probably the matron of another orphanage. As for me the old Matron wanted to accompany me here, but I dissuaded her, I'm about to take my independence anyway.

Konoha's laws weren't that different from most countries on Earth, for civilians. Shinobi were a little different though. As an orphan, I was allowed to take my independence as soon as I became an academy student, meaning I could get my own place. And as soon as I become a Genin I would be considered a full grown adult in the eyes of the law.

Meaning that as long as I become a Genin, the village can lawfully execute me if I make any grave crime, like treason.

Of course, since I'm only six I can't just go by the Hokage's Office and tell him I'm taking my independence, they aren't that lax. Rather, I will have to receive the confirmation of my current guardian, the matron, that I am mature enough, and go through a few tests. At least that's what she told me.

The matron is nice, but the orphanage is just a boring place, and there never fails to be a snotty brat to come annoy me when I train. There's also the inheritance left by this body's parents, this should be enough to allow me to live comfortably for some time. All ninjas have life insurance.

Adding in the orphan funds I would receive every month, I should be able to live my life alone. But that would be for later. First step to independence was getting accepted into the academy.

I could see many important figure of the future gathered here, that is the Rookie 9. In a corner I even saw Naruto and Sasuke, standing together with their mothers standing behind, proud smiles on their faces. It looked like Kushina had forced some sense of fashion into Naruto too, he looked quite dashing, just like Sasuke. Well, for kids that is.

Still, I noticed that many of the girls kept sending glances in their direction. Those two not only were cute, but they also represented power. One was the son of the Hokage, and the other the son of the Police Chief, and the head of the strongest clan in Konoha. Of course those glances were more of a curious nature, they are only 6.

Iruka cleared his throat, earning my and the others' attention, before he presented, "Hello to you all, let me present myself to you, my name is Iruka Umino and I am a Chunin, as well as a new instructor. If you pass the tests, then I am the one who is going to be your head instructor for the following years."

His eyes visibly went from face to face, looking at all the children before momentarily stopping on… me. Not because I'm the protagonist, but probably because I am the only one not accompanied by anyone.

Pity flashed in his eyes for a moment, but he quickly looked away and said with a brighter smile, "The entry test will be a test of concentration and chakra control." He took out a leaf and stuck it to his forehead, earning wows from some kids.

"I don't expect you to master this trick, it is a rather advanced exercise after all. The purpose of this exercise is to see whether you have problems with your chakra or not." Iruka pointed at a nearby tree that had branches low enough for us to reach them, and proposed, "Why don't you go try."

The kids screamed in delight as they ran toward the tree, eager to try and prove themselves. Only a few didn't do so, and that was the clan kids. Well, don't count Ino, she and Sakura practically raced against each other to be the first to reach the tree. And Kiba.

And Naruto and Sasuke too. Okay, nearly everyone was beneath the tree, and I felt like I was sticking out a bit too much. All the adults stayed behind too, watching their children with smiles, or me with weird gazes. Fuck you too.

Well, time to act. I moved toward the tree and didn't take a leaf from one of the lower branches. Instead, I agilely jumped from branch to branch, until I reached about four meters tall. There, I took a random leaf, stuck it to my forehead, and took out the book I had brought.

While I did enjoy the gasps of surprise around me, I didn't only do this to show off, Iruka will most certainly take some time evaluating everyone and helping them, and rather than wait doing nothing, I would rather use my time wisely. But I do admit I like being in the spotlight from time to time. Calling me childish wouldn't even be an insult anyway…

The book I had taken with me was about medical studies, more precisely how the human body worked. I have already read it many times, but I am in the process of memorizing all the knowledge in it.

Medical Studies aren't considered only a ninja stuff, so I could find a few books in the orphanage's library. I intended on learning Medical Jutsu later, it was always useful to be capable of healing oneself and others, and some techniques could be very deadly if used correctly, and don't consume much chakra, which was perfect for me, who didn't have much chakra but great control. Although, I guess not having a lot of chakra is an issue that is slowly being resolved.

However, as I was entranced in my readings, I felt an additional weight land on the branch on which I sat. I looked at my side, and saw who had joined me.

And here he was, the one and only Naruto Uzumaki, a leaf stuck on his forehead. With a bright smile he presented himself, "Hey! I'm Naruto Namikaze!"

Namikaze? I guess he took his father's name since the latter is still around. I was about to answer when I heard a sudden crack, and the next thing I knew I was falling toward the ground. The branch had broken because of Naruto's added weight, it was a thin branch to begin with.

My training kicked in though as I managed to flip forward and land on my feet. Thanks Chakra for strengthening my brain and my reaction time. Naruto wasn't nearly so agile though it seemed as he landed on his side, with a big thud. Everyone's eyes instantly turned toward him, or maybe they had been looking ever since the branch broke.

A sigh escaped my lips as walked to his side, crouched and asked as I shook his shoulder, "You're not dead are you?"

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