Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 4: Hanging with the boys

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I realized I worried for nothing though as I saw his face. He showed no pain, only embarrassment. On the side, someone snorted, "Don't worry about him, he has fallen from bigger heights."

I looked at the speaker and saw Sasuke. I shrugged and looked for another branch. However at that moment Iruka inquired, "Young lady?"

I turned to face him, he really was speaking to me. My eyes went to his scar for a second before going back to his eyes, and asked, "Yes?"

He approached a little closer and tried to take the leaf into his hand, but it didn't budge. He didn't use much force, so my control over my chakra was more than enough to keep it stuck.

To be honest, if I didn't master tree walking until now is because Chakra Control doesn't only take talent, it also takes repetition. The more I use my chakra, the better my control over it becomes as I become more and more familiar. I still can't control the right amount of chakra for tree walking, but I think the moment I managed to do so water walking won't be that much further.

Back to the situation at hand, Iruka asked, "Someone taught you this exercise already?"

I shook my head and replied, "No."

He tilted his head and pondered, "How come you are alone today?"

I see where this is going. Still, I replied with a neutral face, "The matron wanted to accompany me, but I can handle myself. I intend on taking my independence once I enter the academy."

Surprise showed on his face, followed by some pity before he said, "So you never trained and managed to stick this leaf to your forehead on your first try?"

There was obvious doubt in his voice, which was understandable. I shook my head and said, "I trained before, I don't think it is possible to succeed on first try. I have been training for two years."

Iruka frowned, clearly doubtful, and asked, "How did you come to know about this exercise then?"

I understood where his frown came from, although this was only a basic exercise it was supposed to be locked away, and having a kid know about it could mean a security problem.

Still, I shrugged at his doubt and told him, "I mean, who wouldn't be curious about the energy within their bodies? I simply tried to use it, to see what it could do, and I stuck leaves to my body by accident."

Iruka's face seemed to freeze in the middle of my explanation though as he asked with some shock, "Wait, you can always feel you chakra?"

This time it was my turn to be surprised. Tilting my head, I asked, "Don't you?"

Iruka gaped a little, clearly searching for words, and finally said, "Can you describe me how it feels? Where does it lay?"

Okay, so maybe constantly feeling my Chakra isn't normal? I guess this is a good point. I slightly touched my solar plexus and explained, "It's not stationary, it constantly moves around my body in a spiral, in a counter-clockwise movement."

Iruka's mouth opened even wider than before, he was obviously stunned once again. Okay, so maybe my chakra is more special than I thought it was?

After a few seconds Iruka regained his composure and supposedly saw the surprise I showed, and obviously misunderstood it as concern as he said, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad, on the contrary. But if you learned alone, tell me, how do you stick that leaf on your forehead?"

I shrugged and replied, "I move a part of my Chakra to the area I want to affect, and just send the amount of chakra I need to use to stick the leaf, but not shred it."

For some reason though, me describing this simple process shocked Iruka even more. After a few seconds he said, "You… I guess I will see you in class. Good work."

And with those words, he walked away. Now that I think about it, he is rather young, probably around 16 or something, and he became our instructor. To pass the teacher exam at only 16 he must be quite good as a teacher, right? How come I surprised him so much? I know I'm awesome, but still…

Well, no need to dwell too much on it. I slightly distanced myself from the rest and sat down to read my book. Unfortunately, someone just wouldn't leave me alone.

"Hey that flip was impressive! And even our teacher seemed shocked! Do you want to become my friend?!" The blond kid couldn't help but run his mouth, did he really have to shout so much?

However, for some reason, I didn't feel any dislike for him, I don't know if it is because of my past life, or just because he is hard to really hate? Even emo-lord Sasuke Uchiha couldn't after all.

So being polite I replied, "You should be more careful in the future, and always be ready to react. You wouldn't have fallen on your side."

As Naruto appeared to be mulling on my words Sasuke approached us too and said, "How did you train?" Oh, gloomy Sasuke is no more, cute child Sasuke it is.

With a smile I replied, "By myself, I am an orphan."

And there it is, two looks of pity. Gosh it's okay. I reassured them, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Are you two friends?"

The gloominess immediately disappeared as Naruto grinned and nodded as he said, "Yeah, our moms are friends and we've played together for…" he began counting his fingers, before saying, "like always."

Sasuke nodded and added, "This idiot often comes to crash at my house." Naruto turned around, looking betrayed as he yelled, "You're the idiot!"

Sasuke chuckled arrogantly, or at least tried to, as he replied, "I'm not the one who needed a whole year to learn the Leaf Concentration Exercise." Naruto looked stumped as he didn't know what to answer.

And I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, which had for consequence to have the two whip their head toward me. I said in between my laughter, "Sorry, don't mind me." Okay, maybe they aren't as bad as I first thought. Am I childish for finding children funny? Maybe, maybe not.

As for the death stares I was receiving from the other girls in the class, I completely ignored them, those were nothing more than children. Strange ones too, I get they are becoming ninjas, but must you all really send death glares for talking to them? Am I really not in a cultivation world?

"Yo." "Hey."

While I was laughing and the other two were about to continue bickering with each other, two other people approached us. Shikamaru, with his usual lazy voice, and Choji, who waved his hand at us.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at the two and nodded, "Hey, Shikamaru, Choji." Apparently they were all friends. I nodded slightly at them and said, "I'm Sukaina."

The two newcomers nodded and sat down, while Naruto seemed to have an epiphany and exclaimed, "I told Sukaina my name, but she doesn't even know who you are. Who's the idiot now?!"

Sasuke was about to retort, but then closed his mouth. He looked at me in the eyes and said, "Sorry. I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

Was he trying to impress me with his clan name? He sounded proud about it. Still, I nodded and replied, "Nice to meet you, Sasuke."

On my side, Choji asked, "What do you like?" I looked back at him and thought of my answer for a moment before answering, "I like getting stronger, so by extension training. What about you guys?"

Naruto was obviously the first to reply, "I love ramen!"

This earned a small chuckle from me, of course he would answer ramen. I wonder if Ichiraku is still his favourite though, in the original story I think he grew to love it more because they were the only people to treat him decently other than the Hokage than the actual food. Emotions had a big impact on food.

Just watch Ratatouille. If you aren't stuck in another world, that is.

Choji followed, mumbling thoughtfully, "Ramen is good, but a barbecue is also great." I could practically see the gears turn in his head as he thought about which food tasted the greatest.

Next to him, Shikamaru rolled his eyes and said, "She wasn't just asking about food Choji." He looked back toward me and jeered, "Although I guess his favourite thing still is food. For me, I like sleeping."

Naruto exclaimed, "That's not an answer Shikamaru!"

I slightly tilted my head toward the blond boy, saw him grin, and turned back to Shikamaru, "He isn't wrong."

Shikamaru exhaled loudly, as if he already found all of this tiring, and eventually sighed, "Then I guess I like Go and Shogi."

Although I expected his answer, I still raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you good? We could play sometime, I know how to play Go, although I'm no real expert."

Shikamaru looked a little more interested than earlier, and less tired. Next to him, Choji grinned and said, "Shikamaru is great at those games, he will beat you."

I sent a glare at Choji, what a gentleman. Well, I knew it myself, but there are ways to say that Choji. Finally my eyes shifted to Sasuke, who fidgeted a little as he revealed, "I like playing with my big brother, and training too."

Ah, yes, Itachi. Did he join Anbu yet? I wonder… The tensions with the Uchiha clan are nowhere to be seen, so I don't think the Uchiha Massacre will take place. What will happen to him then? And what about Shisui, is he still going to die?

Although he was killed by Danzo, I suspect the reason the later had the guts to do so was because he knew Hiruzen wouldn't do anything against him, and the Uchiha was already disliked. Now, not only is Minato the Hokage, the Uchiha's reputation wasn't nearly as bad without the manipulations of Danzo.

I hope he doesn't, Shisui looked like a nice person in what was shown. Would be a shame if he died before we got to meet.

After that, the five of us continued talking, and were joined by Kiba at some point, making our group one of six. I felt a little awkward being the only girl in the group, but I was mostly listening to them rather than speaking myself. They had a lot to say. Besides, I would have felt weird no matter genders, as an adult stuck in a group of children.

When Iruka finished his inspection of everyone, he told us we all passed, and tomorrow would be our first day.

As everyone returned to their parents' side, excited about being accepted into the academy, I returned to the orphanage, alone, sporting a small smile. I was officially enrolled in the academy! I'll get all the powah! I'm starting to wish I get Lightning affinity to shoot lightning out of my fingers tips and wear a hooded robe. Sasuke can be my Lord Vadehhhhhh…

Anyway, when I told the matron I was accepted, she was happy for me, although she seemed sad I was going to leave. I guess I was kind of the special child in the orphanage. Take that morons.

And so for the following week, I learned how the academy worked, and to be honest, the curriculum was much more normal than I thought, I had writing, reading, math and similar lessons, the only difference being the context used.

On Earth the multiplication exercises went like, 'how many apples do I have if I have two bags of five.'. Here, it was more like, 'How many kunais do I have if I have two full holsters of a capacity of five?'

Different context, but similar lesson.

I quite liked history and geography, as it was the only class where I actually learned something. Of course, this remained a ninja academy. While not so obvious, we would go through many exercises that would strengthen either our body or our mind.

And much to my delight, their methods were much better than mine, be it for the mind or the body. Meditation was nice, but I had long mastered it, it wasn't that hard, and it barely strengthened my mind.

However, the academy taught me much more efficient ways, most of which included manipulating chakra. As for body training, I already expected their exercises to be more efficient than mine, although my leaf sticking trick was unique to me it seems.

But of course, I didn't stick to the normal curriculum, since I already knew most of what they were teaching I figured I might as well use my free time. And so I did as I took three special classes, one of which was forced on me.

Kunoichi, Sealing and Medical classes. Each of which started this week, and I would have to start with the one forced on me, Kunoichi class.

Honestly I don't really expect much from this, floral arrangement wouldn't be that much of a help, although I guess I should take seducing lessons if I don't want to end up alone drinking sake… Damn, I shouldn't curse myself with the Jiraya Curse.

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