Chapter 49: Dōjutsu Seed

Upon seeing the indifferent expression on the boy's face, especially that of Ibarai Uchiha, he felt humiliated.

Veins popped on Ibarai Uchiha's forehead as he performed hand seals.

"Katon: Great Fireball!"

"Tsk, don't you realize there's a little girl right behind me?" Tanaka clicked his tongue and opened the fan.

The sound of gears echoed as the fan opened, and a gust of wind blew the raindrops away.

Meanwhile, the weather, which had been cold due to the rain, became extremely hot as the great fireball approached.

"Fuuton: Great Destruction."

Tanaka spoke calmly, but his aggressive actions while swinging the giant fan were anything but calm. If Ibarai Uchiha's attack was comparable to a grenade, Tanaka's was like a missile launcher!


"What the—?"

Disbelief was written on the ninjas' faces. As Ibarai Uchiha tried to maintain the confrontation, continuing to spew fire from his mouth, the situation became simply laughable. The flames he created were easily swept back in their direction, making them taste their own medicine.





Consecutive screams echoed.

The ninjas were blown away, and soon several notifications flashed before his eyes.

[You have gained 53,700 EXP!] [You have gained 60,100 EXP!] [You have gained 36,900 EXP!] [You have gained...]

However, it wasn't the EXP that caught his attention but rather the notification about the Uchiha, who took the brunt of the impact and died in the process, dropping something.


[You have obtained <Dōjutsu Seed: Sharingan - Rank -> x1] 


'It really dropped…'

To say he didn't have hopes would be a big lie, but seeing it actually happen deeply surprised him.

At the same time, he noticed that more ninjas from both villages were now aware of his presence.

After all, after an attack of such scale, capable of killing a few Chunin and two Jonin, one of them being a Uchiha with the Sharingan, it wasn't hard to imagine why they were now paying attention to him.

Some even retreated, ceasing to fight each other, as if they considered him a potential enemy of greater danger.


A loud cry was heard. It was another Uchiha who had been fighting a Jonin from the Stone Village before. However, he simply abandoned his enemy and ran toward Tanaka with bloodshot eyes. Soon, his three tomoe evolved into the Mangekyou Sharingan.

The shape of his pupils took on patterns resembling a ninja star.

[You have been attacked by a Genjutsu: The mind of a gamer has resisted!]

He merely looked into the eyes of the ninja charging at him for a second, but it was enough to almost fall into a Genjutsu. This also confirmed something: even the Genjutsu produced by a Mangekyou Sharingan is incapable of overcoming the mind of a gamer.


<Uchiha Clan Jonin> 

LV98 Shigeo Uchiha 


The moment he resisted the Genjutsu, he saw the information about the Uchiha who had awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan. When Shigeo charged at him, Tanaka remained calm. Closing the giant fan, he simply vanished and reappeared in front of Shigeo Uchiha.

Using all his body's strength, he struck.


It was a thrust with the tip of the giant fan aimed at Shigeo's heart.

Shigeo's eyes, which until then were searching for Tanaka's location, didn't react in time when he appeared in front of him. The tip of the fan was already close, and Shigeo only had time to cross his arms in an attempt to defend himself.


The sound of bones breaking echoed, followed by the sound of flesh being crushed and pierced by an overwhelming force.

The tip of the fan was extremely sharp, but also thick enough to cause even greater damage.


With the bones in his arms shattered and his arms pierced until the tip of the giant fan reached his chest and pierced deeper and deeper, Shigeo screamed while vomiting blood.

But instead of the blood splattering onto Tanaka, a barrier of wind simply prevented it from happening. And before the impact of the attack was over, Tanaka said, "Fuuton: Great Destruction."

Shigeo's eyes flickered with agitation, and fear crossed his face.


The explosive sound echoed massively. And then, a gruesome scene became visible as Shigeo's body exploded, with pieces of him flying in all directions.


Previously, the area was filled with the sounds of battle, but in the face of this scene, it became almost a dead place. Only a few sounds of dry swallowing were heard.

When one of the Uchiha snapped out of his daze, he murmured, "How is this possible? Shigeo had awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan, so how…?"

There was no clear answer to this question. But everyone understood one thing: the boy before them was a freak they had no power to face directly.

If not even someone with the Mangekyou Sharingan lasted more than 10 seconds against him, then what would become of them?

Sure, it was a newly awakened Mangekyou Sharingan, but still...

However, contrary to what they thought, Tanaka had no interest in killing them all. When he saw that they instinctively retreated, he simply turned towards the little girl who had asked for help earlier and walked in her direction.

[You have gained 793,000 EXP!]


[You have obtained <Dōjutsu Seed: Sharingan - Rank S> x1] 


Such a high amount of EXP was within his calculations, but the fact that he obtained another Sharingan seed, and being Rank S, made him understand better why the previous one didn't show the item's rank.

If the other started from scratch with uncertain potential, he assumed this one must have greater growth potential.

Of course, this was mere speculation. At the moment, he wasn't going to take it out of the inventory to make a more specific observation of the item, such as discovering more about its functionality and the best way to use it, etc.

Standing before the girl from earlier, he asked in a neutral tone, "So, what do you need help with? Do you want to get out of here, or is it for another reason?"

Swallowing hard, trying to overcome the fear she felt, especially after seeing what he did, the girl said, "M-My sister, she... she needs help!"

"Where?" Tanaka asked directly since he could see the other green dot not far away, but it was in a place that had been demolished, and the green dot's signal was very weak under the rubble.

'So, her sister had the misfortune of being buried by a collapsed house?' he thought.

"Thank you, thank you." Upon hearing that he implied he was going to help, the girl was very grateful.

"Don't thank me yet. Take me to her, and I'll see what I can do," Tanaka said, without stopping to pay attention to the ninjas from the other two villages.

However, it seemed that what he had done was enough to scare them off. At some point, while he was talking to the green-haired little girl, they dispersed.


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