Chapter 50: What is the Origin of This Monster?

On the Konoha ninjas' side:

"Quick, we need to warn the village!"

"Damn it, we lost two Uchiha and could only recover the body of one of them, while Shigeo's was blown to pieces by that wind abomination!"

"But seriously, how can he be so strong and remain unknown? Who the hell is he anyway?"

"No idea…"

"It doesn't matter, what we need to do now is report to the village." An elite Jonin cut the discussion short, increasing his speed as he ran.


While a similar conversation was taking place among the Iwagakure ninjas, Tanaka used the wind to clear the debris from the house off a girl who, like the one who had asked for help, had green hair, though shorter and wavy at the ends.

However, that wasn't the most important thing; the fact was that the little girl, who was about 13 years old, was almost dead.

Her shoulder was crushed, both legs were equally crushed, rendering her crippled, and a good portion of her face was disfigured.

"Ane-ue!!" The girl next to Tanaka was in shock and cried upon seeing the current state of her older sister.

The shock was so great that she almost fainted, needing to be supported by Tanaka.

"I can save her." Tanaka said softly.

When the little girl heard this, her tearful eyes brightened, whether because of the tears or what she heard from him.

"Really?" she asked, but soon hesitated, "I… I don't have any money…"

What she wanted to convey was simple: even if you save my older sister, I won't be able to pay.

"Children shouldn't worry about things like that." Tanaka patted her head, giving a gentle smile.

Money? That was something he could already scoff at. The existence of dungeons had allowed him to earn more money than any ninja capable of completing S-Rank missions. After all, S-Rank missions weren't as common as cabbage. Meanwhile, if he wanted to, he could earn tens of millions a day himself...

Right after, he distanced himself from her to approach the girl who had been crushed by the house collapse.

Her breathing was very weak, almost stopping. Her heart's pulse was equally faint.

<War Orphan of Amegakure>

LV19 Tatsumaki Rokushou

When his eyes fixed on her, her information naturally appeared. It was similar to that of the other girl, only the level and first name were different. The little girl who asked him to save her was named Hanako Rokushou - LV16.

From Tanaka's free hand, a green aura was produced as he used the technique: Mystic Palm.

In Hanako's eyes, something unbelievable happened. The crushed limbs, the disfigured face, everything that made her heart ache for her sister... was now being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Incredible…" she murmured quietly.

She had never seen anyone use such a powerful healing Ninjutsu.

It was simply miraculous!

With hands in a prayer gesture, she murmured softly: "Ane-ue…"

At the same time, Tatsumaki opened her eyes with difficulty. Her mind seemed to be out of place, and she appeared incredibly confused as she blinked a few times: "Where… What… Who is…?"

"You were buried in the collapse of a house," Tanaka said calmly. "I'm healing you now, don't move."

"I…" When she spotted Hanako, she blinked once more before nodding and expressing her gratitude: "I understand, thank you."

Her voice sounded weak. Although she had been partially healed, she was still not capable of jumping around before a full recovery.


While Tanaka was healing Tatsumaki, he had no idea of the commotion he had caused.

As soon as Konoha's base in the Hidden Rain Village learned of what had happened, everyone was in shock.

After all, Shigeo Uchiha was an Elite Jonin, wielding a three-tomoe Sharingan. The fact that he had awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan further elevated the prestige of this ninja, but...

"Are you telling me that even after awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan, Shigeo was defeated by an unknown person in a single attack?"

Incredulity was written all over the faces of the Konoha ninjas.

Who didn't know the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan?

An Uchiha with the Mangekyou Sharingan could easily dominate an entire village if used properly. Moreover, Shigeo was a prodigy of the Uchiha Clan, but he hadn't had the chance to shine before due to the Third Hokage, who refused to send them to war, which indirectly prevented them from getting stronger, as only intense pain, such as witnessing the death of someone very close, could trigger the awakening of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

In practice, however, this also made them one of the clans with the most living members. After all, who else besides the Uchiha had so many descendants?

"But, how strong is this boy you mentioned? After all, someone who has awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan shouldn't be underestimated. It's a huge leap, and I don't believe that, even after this, this unknown boy killed him with a single blow..." Another Konoha ninja spoke.

He even felt that these ninjas were making up an excuse to flee the battlefield.

'After so many years avoiding war, have these Uchiha become cowards?' a Hyuga among them thought.

After all, if not this, then how else could this situation be explained? Such is the value attributed to the Mangekyou Sharingan. Once these eyes are awakened, the Uchiha basically becomes invincible at the Jonin Rank.

"Believe it or not, it's the truth. And, if you doubt it, you can go and see for yourself. Even the ninjas of Iwagakure retreated; we weren't the only ones!" A Uchiha exclaimed angrily, seemingly aware of the twisted thoughts some were having about them.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason. The loss of Shigeo, who managed to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, was an enormous blow to the Uchiha Clan; there was no way they wouldn't be outraged and filled with anger.

They just hadn't lost their heads because they didn't see the situation as favorable for them due to the simple display of power... Otherwise, if they had even perceived the slightest hint of exhaustion in that boy wielding the giant fan...

"By the way, the weapon he used was similar to those commonly used by Sunagakure ninjas," one of them who was present recalled. "It's possible that..."

He didn't even need to finish the sentence for the others to understand what he was implying.

"Sunagakure is secretly raising a monstrous ninja and decided to use us to test his power?" One of them speculated.


Tatsumaki, now completely healed, stood up, feeling as if everything was magical and unbelievable. However, she didn't even have time to reflect on the fact that she had been miraculously healed, being rescued directly from the hands of death.

"Ane-ue!" Like a bullet, Hanako threw herself at Tatsumaki and hugged her tightly, crying loudly like a baby.

The truth was that she was just being stubborn; she knew the chances of her older sister surviving were slim, and even if she did survive, she would have to live as a cripple. However, miraculously, the boy who seemed only a few years older than them was able to create a miracle and heal all her sister's wounds, to the point where she could stand up as if she had only suffered a simple fall...

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