NeToRi System

35 – Cultural Exchange

They spent the rest of the day in the cardio and weight rooms getting further guidance on not only the correct way to use the machines, but also how to treat them and how they fit into a larger workout regime. Dave was very happy with the classes because they not only prepared him for assisting clients, but were useful in improving his own workouts which were another major aspect he was focusing on to make the most of his first stolen ability.

At the very end of their class the instructor pulled all three of them aside for a quick talk.

"You've all done great this weekend. I want to call out Dave though. I can tell you've really been going a step beyond both while here and by preparing at home and just wanted to give you props. If you keep it up I think there's a lot of promise once the course ends," he said patting Dave on the shoulder supportively.

Part of it was wanting to be supportive for someone as young as Dave trying to make something of himself, but he was also truly impressed with the effort Dave had been putting in over the past week. He had seen him in the gym every evening leading up to the classes and the mastery of the theoretical knowledge showed Dave had been studying the books he recommended.

"Thanks. I've been working really hard since we first talked," Dave said with a smile. He was rather pessimistic about people, but the instructor just had a way of breaking through that with his positivity. Dave couldn't say for sure, but if came across as very genuine making it hard to not get swept up in it even a little.

"Well, keep it up!" the instructor said.

Jake simply gave him a supportive nod.

"Good to know who I'll need to copy off of during the test," Vanessa joked.

Dave rolled his eyes. "Right. Taking every advantage you can get?" he asked teasingly.

"You know it!" she responded.

On the way in to the locker rooms Jake patted him on the shoulder. "Good job," he said quietly.

After some time in the sauna followed by a cold shower Dave was ready to run home when he ran in to Vanessa. Both of them seemed to be leaving at just the same time.

"Hey shortie! Wait up," she joked running up behind him trying to put her arm over his shoulder.

Dave looked down at her raising his brows in disbelief. She didn't even manage to reach his shoulders.

"What? It's your fault. You're freakishly large," she said with a teasing smile.

Dave rolled his eyes. "Oh it's me, is it? Miss 5 foot." he asked.

"Hey! I'm your totally average cute girl," she said feigning outrage.

He feigned a deep sigh. "Don't call yourself cute, also girl?" he responded with a raised eyebrow. He hadn't known Vanessa for long, but he could already tell she was a fun, but exhausting person to hang out with.

"What? I'm still young! I bet you would love to have a girlfriend like me! Don't judge me just because you just left kindergarten!" she responded indignantly.

She didn't manage to keep up the facade though and broke out in a chuckle.

"So lunch was interesting," she said. It seemed teasing him hadn't ended.

"Yeah Kate can be... energetic," he said.

He wasn't sure what to say about her behaviour since their relationship was complicated. Well pretty much all his relationships were complicated. His system didn't really allow him to have normal relationships so all he could do was make the best of the situation. He couldn't complain too much though as a dark part of him, that had formed over the 18 years of life in this world, rather enjoyed it.

"Yeah, she seemed like a nice girl," she said.

"So what are your plans?" he asked her.

"Oh? Curious what I'm up to?" she teased.

He rolled his eyes. "Just being polite," he retorted.

"Just going to have dinner with my parents," she said.

"Ah you still visit your parents for dinner? What a good daughter," he teased.

She blushed in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, they're uh... great, " she stuttered.

"My mother makes amazing arepas," she said excitedly It didn't seem like she could be embarrassed for long.

"What's that?" he asked curiously.

"Hmmm. It's like a combination of a corn tortilla and a pita?" she said tilting her head cutely before making up her mind "You stuff it like a pita," she completed.

"Interesting..." he said, not sure exactly what he was supposed to picture.

"I can bring some tomorrow if you want. She always makes enough for leftovers," she said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, just watch. You're going to love them," she said.

"We should exchange numbers, you need to send me tips on how you study anyway" she said pulling out her phone.

"Sure," Dave said pulling out his own.

As they were wrapping up exchanging numbers her phone suddenly sounded. She checked it quickly.

"Ah! I totally forgot about the time. I've got to rush. See you tomorrow. It was nice talking," she said.

"Uh.. yeah... me too." Dave said as she was already rushing off.

It didn't take him long to get home himself. By now he was fit enough to run all the way home from the gym in under 10 minutes.

Given how he was talking during dinner his father seemed to be planning to start ramping up his exercise again starting the next week. He was still frustrated and looking for some way to feel like he was doing something about it.

Dave and Jackie just agreed without any real feeling. Neither of them cared after all, rather both would love to see him get beat even harder next time. Jackie believed it might have just been a one off fluke, but Dave knew better.

Dave ended up spending the rest of the night studying the books the instructor provided and texting Kate and Vanessa. Mostly Kate though, she seemed to be messaging him even more than usual.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Bring Me The Horizon - Various Tracks

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