NeToRi System

36 – Actions & Consequences

Despite the weekend of hard work behind him, Dave woke up more energetic than ever ready to keep up the hard work. Even though the course had one day off today and Friday he would continue to work hard himself.

His morning went surprisingly well. His workout was making good progress. His father didn't even bother him over breakfast which was always a toss of the coin.

Jackie even prepared a lunch for him to take to school. Some might say having a packed lunch makes you lame. However a meal prepared with love by a beautiful woman is far better than any of the crap you can get at a school cafeteria. Well unless said woman is a terrible cook. Thankfully for Dave, Jackie doesn't suffer from that flaw.

The rest of the day went similarly well with him not getting bullied, doing well in class and getting to spend some time with Kate.

Kate actually spent lunch with him rather than her boyfriend, the relationship with her boyfriend didn't seem like it was improving. Rather he wasn't sure how much longer it would last at the current rate. With how she was spending more and more time with Dave, how her boyfriend was reacting by unintentionally driving her away, and all the inappropriate things she had already been doing with Dave.

He didn't ask too much about their relationship since he would much rather focus on progressing their relationship than remind her of her actual boyfriend so he only found out what she volunteered herself. He was wondering what would break first, her relationship or her resistance to her own lust.

It had been a while since his school days were so uneventful.

He had been on too much of a good streak it seemed though. When he walked out of the school yard after school ended he came across Jeffrey and two of his jock friends. The worst of Jeffrey's bruising seemed to have healed. From the threatening way they bore down on him it was instantly clear they didn't have good intentions.

It seemed Jeffrey had finally made up his mind and arranged some revenge after getting beat up last time he tried to teach him a lesson himself.

"Fuck," Dave muttered under his breath. It was annoying, but not entirely unexpected.

He squared up immediately. Given his history with Jeffrey and their last interaction he knew he probably wouldn't be able to avoid this escalating.

"I don't have time for this," Dave said trying to deter Jeffrey. If he got too injured it could delay his plans which he would rather avoid.

"You've been feeling like you're hot stuff lately, haven't you?" Jeffrey sneered.

"Come on Jeffrey, we don't need to do this again," Dave tried to get out of the fight one last time. The way Jeffrey's two buddies slowly moved to cover his flanks made it clear that wouldn't be happening though. They were determined.

"Your dumb ass just doesn't learn, does it? Did you really think I was going to let you get away with it?" Jeffrey asked him.

"You're the one that came looking for trouble," Dave spat back seeing as de-escalating wasn't working.

"I wouldn't need to if you didn't keep causing trouble," Jeffrey said as if what he said was the most normal thing ever. Dave was a little confused since he hadn't actually done anything directly to Jeffrey outside of beating him in a dodgeball game. This seemed like an overreaction.

When avoiding stopped being an option it was best to attack immediately and ruthlessly. Jeffrey feeling secure with his two lackeys backing him up wasn't paying enough attention. Dave took advantage of this, rushing him and kneed him directly in the groin as hard as he could. What? Dirty fighting you say? There were three of them, it wasn't a fair fight to start. So who cares?

Jeffrey paled, gasped  desperately, and went down immediately. Dave didn't have the luxury to pay too much attention to him, but he might have even passed out from the pain given his lack of a reaction once he hit the ground. Either way it meant he succeeded in taking one of the three out of the fight right off the bat. Also Jeffrey might learn to mind himself if he felt this was a consequence he could expect.

While he was making his move though the other two weren't standing still. After a momentary shock due to his ruthless attack they jumped forward.

Dave managed to block one of their punches, but the other one used the opening provided to punch Dave in the side causing him to inhale sharply.

Fighting through the pain he used a front kick to send the one he blocked stumbling backwards, but this still left him open to the other one again. This time he took a hard blow to the side of his face sending him to his knee. He could taste the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.

Since he was already at the right height he punch the side of the guys knee sending him to the ground in pain. He kicked him in the side, but before he got more chances to kick him the one he sent back with a kick had recovered and wrapped him arms around him to hold him back. This gave the one on the ground the chance to get back up.

"I'll hold him, get him! Now!" the one holding him yelled.

Dave received a punch in the gut knocking the air out of him. He wasn't even able to prepare for the next punch that him in the face again. At the current rate he was just taking a beating while one of the guys held him in place.

"Not so tough now, are you?" the one punching him sneered.

Using the guy holding him as leverage he kicked the other guy back which also broke the hold on him. Before they had a chance to react he tackled the one he kicked to the ground unloading punch after punch on his face. He had to take out one more if he wanted to stand a chance.

His hopes were quickly dashed as a kick to the side sent him sprawling to the ground. Both of them started kicking him while he was down to get some revenge in, all he could do was curl up and protect his head with his arms.

Thankfully they didn't stay around too long, probably worried about Jeffrey who was still curled up on the ground. They ended up picking him up, slinging his arms over their shoulders to carry him off somewhere.

Dave crawled his way up to the wall sitting himself up while catching his breath and trying to shake off the worst of it. He was sure it wasn't going to be pretty.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when he opened his eyes again he found Kate crouching in front of him.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Bring Me The Horizon - Various Tracks

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