New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 36

The next day, after finally finishing tutoring Gogoat and Growlithe, Ethan stood in his kitchen, cleaning the dishes from the afternoon lunch he’d made for himself and all the pokemon who stayed at his ranch.

Ethan idly gazed outside the window as he washed, watching Blitzle and the two newly taught pokemon, Gogoat and Growlithe, play in the meadow. They were playing a game of tag, which left Growlithe being the tagger most of the time, not that he cared at all, as he could run and chase everyone to his heart's content. Gloom was up and about, watching their movements with a critical eye, drooling on all his trees as he patrolled the edges of the meadow. The gentle ticks of the metronome on his roof caused Ethan to begin scrubbing to the tempo subconsciously, his sudsy hands working tirelessly.

As he smiled and scrubbed away, he heard the familiar, nervous and questioning voice of his berry-buddy Shuckle, and the sagely tone of his best friend Dunsparce. Recently, he’d noticed that he could tell the tones of the voices of the pokemon surrounding him. At least, the one’s he had been around for more than a few days. While he wasn’t able to understand them, he could at least tell their moods with a non-zero degree of accuracy. It wasn’t foolproof, as he was wrong at times, but it was helpful nonetheless.

“Dunspar. Sparse.”

*Knock* *Knock*

Ethan put his final pan aside and began drying his hands with the towel resting across his shoulder. As he approached the door to let the two pokemon inside, he heard awkward shuffling and another pokemon—One which most definitely did not stay on his ranch. Ethan wasn’t aware of many things, but he knew this pokemon wasn’t native to Eterna Forest. This was someone’s personal pokemon, and a smile crossed his face when thinking about the owner.


Opening the door revealed the pink haired form of Joyce Joy. She was awkwardly clutching an overly large bag in her arms as she stood on her tippy toes in a futile attempt to see over top of her cumbersome load. Instead of her normal nurse attire, she was wearing outdoorsy, but casual, traveling/hiking clothes. Her pink hair stood in stark contrast to the brown of her jacket.

“Need some help, Nurse Joy?” Ethan asked as he was already moving forward to help her.

“Ethan! What a wonderful ranch you have here—and yes, some help would be appreciated.”

Ethan grabbed half of Nurse Joy’s overly large travel bag, then like two couch movers, he walked backwards into his home and placed the bag onto the ground in his living room.

Nurse Joy wiped her forehead clear of the nonexistent sweat, then flashed him a brilliant smile. “Sorry for dropping by unannounced, but luckily for me. I come by for pleasure and for business.” She gestured toward the bags as Chansey waddled inside along with Dunsparce and Shuckle.

“Since Looker knew that I was coming by sooner or later to see how you were doing, he asked me to bring you an assortment of goods to help you get adjusted. Cynthia had mentioned needing a business set-up, such as a computer, printer, and contracts. So, I have those. Privately, I heard from Cynthia that you were hesitant to battle for fear of injury… So….” Joyce bent forward and rummaged through what appeared to be the biggest Silph Co, bag in existence, then pulled out a vague familiar, several feet wide cube.

The item in question appears well worn, and was about the size of a minifridge. The formerly colorful red and white paint had begun to peel, and it was still dusty, but it appeared to be fully functional. Joyce slapped the top of the contraption like a used car salesmen making a deal. “While it’s outdated, it still works. Do you know what it is?”

Ethan walked around the machine, a nagging, but almost unbelieving thought intruding in his mind. “A healing machine? Like, from the games?”

“Right-o! I had almost forgotten about them, but after seeing your memories, they appeared to be the staple of healing in the games you played. And, they were the staple, just, about twenty years ago. They still work, but we have much larger, faster, and efficient healing machines now. I managed to convince the clan to part ways with this one for you. It takes a lot of power and will take a few hours to fully heal a pokemon, but it’s better than the nothing you have now.”

The thought of a healing machine was nearly unbelievable. The amount of technological advancement and expertise needed to even guess how this worked would be well beyond him, but he wanted to know. “Can you give me a very dumbed down explanation on how this works?”

Nurse Joy nodded and flipped open the plastic see through cover and pointed at the six round concave slots. “Here, you’ll place your pokeballs. Once it’s plugged in, it’s already functional. It will start immediately, and lock the pokeballs in place magnetically until their healing is completed. It’s not magic. It works with multiple forms of healing. The main one is with electricity. Electricity is a type of energy, it will transfer electrical energy into type energy, healing the pokemon via a semi-natural acceleration of their natural healing.”

She went around the back of the machine, and slid out a panel which had slots and tubes. “When it comes to poisons, freezes, and other status conditions, you might need medicine—depending on the severity. This is where those would go. I’ve brought a bottle of each for you, and since you shouldn’t be running into those issues often or at all, then they should last you a long time.”

Ethan nodded along, causing Joyce to continue her spin around the healing machine. “Here, you have the screen. When a pokeball is placed into the receptacle basins, it will scan the pokemon inside, letting you know which pokemon is inside the ball, a baseline of their health, and the trainer ID associated with the ball.”

She finished her explanation and gave him a deadly serious gaze which almost locked him in place. Once she was aware she had his full attention, she spoke with conviction. “This is not a toy. This is not an easy solution to your problems. While it won’t harm the pokemon inside, do not rely on healing your pokemon this way every time. Once a week is fine—and of course, when an emergency arises, do whatever you can to ensure your pokemons wellbeing, but do not overuse this machine. Super stimulating the natural recovery of pokemon constantly can lead to side-effects, and I will check up with you every once in a while out of the blue to ensure that you take this seriously. If I find that you’re abusing this machine, and your pokemon in turn, I will ruin you. Am I understood?”

Normally, Ethan would be insulted at the insinuation that he’d willingly harm his pokemon, but he knew from Earth that healthcare providers saw things the average person would have nightmares about. They also knew how stupid people could be. She was doing her due diligence, and that was to be respected. It’s not like he was planning on doing any of that anyways. “Understood.” He replied confidently.

Nurse Joy’s seriousness faded away in the blink of an eye as she smiled warmly and gazed around his home. “I had seen this place in your memories for a short time, but a lot has changed. No more shack!”

The sudden flip-flop of topics caused Ethan to laugh as he nodded along. “That’s true. Sleeping in a bed is a blessing. Even if a Growlithe!” Ethan flicked his eyes to the doorway, seeing the orange fur ball duck his head back outside. “Wakes me up every morning.”


The huffing, unabashed Growlithe caused Joyce to cackle in laughter. She turned around, facing Chansey and then knelt down to get close to Dunsparce and Shuckle. Dunsparce wiggled forward, obviously aware of who Nurse Joy was or represented, but Shuckle edged himself into his shell. He hadn’t withdrawn completely, but he was prepared to. That was an improvement in and of itself.

“Well hello there. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a Dunsparce. You look big and strong!” Nurse Joy cooed, causing the older pokemon to wiggle in embarrassment.

“And you! My, what a little young Shuckle you are. Are you drinking enough juice, young man?”

Shuckle twisted his noodly head to give Ethan an unsure glance. Ethan smiled and nodded along, causing Shuckle to look back at Nurse Joy and bob his head nervously.

“Are you happy?” She asked.

Shuckle grew a gummy smile and nodded more surely. He came out of his shell fully, then drug himself toward Ethan’s feet and gave them a hug. “Shuuu!”

Ethan’s heart melted at the love shown to him, and he sat down on the floor, allowing Shuckle to climb up into his lap. He stroked Shuckle’s yellow head, causing Shuckle’s eyes to close in contentment. “This is my Shuckle, Joyce. I told you I have a few pokemon that need to be registered to me.” He patted his hip, where the five pokeballs and Smeargle’s Greatball rested.

“And that, I can do.” Nurse Joy smiled at him, obviously happy at the love Ethan and Shuckle had for one another. “Why don’t you introduce your friends and family to me and we can get that sorted before I set-up for my stay.”

“Your stay?”

“That’s right! I’m staying around for a few days to help you with setting up your business. You think all I do in the pokemon center is tend to the pokemon? I know how businesses work! Also, extended vacations are never a bad thing.” She gave him a sly grin, obviously using the excuse of helping him to take a nice vacation.

Ethan held Shuckle in his arms as he stood up from the floor. “Let me show you around. While I have only caught a few pokemon, there are many who call my ranch home. First, let’s meet the Oddish and Gloom.”

Ethan led Nurse Joy outside his home and onto his patio. He walked to the edge and pointed down toward the thick and lush leafy hedge right below. The Oddish and the singular Gloom. The Oddish were asleep, and Gloom was resting at this point in time. Nurse Joy looked down at them and nodded. “Healthy as can be. This is a great environment for them, and they have made this their home. I don’t want to treat you as a child, but do be careful around wild pokemon Ethan. They can kill you. Oddish, especially so.”

Ethan waved her worries away. “I could go and wake up those Oddish right now and nothing would come of it. They might not be in a pokeball, but we’re part of a family. I don’t know if you heard, but they planted a bunch of seeds off in the meadow over there. Around fifty of them! They’re going to be baby Oddish all about sooner or later.”

Chansey waddled over and looked down as well, then the big pink pokemon tapped Nurse Joy on the hip and pointed toward the berry field. “Ethan, can Chansey explore your ranch? Maybe have some berries?”

Without any hesitation, Ethan gestured toward the berry trees. “By all means. If you have any other pokemon, feel free to let them out to explore. I just ask that they be nice to all the pokemon out and about. No battling, unless it’s mutual for training.”

Joyce took off Chansey little nurse’s cap, then waved the pokemon off to wander about. As Chansey waddled over to the berries, Joyce spoke softly, a fondness in her voice. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a natural grove. You’ve done a great job here. Also, I’ll take you up on your offer. Everyone! Come on out!”

Nurse Joy flipped open her brown jacket and simultaneously flicked out three pokeballs. The first, and smallest of the bunch, was a pokemon Ethan wasn’t familiar with. It was a small pokemon with a white upper body, two white pigtail-like ears, and two long, swampy green eyebrows. It hugged a beautiful blue flower by its stem as it floated along in the air, twirling as it inspected its surroundings. “Floette!”

The second pokemon was one he was familiar with, also a pokemon he kind of expected a Nurse Joy to have. The three foot tall pink Wigglytuff flapped its two stubbly arms around in excitement as its small tuft of hair bobbed in with the movement. The Wigglytuff’s crystal clear blue eyes were breathtaking, catching him by surprise. The pokemon gave him a hurried nod of acknowledgement before jumping off his patio to chase after Chansey, who slowed down to let her friend catch up.

The last pokemon was a pokemon that every single person on Earth knew about, and Nuse Joy knew it. She snickered as she covered her mouth, watching as Ethan’s eyebrows rose sky high from seeing the most familiar pokemon.

Pikachu!” The yellow electric mouse’s ears twitched as tiny electrical sparks jolted off its small red circled cheeks, and its zig-zagging tail ended in a heart shape, indicating that this Pikachu was female.

The Pikachu let out a high pitch squeal as it yawned, then ran over and climbed up Nurse Joy’s leg to right itself on the top of her pink head.

Ethan started with wide eyes and an open mouth at the poster child of pokemon—well, the pokemon he grew up with. Nurse Joy couldn’t hold her laughter in any longer, and laughed aloud, causing some of the Oddish to twitch their leaves in annoyance.

“The look on your face! I knew this was going to be the best! Oh! I should have taken a picture and sent it to Cynthia!” Nurse Joy continued to laugh at his expense, but he didn’t mind. He chuckled and waved at the small white and blue form sneaking through the Oddish to join him.

“I have a nice electric pokemon as well.”

Pachi!” Pachirisu scrambled up onto the patio, barely jumping high enough to latch onto the side of the flooring. He pulled himself up, gave Nurse Joy a salute and a murmur of “Pach!” Then climbed Ethan and took his rightful spot.

Ethan walked over to stand next to Nurse Joy, bringing the two electric rodents next to one another. It was obvious that Pachirisu had never seen a Pikachu before, given his inquisitive look and tilting head. Pikachu on the other hand, had seen a Pachirisu before. She gave him a smile and a nod, then grabbed his fluffy cheeks, causing Pachirisu to cry out in alarm. Before anything could come from his plea, Pikachu rubbed her electrically charged red cheeks up against Pachirisu’s yellow.

Jolting surges of tingling electricity sparked off from the contact, and after a few seconds, Pikachu let go and went back to relaxing on Nurse Joy’s head. Pachirisu blinked rapidly, dumbstruck by the action. After a second of silence, Ethan was about to prod his friend to get him to do… well, anything. But, he was saved as Pachirisu’s cheeks turned as red as Pikachu’s. He instantly turned around, embarrassed, fleeing down Ethan’s collar and into his shirt.

“Hey!” Ethan said in alarm, but Pachirisu was in full retreat. In the end, Pachirisu hid beneath Ethan’s shirt and rested on Shuckle’s shell. Shuckle looked confused at Pachirisu’s actions, but Nurse Joy was dying from laughter.

“It looks like Pikachu’s womanly charms were very effective.” She managed to utter out.


Turning around, the Oddish the Gloom were giving Nurse Joy the stink eye, not appreciative of being awoken by her uproar of laughter. She sheepishly gave them a wave, as Ethan made a suggestion.

“Let’s move on. There’s a lot to see.”

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