New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 37

“There’s not a thought going on behind those eyes, is there?” Nurse Joy said kindly to the small blue and green pokemon held outwards in her arms. The Lotad’s small nub legs flailed in happiness as it gurgled and gave a gummy smile.

She placed the lily-pad pokemon down and rubbed its belly as it wiggled. “It’s alright, Ethan. All Lotads are like that. There’s not too many pokemon who become much more cognizant when they evolve, but Lotad is one of them. They remember everything from when they were a Lotad as well. Treat this little guy as you would any of your other pokemon, and he’ll be happy.”

The Lotad stared at both Nurse Joy and himself at the same time, which was off putting. “That’s good news. I was worried.”

Nurse Joy inspected his small pond with a critical eye, before nodding to herself. “Looks great, but I would recommend having a sandy shore on one side to make exiting and entering easier for many pokemon. Right now, it’s like hopping out of a pool. Never a fun time.”

“I’ll note that down. Any recommendations or changes for the care of water pokemon? I’ve been feeding them an assortment of berries, hoping that’d be enough.” Ethan flicked an Oran outwards toward the extra grumpy Krabby who snipped at the juicy projectile angrily.

“Not really, no. Feebas are known to eat almost anything, so you’re doing them a great service by providing them with real food. Magikarp are at the bottom of the food-chain as well. They normally feed on kelp, reeds, or other water vegetation. Both Marill and Krabby would be more than capable of finding their own food if what you offered wasn’t enough. These are still wild pokemon, they don’t specifically need you to live. If there is a will, there is a way. I’d keep an eye on the amount of Feebas and Magikarp though. Krabbys are omnivorous.” Nurse Joy rattled off that information casually, seemingly having memorized at least the baseline information for all pokemon. An incredible feat for anyone.


Pikachu was dangling her lightning bolt shaped tail into the water like a slowpoke. The Magikarp, unaware of what the foreign object was, gently nibbled on her tail causing her to squeak and chitter in laughter.


Ethan slowly turned his head to the side, where Pachirisu sat on top of Shuckle, eyes zeroed in on the electric mouse with mouth agape in wonder. Shuckle didn’t like water at all, so he was staying a good distance away from the pond lest he be accidentally splashed. His little berry boy was slightly confused, given how he twisted his head around and kept staring upwards at Pachirisu, who was acting very differently than he normally did. He was still putting the pieces together, and he hoped he didn’t need to give the talk to one of his pokemon.

Nurse Joy smiled at her Pikachu, then gazed around the meadow. “You have a lot of space around here Ethan. I was a little worried about how the visions from your memory share translated into real life, but I think you have more than enough space for many pokemon. Do you have any other habitats? A rocky field, cave, jungle, things like that?”

Ethan shook his head as he handed Nurse Joy some berries to toss into the water to feed the pokemon. “Not yet, but I have been thinking about that. Since I have some eggs now, I’ve done some research about how they develop. It’d be nice to have multiple different habitats for them to grow more comfortably. Right now, I think only freshwater water pokemon, normal types, and grass types would do well here.”

“Oh, it’s not just about the types Ethan, it’s about the pokemon themselves. Swampert is a good example. While it’s a freshwater water type, it enjoys thick mud and would be a little large to be a comfortable resident of your pond. One would be fine, but any more than that and they’d be cramped. Normal flying types like Starly or Pidgey would love your ranch as well, but a Skarmory wouldn’t have a pleasant time. You’re never going to be able to fit the needs of every single pokemon you encounter, but it’s good to have a wide spread of habitats so that the pokemon can find one they’re most comfortable in, even though it may not be exactly what they’re looking for.”

Ethan nodded along, soaking in the knowledge Nurse Joy provided. “My Shuckle and Dunsparce here have dug a little burrow for themselves. Do you think other pokemon are capable of creating sections that will suit their needs? A rocky plateau or heated mountainous mound? I wouldn’t even know where to begin creating one of those for them.”

Nurse Joy teetered her hand as they began to walk off into the meadow. Pikachu gave the fish pokemon a final bat with her tail before she followed after, climbing Nurse Joy to rest atop her pink hair. Pachirisu, seeing his interest scatter along, followed suit and climbed Ethan to rest on his shoulder. Shuckle could follow on the ground by himself, but he was very slow. Trudging his shell around took some effort—not that he’d ever seen his berry bud winded from casual movement. He knelt down as Pachirisu took his spot and heaved his heavy friend into his arms, earning him tiny noodle wiggles of happiness. Dunsparce waited for them to walk off a good distance, before springing himself into the air. Once he was a solid ten feet above ground, he flapped with pearly white wings and glided forward to catch up.

Ethan led Nurse Joy to the area where the baby Oddish were planted, and explained the weird ritual the Oddish and Gloom did earlier in the week. Nurse Joy listened patiently, a smile growing on her face as he continued onwards. “Oh! How wonderful! They’ve taken a liking toward you and feel safe. Luckily for you, Oddish sustain themselves on moonlight. So, you won’t be hurrying about trying to feed them all. I’d still recommend giving them berries, but they can and will thrive off the light of the moon. When they sprout, give me a call and I’ll see about stopping by to examine them. Now, I see you have six balls on your belt, but I’ve only seen Shuckle and Pachirisu. Where’s Chatot and the other three mystery pokemon?”

Ethan and Joyce wandered back through the meadow toward Ethan’s home, spotting Gogoat and Blitzle playing tag with one another. The giant goat jumped side to side as he sprinted along, narrowly dodging the smaller electric horse's vibrant blinking horn. As the two quadrupedal pokemon passed them by, they slowed down, abandoning their game. Gogoat shifted his eyes to Blitzle, who gave him a reassuring nod.

Ethan paused and turned to face the now approaching grassy goat. “What’s up?”

Gogoat jerked his head toward the side, then trotted along in the same direction. Ethan shared a look with Nurser Joy, who shrugged, then followed after. They didn’t walk too far, around a hundred meters away, where Gogoat and Blitzle had made their tiny home—which was really just patted down grass. Gogoat walked forward and rummaged around in the grass with his head, then turned to face Ethan with an awkward smile.

When Ethan caught up and saw what had been uncovered, he gave the grassy goat a look filled with mirth. “Having a really fun time on my ranch I see? Not just learning some moves are you?”

Blitzle laughed as she galloped about in a circle around them. Gogoat was embarrassed and kicked the ground, but he still had a lopsided grin. “I assume you want me to take care of this with the others?”

Both pokemon nodded, and Blitzle nudged the basketball sized pokemon egg toward him. He could hear Nurse Joy’s squeal of excitement as he gently placed Shuckle down and swapped him for the grassy coated egg. Without turning around, he asked Nurse Joy for her expertise. “I assume this grassy shelled egg is a good indication on which pokemon will be hatched? I doubt it’s going to be another Blitzle given the marking and hoofprints.”

Nurse Joy knelt down and nuzzled her face into Blitzles face, gently rubbing her hand down its ridged mane. “That’s correct. That would be a Skiddo egg.”

Ethan ran his fingers across the brown hoofprints and grassy leaves along the shell, unable to feel any indents or raised formations. They fit in seamlessly. “A Skiddo? That’s Gogoat’s pre-evolved form?”

Nurse Joy ended her scritches, then came and knelt alongside Ethan. “That’s correct. Here, I’ll show you.”

Ethan watched on as Nurse Joy pulled out a rectangular, red, black, and white piece of technology. On the back, a large ocular camera was situated. She flipped open the device like a notebook, then showed him the screen. On the top of the screen, the large bold words of ‘PokeDex’ were there for him to see.

On the screen, a photo of a much smaller Gogoat looking pokemon, maybe mid thigh tall with much smaller horns, looked up with a smile at its parents—Two normal Gogoats.

Skiddo - The Mount Pokemon: Skiddo is known for its friendly and docile nature, making it a popular choice for beginner trainers from the Kalos region. Its leafy fur harnesses the power of photosynthesis, allowing it to rejuvenate itself by basking in the sunlight. Skiddo is naturally surefooted, able to deftly traverse rocky terrains with ease. Like its evolved form Gogoat, when bonded with its trainer, Skiddo can sense their emotions through physical contact with its horns, strengthening their connection.

Skiddo’s ability to photosynthesize means it requires less food than other Pokémon its size, thriving on a diet of simple vegetation. In the wild, herds of Skiddo can be seen grazing in lush meadows, their presence often ensuring the health and growth of the local flora. During winter, Skiddo’s leafy fur provides insulation, enabling it to withstand colder climates. Trainers often utilize Skiddo’s gentle nature in therapeutic settings, where its calming presence has been known to soothe those in distress.

Skiddo’s milk is highly nutritious, enriched by its diet of fresh leaves, berries, and sunlight. It is a valuable resource in many rural areas, often used to make rich, creamy dairy products. The milk is said to have a slightly sweet taste, infused with the natural essence of the plants Skiddo consumes. Farmers treasure Skiddo not only for its companionship and utility but also for the bountiful, healthful milk it provides.

To ensure Skiddo remains healthy and happy, provide ample sunlight for photosynthesis, as its leafy fur needs light to thrive. Regularly groom its fur to keep it free of debris and ensure it has access to fresh, leafy greens in its diet. Exercise is crucial for Skiddo, so allow it plenty of space to roam and climb, mimicking its natural habitat. Regular check-ups with a Pokemon Center or a knowledgeable Pokemon Breeder will help catch any health issues early. Additionally, maintaining a clean and comfortable living environment, with proper shelter during harsh weather, will ensure Skiddo stays in top condition.

REF: A1, A2, A3, B7.
Joy Clan - IND: 173, 174, 177, 198.

That was a lot more information than his measly PocketDex app provided him. Nurse Joy could see his surprise, and was well aware that he didn’t own a PokeDex. “While the PokeDex is a valuable tool, most of this information can be found elsewhere. If this Skiddo is a female, then I think the milk it can provide will be a great boon to you and your ranch… You’re willing to consume pokemon products if they’re not harmed, right?”

“Yeah… It’s just the killing to eat that I’m not willing to go through. Your Chansey gave me her egg that one time. Things like that I'll be fine with… Speaking of pokemon products, Shuckle can make berry juice. Do you have any insight regarding that? I wouldn’t want to take his own food from him.”

Shuuu!” Shuckle wiggled his arms and pulled himself forward, he wrapped one of his yellow noodles around Ethan’s wrist, then gently tugged to bring it to the ground. He slapped his hand gently, getting it to open up, then once happy with Ethan’s hand position, retreated into his shell. With only his legs exposed, Shuckle lifted the back half of his shell upward, causing his head hole to tilt into Ethan’s palm. Not a moment later, a trickle of juice poured out from the hole, filling his hand.

When finished, Shuckle lowered himself, popped out of his holes, then gave Ethan a big gummy, expectant smile.

Seeing his berry buddy waiting for him to try his precious juice, Ethan couldn’t say no. He raised his hand slowly, careful not to spill what little juice he had in his palm, then dumped the juice into his mouth.

An explosion of flavor burst within his mouth, causing him to pucker his lips from the sickeningly sweet taste. The unassuming dark purple juice looked pretty bland, but it was so… rich in flavor. It coated his mouth and the sweet taste remained and lingered for more than a minute before it finally began to fade.

Nurse Joy cackled and had her phone held out, obviously taking pictures of his taste test. Shuckle nodded sagely with a knowing smile, well aware of how awesome and amazing his juice truly was. “A little warning would have been nice!” Ethan said with mock anger, as he chuckled. He looked to Shuckle. “You drink that every day? Do I have to worry about you having Diabetes?!”

Shuckle blinked confusedly, at him, causing his chuckle to turn into a full on laugh. When he calmed down, he patted his berry friend. “Thanks for the taste, Shuckle. Maybe someday lots of people will come by to have a taste of what you make. Would you like that?”

Shuckle nodded and wiggled his limbs. Sharing is caring, and his little bug liked making friends.

Nurse Joy gently reached out and ran a hand along Shuckle’s yellow ridges. “When he’s grown a bit more, he will start producing a lot more juice. Shuckles are rare, very timid and afraid, so their juice is a rarity. It’d be a good source of income for you to help with supplying your ranch. There’s some specialty items, like corks, that can help when the time comes. But, I think you have a few more months before Shuckle is ready for all of that.”


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