
Chapter 213: the hidden study

LEI FENG felt like he had suddenly been hit by lightning. He couldn't even believe what he was hearing. It's like Argent was able to read his deepest thoughts. No. Maybe he was having auditory hallucination that's why he imagined her asking him to be her fiancé. Yes, that's definitely it. Because why else would Argent suddenly ask something like that?

"Lei Feng, did you hear me?" Argent asked when she didn't receive any response.

"He's probably surprised after hearing such a thing," Jaxon commented.

Frankly, he too was surprised to hear Argent say something like that. Suddenly asking someone to be her fiancé, especially if that someone had no idea of her real gender, they would definitely not be able to react immediately. But knowing Argent, she probably just said that because she already had a plan in mind. And this general from Xing acting as her fiancé must be a part of it.

Truthfully speaking, it's a mystery what a young general of a foreign country like him was doing with them. If his information was right, this Zhang Lei Feng was the most promising young general of his generation in his country. Jaxon doubted that the Emperor of Xing would easily let him traipse so freely in this part of the world like this. But there's one thing that's certain. Argent trust this young general. If not, then there's no way he would be privy to all of these. And Jaxon trust Argent's judgement. So, he didn't question her decision on letting Zhang Lei Feng join this mission.

"Of course, he would react that way. You're both men after all," Janea muttered. Even if Argent Blackbourne was more beautiful than most women, he's still a guy. 

Lei Feng, of course, heard the comments of the other two in the shuttle. Which meant that there was no problem with his hearing. He was not having auditory hallucination. Argent did ask him to be his fiancé!

"I will do it!" he said before he could think more properly.

Argent blinked and was slightly taken aback by Lei Feng's sudden enthusiasm. Because of his silence at first, she thought that he would be against it. He was even considering to just give this role to Jaxon. Even though it would be awkward as hell. 

Jaxon glanced meaningfully at the young general. Even though he still looked stoic, Jaxon could easily see the excitement on his face. An incredible guess suddenly entered his mind. 

"Mr. General, you do know that Argent was not asking you to be his real fiancé, don't you?" he said, a bit of teasing in his voice.

Lei Feng suddenly felt his whole face heating up. The fog in his brain that was currently filled with the word 'fiancé' was suddenly cleared up and he could finally think properly. Argent asking him to be her fiancé was probably just part of some plan she was concocting. Because of his inner desire, he became excited on his own and showed what he truly felt. 

He felt extremely embarrassed. He looked sideways and avoided the gaze of everyone. "I know," he said in a firm tone, trying his best to redeem himself after showing such a shameful side. 

"I apologize if I didn't make it clearer earlier," Argent said, noticing the blush on Lei Feng's face. He must have been really embarrassed. Though she's not really sure of the reason why. "I already thought of how we could enter not only Kievan but also the imperial palace. And you playing as my 'fiancé' is only part of the beginning. Are you really willing?"

Lei Feng was already back to normal. So, he was able to answer with much more conviction. "I am."

Argent smiled with satisfaction. "Then let's begin talking about this plan of mine."


After breakfast, Anthea, Aurum, and Black went straight to the study. Not long after, Gregory also entered the room. 

"What can I help you with, Your Grace?" Gregory asked, bowing respectfully towards Anthea.

"Gregory, can you tell me about the location of the hidden study?" Anthea said, just going straight to the point and not going around in circles. Gregory was family, after all. There's no need to beat around the bush with him.

Gregory showed a surprised expression for a second before it turned back to his normal stern one. "Of course, Your Grace. If you could please follow me."

He gestured for them to follow him. They didn't waste time and did just that. They all went out the study, following Gregory. 

"Gregory, why have you never told Mother about this hidden study?" Aurum couldn't help but ask while they were walking. 

It's one of the things that had been bothering her ever since she read that letter of her father. If Gregory knew about the hidden study, why not tell it to her mother? If so, then maybe her mother would have long discovered that record book.

"His Grace, Lord Dorian, asked me to take a vow. I was not allowed to divulge the location of the hidden study to anyone, not even to Her Grace. Not unless Her Grace asked me personally about it," Gregory explained.

Aurum was slightly taken aback by that explanation. So, in short, Gregory couldn't tell anyone about the hidden study because he made a vow not to. And the only way to get around that vow was for her mother to ask about it herself. She couldn't help but feel pissed. What was that father of hers thinking? What if her mother never found that letter? Would she and her brother just wait for whatever 'curse' that had been plaguing the direct line of the Blackbournes to hit them? How could he be so careless? Seriously, if she could see him right now, she would give him a good scolding.

"That Dorian. Once we find him, I'll definitely beat him to a pulp," Anthea said, gritting her teeth.

Aurum glanced at her mother, she was probably thinking the same thing as her. She silently agreed with her mother. If her mother beat up her father, then Aurum would cheer her on.

Soon, Gregory stopped in front of the library. He opened it and the three of them followed him inside. He led them towards the farthest back. There, in front of the bookshelf located at the very middle, he pulled three books in succession. There was a rumbling sound and the bookshelf moved like a door. Behind it was a wall with a dark blue crystal embedded at the middle.

"Lady Aurum, please smear a drop of blood on the crystal for the door to open," Gregory said to Aurum.

Aurum raised one of her brows. Was this another one of those things that would only react to the blood of a member of the direct line of the Blackbournes? 

"Aurum, do you want Black to cut your finger?" Black asked.

Aurum looked down at the kid and saw him looking excitedly at her. As if the thought of cutting her finger was making him excited. She flicked his forehead. "Don't even think about it."

She walked in front of the crystal, then took out a dagger from her space ring. She pricked her thumb a little. When a drop of her blood appeared, she immediately smeared it on the crystal. 

The crystal then lit up and the wall it was embedded in slowly separate in two. Completely opening the wall to them. As if on cue, the space behind the wall suddenly lit up. Maybe it was designed that way. So that when the wall opened, the lights inside would automatically turn on.

Aurum turned back to her mother. "Let's go, Mother?"

Anthea nodded, her expression turning serious.

"Then I shall wait here, Your Grace, Lady Aurum," Gregory said, politely bowing to them.

Anthea, Aurum, and Black entered the room one after another. It was a very sparse study. With only a mahogany desk and a chair behind it. But the most attention grabbing was the glass case at the very middle of the room. A black book was floating inside it. Aurum had no doubt that it was the record book they were looking for. After all, it was almost as if a big sign was written on it; 'hey, yes, I'm that record book'.

She took a deep breath before walking towards the glass case.

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