
Chapter 214: both of them froze on the spot

ARGENT glanced at the nearby table. There was a couple having their dinner there. The man looked upright with a fairly handsome features while the woman looked like a shy and delicate flower. They were nobilities from Iberia. The man had the title of Conde de la Salvacion while the woman was his fiancée and was a daughter of a high-ranking duke. This restaurant was part of the hotel they were staying in. Although it didn't have a private box, it still had a certain degree of privacy because only the first-class guests and people who could afford the overly high price of food could eat here.

That's why Argent and his three companions temporarily booked a suite here. So, they could have a chance to observe the Conde de la Salvacion and his entourage. According to the information gathered by Jaxon's men, the Conde was scheduled to arrive at the Empire of Kievan next week. That meant they had to leave here either tomorrow or the day after. That was enough time for Argent to understand the full situation and implement their plan.

Based on the information she read, this couple was going to Kievan for a diplomatic visit. That meant that they would have to enter the imperial palace. The plan she thought of was fairly simple. Once they all entered Kievan, he and Lei Feng would disguise themselves as the Conde and his fiancée. While Jaxon and Janea could act as the head guard and the little nephew of the Conde respectively.

This was one of the reasons why she chose this couple when she looked through the information of the people entering Kievan in the following weeks. Not only because of their noble status but also because they had identities that were perfect for the four of them to impersonate. Just like what was mentioned above. With these identities, they could enter the imperial palace of Kievan which was the most important thing.

When Argent saw from the information collected by Jaxon's men that this Conde brought along a woman and a child, she knew that she hit a jackpot. This way, they could take Janea inside the palace and that's the more important reason. Because the half-elf was the key. Their efficiency would definitely be halved if he didn't go with them.

And thus, she and Lei Feng were here. Mainly to observe rather than eat dinner. Both of them were disguising themselves. She was wearing her holographic choker while Lei Feng put on a human skin mask. Their appearance right now was both quite plain, so as not to attract unwanted attention. 

Jaxon and Janea both decided to stay at the suite, deciding to just order room service for dinner. She didn't force them. After all, it's also important for the two father and son to be alone together. Maybe, in this way, they could somehow patch up their differences.

Lei Feng who was eating his dinner quietly was also observing the couple sitting in the next table. His attention particularly focused on the Conde. It's important he lived up to Argent's plan and not to disappoint her. Observing this Conde, he didn't think that it would be that hard. Aside from the fact that both of them almost had the same height and build, the other barely had an expression on his face. Lei Feng might not be the greatest of actor but he certainly could play the part of someone with a poker face. 

He's more worried about Argent who was going to impersonate the lady over there. The woman looked very dainty. She looked like she couldn't even hurt a fly. You could see it not only on her looks but also on her every action. It's not like he didn't trust Argent. It's just that, despite being beautiful beyond words, Argent didn't have any feminine bones in her body. She was so comfortable being a man that no one could hardly guess that she was a woman in her last life.

But he guessed that Argent could probably work it out. This was her he was talking about after all. The more worrisome issue was that other thing. He couldn't help but remember what they talked about early this morning when they were still in the flying shuttle.


"How would we impersonate them? We don't have time to make a human skin mask that match their faces," Janea said after Argent told them that their way in would be by disguising as the people the other mentioned.

"You don't have to worry about that," Argent simply said. All she needed was to get the pictures of those four and programmed them on the holographic chokers. She was too lazy to explain it to the others. "You just have to think how you would act like them."

"Let me be clear, your plan is to replace them once they entered and settled at Kievan?" Jaxon repeated in which Argent nodded. "But isn't the more pressing issue here how the four of us would enter that country? We can't start with this plan if we couldn't even enter the place."

That was Lei Feng's thought exactly. There was a strong barrier surrounding the whole country of Kievan. It could only be opened from the inside at certain entry points. Which was known as the four heavenly gates that corresponded to the four major direction – North, West, South, and East. The only ones who could open it were the gatekeepers assigned to each gate. And, of course, the Emperor himself. This made Kievan almost impregnable. But it also made it more isolated to the world. Even more so in comparison to his country of Xing.

The people who planned to go to the country needed to undergo thorough check before they could enter. Even if one was a high-ranking aristocrat, they still needed to be checked. If no problem was found, then that's only when they would be allowed inside the country. 

Surely, Argent also knew about that.

Argent only smirked at Jaxon's question. "Uncle Jax, have you already forgotten my other ability?"

Jaxon, who suddenly looked as if he became enlightened, smiled and nodded his head. "I see. Then we'll leave the matter of entering Kievan to you." 

Lei Feng was a bit dumbfounded. Because he couldn't understand what exactly Jaxon 'saw'. 

Argent, who probably noticed his expression, just said, "I'll explain everything when the time comes. For now, let's just leave it at that."


And thus, even until now, Lei Feng was still curious on what method Argent would use to enter the barrier. But even thought he was itching to know the answer, he didn't want to pester Argent about it. What if she thought that he's annoying? Of course, he couldn't have that. So, he'd just wait patiently.

After dinner, the two walked back to their suite. Argent already took the picture of the Conde and his fiancée. Now, they only needed the picture of the head guard and the Conde's nephew. That could easily be solved tomorrow.

She glanced at Lei Feng who had been silent for a while now. "Are you confident that you could play the role of the Conde?" she thought of asking.

"I will try my best," Lei Feng only said before turning to her. "How about you?"

Argent grinned. "I will also try my best."

Lei Feng almost stopped. Because that smile was too different from her usual 'I'm scheming something' smile or her 'are you stupid?' smile or that 'you're dead' smile. That grin was too playful, as if she was teasing him. He had the illusion that she was being coquettish towards him. Which he knew was just that, an illusion. But he still couldn't help the sudden urge to pinch her cheek.

Before his brain could work, his hand already moved and did just that. 

Both of them froze on the spot.

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