Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 239: Killing in Plain Sight

Everyone was confused as to how the mage died. No strange powers appeared around them, and the mage's body didn't show signs of attacks, pains, or other things when it died.

“Er… I did warn you guys.” Dyne sighed.

Even the Mage Commander had to endure the shame as he feared touching the Wild Arm. That mage was only a few levels weaker than him, yet he collapsed almost instantly.

“Why…? What…?”

“Where. When. How. Anyway, so, can I stay here? Then, if anyone wants to try to tame the Wild Arm, he’ll be free to do so. Oh! This Wild Arm is pretty strong too! It can shoot fireballs!” Dyne cheerfully smiled.

Everyone gazed at each other with uncertain expressions.

“It shoots fireballs?”

“Yes! It’s actually amazing! You see, the soul inside this Soul Weapon is a fire demon! So if you guys give your mana to it, it can shoot attacks!”

“A Soul Weapon that can cast magic? It’s possible?” One of the mages was amazed.

“But is it stronger than the magic artifacts that we create?” Another was also curious.

“It’s way stronger! Promise! You guys can test it, and you’ll see that this weapon is more precious than… well, this guy who died trying to take it.” Dyne pointed at the dead wizard, still clutching the Wild Arm.

“That man is a Martial Formation Enchanter and Fire Mage of the fourth level! It can cast a powerful fireball that will create a massive explosion. Are you saying that this Soul weapon trumps the power of that mage?!” One of the close friends of the deceased mage shouted in anger.

“Commander! Kill this sniveling brat!”

“I’m serious! If I had magic, I’d show you! This Wild Arm can create a powerful attack that can penetrate through the defenses of a Martial Formations, err… mage of the seventh level! Or Is it seventh? I’m not too sure how strong a seventh is. Can they fight that Leoric king guy?” Dyne scratched his head.

“Seventh level? Boy, you don’t even know how strong fourth-level mages are! Don’t mock our strength!”

“Well, this guy died just by touching the Wild Arm. So… I think those at the seventh level could easily die if this Wild Arm shoots it.”

“You imbecile! You are just a boy who doesn’t know much of the world! You arrogant, spoiled brat knows nothing of us mages! Creating a weapon that can kill martial-formation experts would already be a national treasure! What does your back-alley zoo know about weapons?!”

“Then, if you think you're so hot, put your money where your mouth is! If this weapon can break the defenses of a Martial Formation expert of the um… seventh no! Sixth level… Then I will give you the secret stash of wizard ore we found!”

“Wizard ore?!” All the mages exclaimed.

“Yes! We found one of the pieces from the portal that Diablo used to go here. So something must have happened, and Leoric got a hand of them! But of course, we don’t plan to give it to him but return it to Lord Baalzebub.” Dyne explained.

“But if I win! Erm… Do you guys have chocolates…?” Dyne asked.

“Chocolates?” The group echoed back.

“Erm… Dad would kill me if I wagered Wizard Ore for Chocolates… How about those Magic weapons you said? That’s it! I want one- no! Two magic weapons! Two strong weapons if I win!” Dyne laughed.

The mages were quiet, but they were secretly laughing at the stupidity of the youth. The Wizard Ore was very valuable and would cost hundreds of magical weapons!

“You want… one strong magical weapon?”

“Yes! No! Two! And… chocolates. Lots of chocolates!” Dyne demanded.

“Fine. Then prove to us that that weapon is strong!”

“Alrighty! Where is the sixth-level martial formation expert?”

“I’ll be the one.” The Mage Commander said.

“Y-you? Aren’t you the boss here?! I’d be killed if you got hurt! No! Get someone else!”

“I won’t get hurt!” The Mage Commander frowned.

“No way! My uncle said the same thing, and then he beat me up when my monster killed his.”

“…” The mages were silent. They could tell that this child would not budge.

“Fine. Who wishes to take up the challenge?” The Mage Commander turned to two of his strongest warriors.

“I will, Mage Commander.” The first one volunteered.

“I have an Earth defensive spell which I have been training in.”

“Good! Do it, then! Cast an Earth Spell!”

“Umm…. Yeah. About this. The demon said he wouldn’t come out unless it was a target he could kill. So the caster has to cast the spell and defend against the attack. The demon is picky and wants to eat souls.” Dyne answered.

“Hmph! I can take it!”

“And umm… I need help. I’m not a mage. Can anyone channel magic into my monster-taming equipment?” Dyne asked as he pointed to Jedo.

“That’s monster-taming equipment?”

“Yes. It’s a national secret. But only Tamers can wear it. One of the reasons I managed to control the demon is because of this.” Dyne answered.

“Fine. How much energy do you need?” The Mage Commander asked.

“Erm… How much mana do you need to cast a fireball?” Dyne asked.

The mages were all doing their best to hide their smiles at that moment. Even the wizard that volunteered to defend was holding back his laughter. The theory of magic was simple. The strength of the magic attack would always depend on the amount of mana being poured in. If the caster used magic with the same amount of required mana to create a fireball, then only attacks on the same level of strength could be cast with that amount of mana. The moment Dyne suggested it, they knew that they won. What magic can he make with so little mana?

A fireball attack was something that the mage could easily defend against.

“I understand. Fine. I’ll channel this much magic energy to you.” The Mage Commander raised his hands, and a ball of red energy appeared.

“Wow! That’s amazing! I guess that’s enough. But what will the mage do if his spell is destroyed?”

“It won’t be destroyed!” The mage laughed.

“Well… Do you guys have some backup spell to protect him?”

“Fine. I will do it.” A martial formation expert moved ahead. He had weaker cultivation but was impatient and wanted the Wizard ore.”

He stood behind the mage and raised his hands to create a bluish shield.

“Ice? Isn’t that ice? Won’t the fire melt the ice?”

“If the fire is stronger than the ice. But if not, then my ice will not even get scratched as your fire will disperse.” The mage arrogantly mocked Dyne.

“Whatever you guys say. You’re the expert here. Let’s do it.”

The Mage Commander approached and drew the energy on his hands toward Jedo.

Dyne took aim.

“Earth Wall!” The mage shouted, and a large, thick wall of dirt rose up.

“Ice Shield!” The other mage declared, and a large block of ice as thick as the earth stood between the earth wall and the ice shield of the mage.

“Alright. Let me channel the energy to the Wild Arm.

Dyne took aim.

“Ready or not, here I shoot!”


Dyne shot.

But what appeared wasn’t a simple bullet.

Dyne used the magic that the Mage Commander bestowed and infused the Mist in Jedo and his mana to recreate the arm of the Ifrit.

The fiery arm of Ifrit appeared, rushed with great speed, and punched the earth wall.


The arm sunk in penetrated with ease, broke the wall, and continued pushing through.


The other mage's ice wall was instantly melted as the Dark fire of Ifrit melted the outer layer even before the fist connected.

The punch moved quickly and punched the chest of the horrified mage. He tried to dodge, but the Ifrit’s hand chased.



Ifrit’s fist burned through the chest of the mage. And with the dark powers in it, it took hold of the soul and life and death energy that the mage had. The Ifrit’s soul quickly returned back into the Wild Arm, bringing with him some life and death essence and the mage's soul.

Everyone was shocked and froze at the sight.

“That…! That’s not my fault! You! You gave too much mana! Are you stupid?!” Dyne panicked.

Strafe and Jedo were amazed at Dyne's strategy.

“He killed one of the strongest cultivators here… And no one would blame him…!” Jedo was amazed.

“It wasn’t just about killing the cultivator. Dyne noticed that the massive shield required three powerful cultivators to helm the shield and keep it at optimum efficiency. And that man was one of the experts in maintaining it! The defenses of this fortress have been severely weakened!”

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