Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 260: How Dyne Outsmarted Fate

Brimstone and Darkness. Two conflicting elements are on each other side of the elemental wheel. And both were forming together on Dyne.

His defenses on his Arm of Darkness surged. And his strength on the Arm of Brimstone also increased.

His stats became very difficult to calculate as his two arms have different strength and defensive stats.

“Oh? Am I going to transform into the forms that Songi had in the game?” Dyne chuckled.

Dyne finally stood up and observed those around him.

The monks scouted the area around the area and had already turned their Slimes into Oak Slimes from devouring some monsters. The coordinated attack of man and beasts could kill the wandering beasts.

“Everyone! Gather around! We have to make plans for the next leg of our adventure!” Dyne ordered, and everyone began to approach.

“I thank Guardian Kin for helping us out. The truth is, you were our saviors! We would have been too weak to continue fighting here to outsmart Fate.”

“We were? How?”

“I had to plan a way for you and the rest to be called out. Fate can probably hear what I say, but it seems it can’t read my mind.” Dyne began.

“Fate sees and hears us?” Jaden asked.

“The Fate here can, Yes. It's quite strong. I don’t think the one that governs the world where you guys are is as strong as this.” Dyne turned to team Diablo and those in the Cultivation world.

“What?” Jaden was stunned.

“That’s right! A being that we call Fate here in Legaia also exists in your worlds! It's weaker, but it is a force that dictates the flow of life and death. To be more precise, it balances them.” Dyne revealed. He remembered the world of Eternity that Calamitus and Strafe showed them when they met in that strange realm. He knew that since the current leaders wanted to balance Life and Death, all planets would follow the same.

“Our enemies, and these Afarits, are trying to change the Fate of your world to bend according to their will. And ultimately, it ends with a massive massacre that will claim all life.”

“All life? Lord Dyne, is that an exaggeration?”

“No. It's the truth. Your entire planet will be destroyed if the Afarits and those demons grow stronger. And that is what we are trying to save! And what you have faced here in Legaia should be a rather formidable form of Fate. But as you can see, it can be defeated.” Dyne smiled.

“Lord Dyne outsmarted Fate... You left Nanaki back for that purpose. To call him when we finish fighting these monster hordes!” Arya understood.

“Exactly! Fate can only use a certain limit of his power. You see, in this world, Fate has a lot of things to ensure. So when something that moves outside of Fate happens, he has to use things but still not alter the grand scheme of all things. Unless we do something extremely crazy, we still won’t meet up with the big bosses that watch over the Mist Generator. After all, they have their Fate.”

“Lord Dyne... You say that this power is being altered in our world, And right now, you are teaching us this... Is this because you intend to have us fight Fate when we go back to Tristram and Merkley?”

“That’s exactly what I’m teaching you. This little mission is set to make you guys strong enough to fight Fate. The other half of Diablo will be terrifying. He will be a powerful Soul cultivator, and facing him will most likely put Fate against you. Enemies will see you. Their unplanned actions will appear like strategy and traps just as we have here.”

The group recalled how the monsters chased after them and even made another group beyond the bridge.

“If not for Lord Dyne’s plan... We would have died!” Amorien added.

“Yes. To the very end, Fate thought that we would have died. And that’s why I had Nanaki stay! Or rather, I didn’t take him with me as I intended!” Dyne smiled.

“Nanaki used to be my host…” Terra revealed.

“Correct. The more I spent time with Nanaki, the more I sensed that his ties with Terra were not yet cut off. And other than that, Nanaki seemed to have gained some form of sentience. It’s not as clear as Grim, but it's rather intelligent. So I was using this to fool Fate. I left him back there so that Fate would forget about him. I didn’t even bother to leave any instruction for Nanaki to follow Fate might have sensed it! So with this scheme, I hid Nanaki from Fate’s expectation.”

“But what brought it near to us?” Meta asked.

“What happened to Terra?”

“Me and Noa... nearly died!” Terra understood.

“I nearly died! Because of my link with Nanaki, it sensed my life coming to an end, and I decided to rush out and help!”

“Like all loyal dogs will.” Dyne chuckled.

“And obviously, we followed!” Kin laughed.

“Traveling with the slimes was faster, and the monsters you would find along the way, the monsters that we killed, would have allowed the slimes to evolve.” Dyne pointed at the numerous Oak Slimes that Guardian Kin and the rest brought.

“Indeed. We saw numerous dead monsters on the way, and we managed to travel a great distance thanks to the Slimes. There were no monsters to obstruct us. So we were able to get here as fast as possible.” Guardian Kin explained.

“Fate went all in with all the monsters he sent after us. But when Noa nearly died, Nanaki moved, and the Monks followed. This sudden change made Fate unable to send any more counters. And so, they reached here just in time to save us from being killed.” Dyne explained.

“...But Master Dyne, you always seemed confident of your decisions. To us mortals, it sounds like you made a very dangerous gamble.” Tetsu asked.

“Not really. I have a power that Tieg gave me. The Eyes of Destiny. It’s complicated, but I can roughly see ‘the end’ of things. And when Noa was wounded, I could feel our victory. Now, while I don’t expect you guys to develop this, I need you guys to be as cunning as this. Then, when we get back there, we might be off to our little missions. And Fate will fight against you.” Dyne explained.

“We understand, Master Dyne.” Jaden smiled as he stood up.

“Anyway, Guardian Kin, I think your slimes can divide into more groups. I suggest you go back and deliver all these monster corpses you found. And please deliver a message to Leoric. When he is done with his mission, have him come here to Legaia. It should just be in time for me to grab that Orb. Those Berserker-Propagator beasts looked amazing. It would be a shame to kill them.” Dyne chuckled.

“We understand, Master Dyne.” Kin smiled and ordered the Monks to quickly command the Slimes that they controlled to divide and carry as many beasts as possible.

“Nanaki, since Fate is out of gas, our reward is freedom. So you go with us. You are, after all, still a party member.” Dyne smiled.

Nanaki wagged his tail as he heard that he would be joining.

“Let’s go! We head for Vidna! With Fate defeated, our arrival in Vidna should be similar to what it was in the game.”

The group began to move as Dyne had ordered.

The last march was very difficult for the team, but no monsters ever met them along the way.

Soon they could see the large windmills that blew away the Mist.

“I can’t believe it! That large city...!” Tetsu was amazed. He was also hopeful. With a civilization that survived the Mist, then there would certainly be Biron Monks there!

As they approached, there were shocked to find a group of Seru-wearing soldiers standing guard at the windmills.

“Halt! You and your monster friends!” The guard shouted.

Various serus began to move to defend them.

The guards had Swordies equipped, and they had a massive sword.

Others had a Theeder-gun equipped on their arm.

“So this is it... Standard Seru warfare before the Mist...” Dyne observed and took note of the forms of how the guards wore the serus.

“Everyone! We are survivors! We hail in Sol! We are monster tamers! These beasts are the monsters we trained and tamed to fight in the Muscle Dome!” Dyne called out.

“Muscle Dome?” The guards were amazed.

“That’s right.”

“But the Mist...! How did you travel...?” Another guard asked.

“Eh? Isn’t there someone from Sol who visits this place?” Dyne frowned and returned the question.

“You know Cara?!” One of the guards was stunned.

“Cara?” The leader of the guards asked.

“That beautiful woman! She can travel in and out of the Mist!” The guard explained.

Dyne became excited as he heard this.

“Is Fate rewarding me for all my hard work? Is he giving me the chance to acquire Horn earlier?” Dyne hoped.

This chapter actually hints out a LOT of the plot in my other book in Webnovel: Ascension of the Nephilim. The other book is basically a 'shared universe' to this story but with many key difference. I wrote that story to be something like an opposite version of this. Dyne is Brimstone, Kyros starts of with Darkness.
Dyne has the "Eye of Destiny" and Kyros has Fate.
So if you haven't yet, give it a try.

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