Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 263: Door of Wind

The Door of Wind was a simple, quality-of-life item in the game of Legend of Legaia. It was used so that players could travel from the world map to any previously visited towns. This makes it easier for players to move back to other maps in the game.

Dyne knew that the application of it in this Legaia would be different. Because to manifest, such an item would be a great cheat in this world. So Dyne never asked of this from Strafe and didn’t have the time to ask of this from the Old Wizard and the Old Witch in the Ancient Wind and Water caves.

But now that the issues of Fate were resolved, Dyne needed this item.

Door of Winds? Of course, we have them. But what use do you have for it? I don’t think all of you have enough Wind Serus to bring you where to go.” Torneko answered.

Wind Serus? That’s it!” Dyne finally realized a question that plagued him.

He knew that none on his team knew how to use these items, as he had already asked them. So he began to ponder the mysteries as to why many of the characters he had met in Legaia were unaware of the uses of the Door of Wind. But many already knew about the Door of Light.

Wind! The Door of Wind uses Wind Serus!” Dyne connected the dots.

Drake Continent has no Wind Serus! The first time we saw one was at Jeremi! That’s why no one in Biron or Drake Continent knew how to use it! Wow! Did the game developers think about this? Or was it just a happy coincidence?” Dyne continued to speak out about his many realizations and questions.

But with us, Ra-Serus, who could assimilate our powers with wind, it’s possible for us to do that!” Jedo couldn’t help but add to Dyne’s deduction.

Exactly! That’s how it’s possible to use Door of Wind! Besides, we have Terra! Now I understand!” Dyne cheered as he spoke to himself, drawing odd gazes from the townspeople. His team was not that concerned as they had grown used to Dyne’s oddities and were resting and talking with each other about the hot springs.

Torneko! We have a few Wind Serus here. It’s inside these slimes, and we plan to tame them later.”

You can tame serus from the Mist?”

It’s one of our abilities. Anyway, can we ask for some Door of Winds?”

Sure. But where will you go? Have you assimilated with the Wind Pillar in the different towns?”

Wind Pillar?”

You don’t know how to use a Door of Wind? I thought you were from Sol?” Torneko couldn’t help but ask suspiciously.

We were from Sol. But think about it… Where would we go? The war between Sol and Karisto was close to Buma. I never visited Buma. So all I had was Sol. We never bothered to. We were already here when the Mist came, so we’ve been fighting and going through amazing journeys as far as Rim Elm in the Drake Continent!” Dyne quickly answered.

Torneko realized that this was logical.

Wind Pillars are special stones that were taken in Uru Mais. Wind Serus can commune with the power inside and acts as a beacon. When you use the Door of Wind with your Wind Seru, they communicate with it and use their wind magic to fly everyone towards it. But of course, further distances require stronger Serus. If you have a Swordie, you could travel to Jeremi in normal conditions. Octam, too. But it won’t get you to Ratayu or the Ancient Water Cave.”

Dyne and Jedo began to discuss things with each other secretly.

I guess this explains why people use Octam’s Flying Trains to travel to Karisto,” Jedo spoke.

Yes. But Terra, with several Genesis Trees awakened, would allow you to cross the continent entirely. That’s why the Ra-Seru heroes in the game can go back to Rim Elm from Karisto.”

Praise Tieg for his wisdom.”

Yeah, good job! You really thought things through, Strafe!”

Strafe rolled his spiritual eyes at the reactions of both.

Can I see the Wind Pillar?” Dyne asked.

It’s positioned beyond the entrance of the gates. May I know what uses you have for it? With the Mist, no Serus can make the travel.” Torneko spoke once more.

I just need to see it to check on something. Everyone, you guys are dismissed. Feel free to tell everyone about the horrors of the outside world!” Dyne explained as he began to run towards the town entrance.

The rest glanced at each other.

... Wanna try the hot spring?” Amorien asked the ladies.

Yes!” Ishreth answered.

Let’s go!” Rena cheered excitedly.

What’s a hot spring? I want to go! I want to go!” Noa kept jumping up and down.

"A hot spring? That should be painful for me. But... Noa! I'm counting on you!" Shiva smiled as if she had missed this sensation.

Is it a mixed bath...?” Earth Arya asked as she began to blush.

Meanwhile, the boys each had their hobbies and had an understanding to not go to the Hot Baths. Only Vahn did not understand this concept and wanted to go to the engine room of the windmills to train in the heat.

Gala had blood flowing down his nose but decided to honor Biron and followed Vahn to train as he did penance for his evil thoughts.

Chrone went with Tetsu to visit the house where the Biron monks trained and were curious about the god called Rem.

Serge went to the beach as he could not help but reflect and miss his homeworld that stood at the beach.

Jaden and Chad went to the arms shop, and Hunters began to deal with all the monsters. They were asking around where to house the Slimes, Chocobos, Nanaki, Digimons, Pokemons, and the Serus.

Dyne had sensed everyone’s actions and smiled.

My first Private Action! This is so exciting! I wonder if I could use this moment to increase my relationship value with Rena? In any case, I need to give them time to be at their respective places so when I go back, the PA could begin!” Dyne dreamed of one of his most beloved game mechanics in Star Ocean 2, where players could decide to have their teams split up and have their private moments in the game. This would allow players to interact with the characters in the player's team or witness specific events.

Dyne was hoping for this as he headed towards the town exit.

Torneko and Mayor Molina followed and discussed the state of the town.

Soon, the group reached the edge of the town and saw several stone pillars with strange markings written on the sides. The pillars not along the entrance that the group passed by were placed beyond a fortified wall.

Since thieves, bandits, and others can use the Door of Wind, all Wind Pillars are generally placed outside or at the edge of the town. But only the richest towns can afford it. The many small towns and cities here in Secubus Islands won’t have it.” Torneko explained.

Dyne moved closer towards the Wind Pillars and touched one of them.

Are each of these pillars the same? No. They each give off a different frequency...” Dyne observed.

That is correct, Wanderer Master Dyne of Sol.” Molina explained.

Those from Sol who arrived in Octam this city would come in groups. So we had to purchase several Wind Pillars, so divide the many arriving groups.”

Dyne kept on touching the numerous stones.

It’s weaker than a Wizard Stone. But I think I can use them if it’s something just within Legaia.” Dyne smiled.

Can I destroy one of them?” Dyne asked Molina.

De-Destroy?” Torneko was confused.


I... guess so. If it helps us save the world.” Molina answered.

Oh, it will,” Dyne answered as he brought out Grim and made a powerful slash that harnessed his blades of Grim with total darkness. It was Jedo’s Deadly Promise. This was Dyne’s strongest cutting attack.

The stone was cut cleanly, and it fell.

Alright, Jedo! Let’s get to work! With this, we can create a portal headed right for Biron Monastery!” Dyne chuckled and altered the rune words in the stone he had cut.

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