Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 262: Resolving the Issues in Vidna

Vidna was a town that was rather strange in the game.

The first was a lack of surprise when the Ra-Seru heroes entered the town. The people were very uninterested in the Ra-Seru heroes, and no one even cared about the Ra-Seru Heroes when the Mist was gone.

The town was very self-centered and was very unconcerned about the outside world.

While the issue of why the people were not surprised by the arrival of the Ra-Seru heroes could have been explained by the appearance of Cara, who would ransack and steal, there were still so many things that Dyne pondered about the town.

The conclusion that Dyne arrived at was the power of the Dohati was reaching. The massive windmills were blowing away the full power of the Mist, but just as it was in Rim Elm, a small portion of that Mist was affecting them. In Dohati’s case, he made it so that the townsfolk would become unconcerned and self-centered. And then, the power of Xain would erupt and freeze the entire underground region.

But Vidna still had its uses. Those monsters that sail from the lands of the Monster Kings would have to face two different cities before they could attack Dohati’s Castle. Dohati’s Castle still had a horde of problems to its west, and Vidna made it easy for the town of Ratayu to focus on strengthening Juggernaut.

The issue of the town was then delayed, but should the time come for Dohati to find no use to Vidna. He would then issue the decree freezing the underground areas. Of course, the freeze wouldn’t be permanent, and the heat would return after a month as the ice would melt, but it was enough to stop the windmills from moving, allowing Dohati to conquer the town.

Dyne watched as the town was horrified at the news that Dyne had revealed. Many questioned the validity of his declaration as he was a young boy.

Suddenly, a certain group of people was dissatisfied with the alarming news that Dyne had made. One warrior moved forward to express his dissatisfaction.

“Who is this boy? How dare he-”


Jaden and Chad released the full might of their cultivation.

“Boy? Do you dare call our master a mere boy? This boy has just slain a horde of monsters as he can combine with the Serus in the Mist. See before you the Serus we brought! If you can do that, then address our master as a boy, and you face the full wrath of my sword.” Jaden declared.

Everyone trembled at the power of Jaden.

The group began to move around Dyne and stood as their guard.

The faction of men with sour expressions trembled as they saw the formation.

“Big Brother Dyne isn’t a boy,” Grim spoke as it moved closer.

“The Gimard! It speaks!”


“We can argue all we want. But what I have said is true. The ones that caused this Mist isn’t an idiot. You guys have been in here for too long. As for us, some of us hail back to Rim Elm of Drake Continent. We have seen so many things. Do you guys at least have a plan if the windmill loses power? Do you guys have a shelter that can keep you protected from the Mist?

At that moment, many were looking at Danpas. Even the town mayor was looking at him, and his expression turned ugly.

“Mayor Molina!” One of the townsfolk cried.

“This is bad!” Another rushed in to speak to Molina.

“Danpas was right! We should have made him mayor!” Another cried out.

Dyne saw it and realized what had happened. Danpas wasn’t just an ordinary citizen. It seems that he was either someone who campaigned against the mayor. At a glance, Dyne could see the power of Destiny working on him.

“I see. He has a stronger and more resilient constitution than most and can resist the powers of the Mist. But unfortunately, the Mist corrupted everyone, making them self-absorbed. No wonder this town gives off a Costa del Sol vibe. Everyone here will soon be obsessed with themselves, making them care less about the terror outside. Only those who have something they worry about, such as Pepe, the Biron Monks, were able to resist the vanity.” Dyne glanced around and began to identify the NPCs of the town who had relevance.

The town began to discuss issues upon issues as they heard Dyne’s words.

“Lord Dyne… What do you mean that the geothermal powers are at risk?” Gala asked.

Many of the townsfolk listened.

“Remember that Maverick Seru we found in the forest?” Dyne asked Gala.

“Yes. A powerful Maverick Seru of tremendous ice energy.”

“Does anyone else know of this Seru?” Dyne asked the nearby villagers.

“Isn’t there one in Buma? Are you talking of that large ice Seru?” One of the older women asked.

“Yes. There is indeed one there. That same Seru has numerous offspring now. The maker of the Castle, Dohati, who visited Ratayu not long ago, brought a Koru with him! That beast can gather ice and build it up within itself and can release it all at once. Dohati has conquered the entire world. What makes you think that your little town will remain safe? My allies and I had to go on this journey as the battles and wars were escalating worldwide. Even Sol is in danger!”

“Sol still stands?” A burly man asked.

Dyne noticed that his features were similar to the characters where Dyne could buy coins to play the mini-games in Legaia.

“Barely. Half of the kingdom is covered in Mist. The other half still stands.” Dyne answered.

“Then what of the Emperor?”

“In the Mist. The human kingdoms are falling. And I’m honestly surprised that a town like this, which has escaped the Mist, is living off its life so happily while all the world will be destroyed. Me and my friends have traveled great distances, fighting monsters after monsters to save this world! And you… You all remain in your houses and relax? Do you really think that you can all escape the Apocalypse? Let me tell you this… The cause of this Mist is the mysterious visitors who spoke to the King of Ratayu! Drake Continent is also covered in Mist! And that visitor, Dohati, is a member of Karisto Kingdom!”

“Karisto?!” The townsfolk exclaimed.

“Yes! Karisto kingdom! You thought that the Mist was a natural calamity? No! It was man-made! And even now, Karisto Kingdom seeks to eliminate all enemies! But the war is not over! This is still the effect of that war! And you are just another target! You survived the Mist! They won’t stop until they conquer all!”

The townspeople had ugly expressions.

“The people of Biron Monastery and the people of Rim Elm are here to fight for the future of this world! And here you are, all tightly shut up and not a care in the world!” Dyne cursed at them.

The people began to tremble, and their looks of regret surfaced. Even the mayor, Molina, had a sad expression.

“Everyone. Greed has caught our hearts.” Danpas began.

“This traveler is right. Has Sol not made us their vacation spot? Are we not a town, an expansion of Sol? Isn’t this why Vidna is also called Costa Del Sol?” Danpas challenged.

“WHAT?!” Dyne exclaimed, which startled everybody.

“Woah. Plot Twist. Costa Del Sol… Isn’t that a town in Final Fantasy VII?” Jedo asked Strafe.

“Yes. It’s from a language in Dyne’s world. The meaning of the town is Coast of the Sun. But here, since there is an actual town called Sol, I decided to merge both.” Strafe explained.

“You are also called Costa Del Sol?!” Dyne asked again.

“Ye-Yes. Is something the matter, young wanderer?”

“Do you have a villa that belongs to this king?”

“Erm… Yes. That villa is under my care. I am Torneko Danpas. A humble merchant at your service.”

“Torneko?!” Dyne shouted again as he heard the name from Dragon Quest IV, who later had his stand-alone game and introduced Dyne to the world of rogue-like mystery dungeon gameplay types.

“Erm… Dyne… please focus. There is a time and place for everything, but not now.” Earth Arya whispered as she noticed Dyne was spiraling into another obsessive game mode.

“Ri-right…” Dyne realized what he was doing. Unknown to him, what awakened him was Arya’s subtle use of the phrase that Professor Oak would say when the player uses an item at an inappropriate instance.

Earth Arya frowned.

“How thick is he? I’ve been dropping clues all this time, and he can’t even notice that I’m from the Earth!”

“A-anyway… You guys are in trouble. There are so many things that we need to do. Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice in this. If you continue to be the way you are, you will soon fall prey to the Mist!”

“What do we do?” The people asked.

“Well, first of all… Do you guys have items known as the Door of Wind?” Dyne asked.

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