Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 18: It has to be this way.

Tobias was watching Helen, the new lady was leaning dangerously out of the side of the AV watching the scene below.

The flight vehicle was still too high to interfere with, most Borg’s feared heights as gravity was one of the great equalizers.

“Damn, that thing is moving fast,” Helen says out loud leaning even father out of the window.

“You know, I would sit back a bit we still have some altitude to lo-” Tobias stops talking and watches slack-jawed as Helen leans forward even more tumbling out of the side of the AV.

“What the FUCK!” Glen shouts standing up and running over to the edge just stopping himself from running off by grabbing the grip handle and leaning over the edge.
Helen plummeted through the open air, her body hurtling toward the ground with an exhilarating speed. With practiced precision, Helen adjusted her body's orientation, angling herself for a controlled descent. Her limbs moved with purpose, muscles flexing as she expertly navigated the extreme currents of the air.

As Helen rushed towards the ground, she flexed her body with precision reorienting herself in the air, preparing for impact. With a forceful landing, her boots struck the pavement with a resounding boom. Helen had disappeared in a storm of concrete debris, creating a large cloud of dust and fragments. The road itself seemed to shudder in response to the powerful impact revealing Helen knelt amidst the aftermath of her landing, one knee on the ground and her gaze fixed on Cyberpsycho who was now staring at her rather than the weak fleshy police. The psycho laughed maniacally dropping the makeshift sword.

“Ah, I need to control my thoughts or I’ll end up like Mister Smasher,” Helen says with a giggle standing up and dusting off her Max Tac uniform.

"You ready for this, Jack?" The Psycho taunted, distorted by the mechanical enhancements that covered his body.

Without a word, Helen lunged forward, quick drawing her blade poised for attack. The Cyberpsycho met her head-on, his arm augmented with deadly weapons. Helen's blade clashed against the Cyberpsycho's metallic limbs, creating sparks that danced across the air.

“Well, my name’s not Jack.” Helen states

"Well then let's dance, Jack!" the Cyberpsycho jeered, his voice a mix of excitement and instability.

Helen kicked the cyberpsycho back using the full force of her ankle braced doublejump legs.

The psycho slid along the sidewalk tearing a streak into the concrete as he was launched backwards. The humanoid machine laughed back and it was a dead laugh almost like the audio projector's life dwindled away as its voice resonated through the air in a burst of chilling laughter.

“T-is, fun! Ja-k!” The cyberpsycho says before the sound of a crackling humming is all that can be heard coming from the thing which was once human.

Yet the Cyberpsycho's onslaught was far from over. His left arm transformed into a serrated whip. The metallic joints creaked sickly, then as fast as one could blink its metallic tendrils lashed out with incredible speed. The razor-sharp tips aimed for Helen's legs and torso, seeking to entangle her and rip through her.

Helen had of course dodged with ease, jumping the wire. However, that left her in the air and vulnerable. Helen in a feat of gymnastics had managed to twist her body just barely avoiding a 40mm rocket-propelled grenade launched from the cyber psycho’s right arm. The yellow warhead passed within inches of her face.

Helen landed skillfully and with grace, although this time she was done playing around. A pair of projectiles were in the air the second her feet had touched the ground. Throwing knives from her belt had been hurled with precise accuracy. One knife was thrown at the Cyberpsycho's whip, severing the serrated wire the unknown metal sheared clear through the wire with a metallic screech. The second knife embedded itself in the Cyberpsycho's right arm, disrupting his arm cannon and throwing off any sort of rhythm to the fight.

The Cyberpsycho attempted to shift his left arm into something else but the mechanism had been damaged irreparably from having the wire cut. The response to that attack was for him to raise his right arm and point the barrel of the projectile launch system at Helen, shortly afterwards the cyberpsycho’s right arm had detonated blowing clear off.

“Wow, talk about too much pain suppressor’s did you not feel the fucking knife I put into your arm?” Helen asked aloud.

Cyberpsycho's grin faltered, replaced by a flash of frustration in his manic eyes. His voice crackled violently, in what Helen would assume is a roar.

Much like what had been done to the Sergeant a scant few minutes earlier the cyberpsycho's metallic legs dug into the ground and preloaded themselves like a tensioned spring poised to tear into her.

Helen's eyes gleamed with determination as she braced herself willing to accept the hit. The Cyberpsycho's charging form collided with Helen, the impact kicking up the concrete dust once again.


A singular shot rang out from inside of the dust cloud, and as the storm settled Helen was holding the Pyscho’s shoulder still. Her Smithon Wesson .40 Revolver had been positioned point blank underneath the cyberpsycho’s chin while the crown of his head had been blown open revealing a mess of metal wires and gray matter.

Suddenly the speaker crackles to life one last time. “Fuck you Jack.”

Helen lets go of the man’s shoulder and he flops onto the ground dead.

“Jesus Christ…” Tobias mutters the AV having just landed. The entire fight took just under two minutes, including the time she had been falling from 25 stories up.

“” Glen stood speechless holding his heavy machine gun.

“Alright, boy’s let's head back to base! I could use some sleep!” Helen announces holstering her gun and walking nonchalantly back towards the AV

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