Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 19: Four Horsemen.

"Yo! Spence!" Glen's voice rang out, drawing attention to the unassuming man who had just arrived.

Helen stirred from her light slumber as the sudden shouting disrupted the quiet. Her eyes opened, and she gazed around, taking in her surroundings.

"Badger?" Helen murmured under her breath, recognizing the familiar figure of the man from Seattle.

"Glen? How was the night shift? I know you don't usually take it, especially since Bing is jumping for the extra pay," Badger said with a casual yet engaging tone.

Helen's presence was now fully registered by the others in the room. She sat up in her bunk, rubbing her eyes to clear away any remaining traces of sleep.

"It's so he can heat up his beans with a BIC lighter," Helen interjected playfully, her words hinting at a shared camaraderie.

Badger's gaze turned to Helen, his eyes narrowing slightly as he registered her presence.

"You the new hire?" Badger inquired, his curiosity piqued by the appearance of this unfamiliar face.

Helen's response was swift and enigmatic. "What is the Fun Fact?" she asked, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

The room seemed to hang in an expectant silence, the air growing charged with an unspoken tension. Badger's gaze locked onto Helen, his expression a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"How in the hell do you know about that?" Badger questioned his tone a blend of disbelief and curiosity.

Helen's response was delivered with a carefree confidence that hinted at her vast network of connections. "I have friends in many nomad clans,"

“Interesting, right… So, we are taking over the day shift with Heaenly and Grouse doing night, take the day off, and bump them from rotation tomorrow morning.” Badger clarifies
Misty's Esoterica is a modest yet captivating shop nestled in the heart of Night City's bustling Watson landscape. The exterior of the store boasts a neon-lit sign that gently flickers with an otherworldly glow, although one would often have to ignore the venue across the street when visiting.

Those girls in that venue may be pretty however they lacked something, though Jackie smiled because he managed to find the chicka who just had that little special thing.

“Hey Misty!” Jackie Wells announces upon walking in the open door.

Misty looks up from her task, a smile on her lips. "Ah, Jackie! always seeking a bit of magic in the midst of the chaos, aren't you?"

"You know it," Jackie chuckles, "Sometimes a guy just needs a little dose of mysticism to balance out the insanity of life.”

Misty giggles, she had just helped this man make a significant life decision on the roof above. Jackie Wells had left the valentio’s and decided to become a legend in the night city. To say he had caught her attention would be an understatement. The loveable gonk.

"So Misty? The word on the streets of the esoteric world today?" Jackie asks leaning on the calender that stupidly cute smile of his, although how to answer that question for sure would be a downer.

“I have seen the Reaper Jackie. Death has come, Night City has always been a home to them Pestilence and Famine Reeking Havoc in the streets. War although rare has also been known to show its ugly head every now and then causing mothers to cry out in the street, brothers to kill brothers, and untold heardship. Where those three roam Death always follows, and I met her Jackie.” Misty says a hint of awe in her voice mostly drowned out by the horror.

“Did this death have a name?” Jackie asks

Misty nods frantically before checking over her shoulders and glancing over the room.

“Helen Wick.” Misty whispers

“We’ll it’ll probably be a while before I ever see her. Padre has me going out on a job to southern california, something about meeting a nomad contact there and doing some smuggling.” Jackie says

In the early morning hours, the parking lot of the bar took on an almost surreal atmosphere. The flickering neon signs were overshadowed by the rising sun, Outside of the morning Smog the entire parking lot was lit up with ray’s of light and lines of shadows. A handful of figures lay sprawled on the asphalt, their forms contorted in various positions.

Helen had made it to the afterlife. A collection of unconscious bodies, some in groups and others scattered solo revealed the remnants of a night of revelry. In other words, as her husband would’ve put it “must’ve been a hell of a party.” Although Rogue should still be awake.

“Welcome back Miss Wick,” Emmerick says upon seeing the Reaper walk up to the doors.

“Emmerick right? Is Rogue still awake? I need to collect payment and probably do a debrief.” Helen states adjusting her hat nonchalantly

The door guard goes still for a moment.

“Try behind the bar, she’ll meet you there.”

Helen nods as the double doors open.
Helen's steps were barely audible as she entered the quiet sanctum of the Afterlife Bar's alcohol storage room.

The room was dimly lit yet that singular light bulb was doing the work of miracles, the golden Incandescent light bulb cast a warm glow over the room. Showing the meticulously organized shelves.
Helen’s gaze naturally drifted to the figure in the room, and there stood Rogue, engrossed in her task of taking inventory.

It was the sight of Rogue's posture that had caught the cold mercenary off guard. The angle accentuated the curve of her rear highlighted by the low lighting, it was an unintentional, unfortunate, display that captured Helen's attention for a brief moment.

Helen had to pause for a minute and lightly tap her head a few times. “Don't stare at Rogue’s ass,” Helen whispers to herself.

Adverting her gaze Helen coughs to get Rogue’s attention.

Light Bang

Rogue had hit her head on the shelf above her.

"Helen, hi," Rogue greeted, her tone shifting to one of casual acknowledgment as she gingerly touched the sore spot on her head. Her response carried an undertone of amusement as if she couldn't help but find the situation slightly comical. "What brings you by?"

“I think we need to do a debrief on the Neon Nexus Crew,” Helen states

“Yeah, speaking of which, job well done. Here are the Eddies.” Rogue says as her eyes light up and Helen gets transferred 80k eddies.

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