Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 47: Revengeance Machine

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The evening pressed on, and Helen couldn't shake the growing worry that gnawed at her. The anticipation of Elena's move-in excitement was overshadowed by the prolonged absence of the Netrunner. As the clock ticked away, and the city's neon glow painted the skyline, Helen found herself pacing the apartment anxiously.


Concern etched across her face, Helen checked her messages and saw nothing. Nyx was not responding either. Even worse was the AI had gotten used to her presence on the Net so even if she were to try and find them via netrunning he would be able to dodge her. 


“Where in the hell are they, they went to Afterlife right?” Helen mutters 


Another painful hour passed, and Elena was no where to be seen. Even her old apartment was empty. 


Helen reached the bar, her gaze locking onto Rogue. The Fixer met her eyes, a silent exchange conveying the unspoken understanding that something was amiss.

With a simple mental command Elena called her Cuthulu, she was going to Afterlife to start the search.



Helen's senses heightened as she approached the Cthulhu, her custom vehicle waiting patiently at the curb. The sleek, black exterior gleamed under the streetlights, and the faint hum of its engine hinted at the raw power within. As she slid into the driver's seat closing the door, the city's sounds became muted as the vibration and light hum of the V8 reverberated with her. 


The Cthulhu sliced through the urban night, its speed matched only by the urgency in Helen's heart. Neon streaks reflected on the car's surface as it tore down the roads, swerving through traffic with an almost wreckless abandon. 



The black Cthulhu screeched into the Afterlife parking lot, its tires leaving faint traces of smoke in its wake. The sleek vehicle came to a sudden halt, and the doors swung open, Helen stepped out her glowing eyes without a doubt unsettling anyone watching. She hadn’t even bothered to park the car or close the door before heading into the bar. 


Helen reached the bar, her gaze locking onto Rogue. The Fixer met her eyes, a silent exchange conveying the unspoken understanding that something was amiss. Helen was… In what could only be described as a scary mood. 


“I need to talk to Neuro.” Helen states staring directly into Claires eyes. 


The bartender immediately lost to the intense gaze of Helen before looking away and muttering 7H.


Helen left the bar while staring directly at Rouge as she made her way down the hallway. 


Helen's boots echoed against the polished floor as she approached the entrance to 7H. The heavy door swung open, revealing a server room, heat making a rush for the cool air in the hallway once the door opened.


"Helen Wick, the Reaper herself," Neuro greeted, her voice echoing within the confines of the room. "What brings you to my domain? Seeking answers, perhaps?" 


“I come not seeking answers Vedal, for I already know all.” Helen states blandly.


That statement had immediately thrown the ai for a loop as memory cached away from nearly have a century ago surfaced again. 

Neuro's virtual figure displayed a flicker of surprise, the intricacies of her code momentarily disrupted by Helen's unexpected assertion. The holographic room seemed to pulse with a dim glow as lines of data rearranged themselves in response to the Reaper's presence.


"Your knowledge spans decades, Helen, yet there are realms untouched even by the Reaper's reach," Neuro responded, her projection adopting a more contemplative demeanor. "What do you claim to know, and for what purpose are you here?” 


Helen scoffs. “I remember alot about you, daughter of the Turtle, and Anny. I want to know where Elena went. Now that I am here I see that you tripped one of my Deamons attached to my files at miliatech, and Arasaka. So, what did you tell them.” 


"I've navigated the currents of data, Helen, delving into the undercurrents of information that ebb and flow through cyberspace," Neuro replied, her voice resonating with what could only be described as a slight panic. "As for Elena, she sought answers, as any curious soul does. The journey she embarks upon now is not one I can fully predict or control."


Helen's cybernetic eyes flashed with a glint of anger and impatience. "Enough cryptic talk, Neuro. Elena is not merely a curious soul, and you know it. Tell me the specifics. What did you tell her?"


Neuro's virtual avatar retained its serene expression. "I shared information, Helen, stuff I should not have. I am sorry for what I have done for, your past should remain only with you until, you decided to part with it. She know’s what happened to John.” 


Neuro attempted to regain control, her voice strained with remorse. "I never intended todo what i did but the curiosity led Elena to seek answers. Answers I wanted to know aswell. So I went searching, the consequences ripple through the network, and I—"


Helen’s vision went red and a cybernetic assault had started, her anger unfurling like a tempest, determined to extract the details she sought. 


"I beg your forgiveness, Reaper. Please let us find a way to mend this breach," Neuro implored, her once-steady projection now fragmenting and glitching, as her remote sever at Afterlife started to over heat. 

Helen's cybernetic approached a new level of intensity, her digital prowess overwhelming Neuro's defenses. In the holographic representation of the room, lines of code corrupted and graphics shattering like glass under the sheer force of Helen's assault. The avatar of the once composed and slightly worried Neuro now looked utterly panicked.


“You shouldve known not to cross me," Helen's voice echoed with an ominous tone, her eyes glowing brighter with each passing moment.


Neuro's attempts at maintaining her defense faltered further, her avatar glitching and almost melting as if on fire. Desperation laced her voice as she attempted to navigate the tumultuous sea of data.


"I never anticipated this level of aggression, Helen. Please, I—" Neuro's plea was cut short as sparks started to get thrown out of the server rack.


“So, Nyx… Why did you go with Elena.” Helen mutters as she turns around to leave the server room.


She was pissed, that cat better had a good reason because she did not take betrayal well. Although there is always more than one way to skin a cat. 


She knew Neuro likely still had a server back in the UK but getting back to this side of the black wall was going to take her alot of time, if she survives. That is punishment enough for the retired Vtuber. 


Helen made outside stumbling into her car her head felt like it was melting as her body fought itself. Almost like all of her cybernetics were rejecting her, something inside of her broke in that moment. 

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