Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 5: WAKE ME UP

Vik was breathing a sigh of relief as he was going over his new patient's file.

The door to the basement clinic slides open and Misty walks in.

“Misty, you feeling better?” Vik asks

"I... I'm just a little shaken, Vik. It's about the new girl… Miss Wick,” Misty states

“Girl? Misty that woman is older than me.” Vik says with a laugh.

“That explains a bit, although she looks so young, she has this aura of death around her. It’s terrifying Vik.” Misty whispers

“Well, that might've just been the static electricity,” Vik says as he turns the diagram around for Misty to see.


Although under normal circumstances he would never show this kind of stuff to anyone however he was utterly baffled at the insanity that was Helen Wick.

She was running a jailbroken Arasaka MK 4, a Netwatch NetDriver MK 5, and a Qiant Sandevistan MK 4. The Jail Broken Arasaka MK 4 is a surprise because they were for internal use only how she managed to get one and then jail brake it was beyond him. The NetDriver MK 5 was for top Netwatch netrunners only. Though the most insane thing of hers is the Sandevsitan it is above military grade and could probably be called experimental grade especially since Qiant just released the MK 2.

She had mono wire on her right arm and a projectile launch system on her left. The most advanced ballistic compression unit he had ever seen in both hands with a fucking smart link installed behind it partially set into her bones. Which were fucking titanium, just about every fucking joint had a micro-rotor, and this all was just the tip of the iceberg compared to everything else that was stuffed into her relatively normal frame.

“Did she escape from some sort of corpo lab?” Misty asks looking at the screen utterly baffled.

“I have no clue, all I know is that she could probably take on Adam Smasher and win with little difficulty… Assuming she keeps her sanity.” Vik says

“Fuck.” Misty mutters

Back with Helen

She woke up looking up and the ceiling was there however it wasn’t the thing was a freaking augmented reality display and it was showing something that should’ve been impossible to see in night city.

The Stars.

“Fuck me this isn't my ceiling,” Helen mutters rolling out of bed.

“So it actually fucking happened… I didn’t fucking want this! I am in a dead world now, the earth is basically dead and humanity is just barely getting by with all of the fuckery going on!” Helen shouts in anger.

Suddenly everything which was feeling hot was now cool and she was being forcefully calmed down.

“A fucking hormone regulator are you kidding me!” Helen shouts.

She was pissed now and only getting angrier as the regulator forcefully tried to calm her down.

Bang Bang Bang

David woke up to the sound of gunshots and screams of anger coming from above… which in truth didn’t make a lot of sense since the Penthouse Apartment above usually sat empty.

“Mijo, I’m going to go check on our neighbor upstairs.” Gloria Martinez says dawning her jacket.

“Uh, I’m not sure if that’s safe Mom!” David shouts

“I’m an EMT this is my everyday. Now get ready for school.” Gloria says walking out of the front door.

The sun had yet to rise.

“Why the fuck did it have to be this Dystopia! Literally, anything would’ve been better! War Hammer 40k would’ve been fucking better!” Helen shouts as her malorian arms pistol clicks several times having been emptied into the sturdiest wall in the room.

With a scream, Helen drops the pistol which lands gracefully on the carpet.

“God Damn it! I would’ve fucken taken Worm or hell RWBY over this shit. You can fix grim derps and Death worlds to a degree but fucken dystopias. I’m a one-woman army now but I still have to fucken sleep sometimes!” Helen shouts knowing that no matter how strong she is… there is no one you can truly trust and there is always someone stronger than you.

“I’m fucked… I also need to sort through these shitty memories. Literally a copy of John Wick 3 and 4 except Helen isn’t dead and takes exception to the love of her life getting killed.

“Damn, I killed an equivalent of a weaker high table… I mean makes sense that Arasaka wouldn’t let them in Japan while they willingly stayed out of America after the day the tower was nuked.” Helen whispers in awe.

The recollecting and ranting are interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who knocks on a door?” Helen mutters walking over to the fancy door of the penthouse.

She opens it a crack checking on who it could rather not have a fight this early on.

“… an EMT?” Helen asks

“Uh, hi miss is everything okay I heard gunshots,” Gloria asks

“Yeah, sorry stress kinda got to me… you know how it is being a first responder.” Helen states.

“You afford this place? As a first responder?” Gloria asks with a scoff.

Helen nods.

“Wait, no way you’re Max Tac?” Gloria asks fearfully with an undertone of shock.

“Yeah… I got given a week off. They offered to let me go crazy in the combat zone as long as I try to keep civilian casualties down… I don’t like to kill people to relieve stress unlike some of my coworkers.” Helen says

“Wow… I mean I’ve heard rumors but that kinda confirms a lot of them.” Gloria states

“Would you like to come in?” Helen asks

“Sure, thank you,” Gloria says taking the invitation.

“Would you like anything to drink? Breakfast?” Helen asks

“I’ll take whatever you give me,” Gloria says

Helen nods and comes back with a pitcher of cold southern half-and-half tea and some plate of eggs and grits for both of them.

“Is that actual… I’m sorry but even Max Tac doesn’t pay that much.” Gloria says in shock looking at the food.

“Max Tac is surprisingly lenient on what you do on your off days as long as you don’t get them called on yourself,” Helen says

“So you do other things on the side?” Gloria asks

“Huh? Yeah, I make guns and other weapons, it’s actually pretty lucrative. I also do a gig every now and then.” Helen says

It was a massive understatement about the amount of grinding she had done in the game. Who normally has 3 million Eddies from selling legendary guns made to grind out crafting to level 20?

“I just realized we never introduced ourselves,” Gloria says

“Helen Wick. Bladerunner, Edgerunner, gun nut extraordinaire.” Helen says with a smile

“Gloria Martinez… I’m sorry did you say, blade runner?” Gloria asks

“Yep, Bladerunner,” Helen confirms only for Gloria to look ready to run for her life.

“H-how are you sane? Are Max Tac bladerunners not just, pet cyberpsychos they point at other psychos?” Gloria asks

“That's mostly incorrect.. Or I like to believe it is, A Bladerunner which is an awesome name. Is Max Tac special forces, usually Max Tac shows up in a squad that work together to take down the cyberpsycho. Although each Squad has a Bladerunner, who theoretically should be able to solo the cyberpsycho with no issue. The rumor you are talking about thought does have some merit. It is true that most Bladerunners are former Cyberpsychos who have been brought back from the psychosis. I am not one of those, I was hired directly to the position” Helen says taking a drink of her tea.

Gloria’s eyes suddenly lock on to something in the distance.

“Is that a bookshelf?”

“Yeah? I like to collect history books.” Helen admits which is surprisingly a hobby from both lives.

“Those must've cost a fortune,” Gloria states

“Wasn’t too bad really. Just need to know the right people in the right places.” Helen states

Meanwhile in the apartment below the sun was up and David was leaving for another boring day at Arasaka Academy.

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