Not Quite Back to the Future

Chapter 60: The Only Thing They Fear Is You.

A sleek black Mustang was tearing down the streets of Night City heading towards the city center.  


Helen was driving like a bat outta hell as her holo rang, I guess communications were starting to recover. 




“How did you manage to contact me the net should've been crashed,” Helen states in slight annoyance. Sirens blaring in the background, it appears Detective Ward had had enough of her as well, talk about a united front. 


“Please, your hack might have been bad but everyone has had backups ever since Bartmoss although it still hurt. What in the hell was that! Why would you bring back the old internet only to destroy everything?” Rogue asks 


“What am I doing? I am about to do something that is going to make Johnny Silver Hand’s  incident look like a kid throwing a tantrum.” Helen states her voice is synthesized and roboticy. 


“What does that mean?” Rogue asks only to hear the crash of glass smashing right as the call cut off.


Helen meanwhile drove her 1969 Mustang straight through the security checkpoint at Araska Tower, not even bothering to sneak in this time. It was after all a lesson that she needed to teach everyone. You should fear the reaper. 




Across the city, Nyx was twitching on the ground. Helen’s attack on the net had hit everyone, although the AI’s took the most damage. All of the young AI were likely dead, due to not even knowing to defend from the avenue of attack Helen had used. Hell, the only reason Nyx survived was because of the new OS he had based his code off of. 


Although the plan had worked. Helen was without a shadow of a doubt going to destroy Arasaka absolutely. 


It was with that thought that the cat sitting at the top of the Miliatech building watched a black Mustang plow straight into the Arasaka building. 



Isabella was in a state of shock, from the brief and infrequent reports that Arasaka was receiving Jenkins looked at her. 


“What is it, boss?” Isabella asks 


“She’s here, and making her way up the stairs. Sir Smasher is stuck in the elevator,” Jenkins states still wishing he knew where V was. 


“I got her, this was all about revenge. I appreciate Arasaka helping me with this endeavor.” Isabella states looking between the man in the suit and the girl lying unconscious in the chair. 


“No, she had slighted us and we are going to get her back consequences be damned. Getting rid of her is not going to have any effect on our profits anyways.” Jenkins states a cruel smile on his face. 


“Huh, spoken like a true Japanese businessman from a black company. I am just going to say you should’ve left well enough alone. I mean after all everything you’ve said is entirely untrue. Your Stock tanked right before I had started a second net crash. Once I am finished with the night city branch. I am going to go to Japan and rip out this weed stem and root.” a voice says from the darkness. 


“You made it up the stairs that quickly?” Isabella asks


“Of course, I did, although I am surprised to see that V isn’t here. Did your star operative have second thoughts? Clever Girl, she’ll still have to answer for the mess she caused. Along with Detective Ward. For you see I know every single person who is involved in this scheme.”


“Where are you!” Isabella shouts


“Really, the former Kang Tao child soldier doesn't know where I am? Did they not teach you as well as Arasaka taught theirs? I mean Arasaka’s deep net kiddy net runners found me fairly quickly.” 


A tv screen cuts on showing Helen’s face. 


“Why?” Jenkins asks


“Well, it's kinda like a fear turkey,” Helen states. 


“What is a fear turkey?” 


“It’s a reference that you are too entirely young to understand.” The video of Helen responds


“So, we seem to be at an impasse,” Isabella states holding a gun to the unconscious Elena’s head. 


“You may have a hostage and some good ICE I have never seen before, however, you’re cohort… Well, tis a shame.” Helen states 


Isabella looks to see Jenkins fall to the ground convulsing. The head of Arasaka counter intel had just been taken out like an every day plebian. 


“So, what do you want Isabella? I did my job, why come after me?” Helen asks stepping out of the shadows into the open, pistol pointed at Isabella.


“I wanted to make you feel pain,” Isabella states pulling the trigger only for the gun to jam. 


“For shame Isa, can I call you Isa. You should've known better than to use a smart weapon in front of me.” Helen states pulling her trigger the Buyra roars and the anti-tank round flies through the air slowly for Helen, having had her Sandy activated fully for the last 30 minutes. 


With a brief thought, she disengaged the sandy and the hiss of the heat sync’s doing their best to radiate the heat. The visible wave of heat rose from her back, as all of her systems did their best to cool themselves. 


“Elena!” Helen shouts stumbling slightly while trying to run over to her girlfriend. 


“Well done,” an old Japanese accent says from the TV screen which Helen had first hacked into. 


“Saburo,” Helen states mustering as much spite as she could. 


“You killed everyone in the building. Except for one person, and he should be arriving with a surprise.” Saburo arasaka states a slight grin on his aged face. 


“Oh Saburo, A lot of people say to not fear the reaper. However the only thing you fear is me.” Helen states sporting a wicked grin of her own. 


“The only thing I fear is you? Ha, you are going to learn little girl.” Saburo says 


Helen cuts the connection with but a thought, hobbling over to Elena picking the girl up in her arms. 


Arasaka wanted a war. They were going to get one, Helen thought as she made her way over to the AV pad. 


So this is it for this story, for now, you are going to get two epilogues and eventually a second arc/maybe a book. I just have too many other projects to work on so I am ending this one here knowing that I will come back to it in the future. Also, I might bring a "not Nijissanji"  in as a black company if we ever get to the Japan part because it would be both funny veiled criticism of a company or person meaning if they tried to sue me I could use fair use and freedom of speech as a defense.

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