Not Quite Back to the Future

My World is on Fire How about Yours?


Jackie and V had managed to cross the border to mexico, to think they would be going back to this god forsaken place although, V would rather try her luck with the cartel than the angry cyborg who was no doubt tearing through Night City right now. 


“Are you proud of yourself chika?” Jackie asks turing to look at V. All of her advanced implants were gone, in their place was bargain bin rest of the crap average people get. 

“I feel different.” V states looking out the window of her car. 


“Diffrent how?” Jackie asks


“Like fully in control of myself, its almost like the past 5 years were a blur muted emotions and decisions that I cant believe I made… Can I call and apologize to Vik?” V asks


“It’s best you don’t call, or do anything at the moment, if you did what you think you did. The very last place you want to be is anywhere that could end up on Helen’s radar. Calling Vik is a high risk.” Jackie states shifting into the next gear, a while more to cruise before they make it to panama. 


V nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The thought of Helen Wick's wrath sent a shiver down her spine, and she knew Jackie was right. It was better to lay low for now, to avoid drawing any more attention to themselves.


"Yeah, you're probably right," V replied, her voice tinged with regret. "I just hope Vik understands."


"He will," Jackie assured her, his tone soothing. "Vik's a tough guy. He'll understand that you were not yourself. If anyone can understand slight cyberpsycosis paired with hormone mods it would be a ripper doc."


V sighed, feeling a mixture of guilt and relief wash over her. She had made some questionable choices in the past, but now, with a newfound sense of clarity, she was determined to make things right.


“An Misty?” V asks


“She was hurt, but she’ll forgive you eventually.” Jackie states


“I am going to try and get some more sleep now, everything still kind of hurts. Phantom pains and all, I can not wait until Vik can check all of this cheap crap in me.” V mutters rolling onto her shoulder. 


That sleep didn’t last though as both flinched feeling something was off although Jackie being almost entirely ganic did not know what was going on. However for V she was experiencing the entirety of the internet. 


“I got a message which says Welcome to the internet

Have a look around

Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found

We've got mountains of content

Some better, some worse

If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.” V mutters


Then suddenly that feeling of being connected to everything was gone. Like her cyberdeck had suddenly stopped working yet she was still able to run local files.


“Jackie, the net just crashed.” V states still in awe of her brief connection to the original internet. 


“Fuck, Helen crashed the net?” Jackie asks his voice slightly wavering. 


V pauses for but a brief moment terror openly visible on her face. 

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